The definitive guide to winning as the Swedish Civilization in Age of Empires III DE.
Early Game
Beforehand make sure you have blueberries and the anglesberg torps in your deck, these cards work hard to make sweden EVEN MORE broken. Also have a bunch of merc cards and svea lifeguard cause literally almost all of sweden’s cards are broken.
Put down a f##k ton of torps at every gold mine. 4-5 works.
Make villagers.
If any torp gets destroyed just build another one lmao it’s like cheap asf.
Mid Game
Spam the living f##k out of caroleans. That’s all you need to do basically. Your torps are free eco and if you lose a couple of vills whatever u still got like 50 torps at every corner.
You can also use some of the bat-sh#t crazy upgrades sweden gets in their arsenal to boost your caroleans and effectively make them more powerful than f##king super-man.
If someone tries to counter with skirmishers just rush them hand-to-hand with the caroleans, trust me it works.
Cav is no problem because caroleans counter cav both at distance and hand-to-hand, so there’s really no winning!
Just charge artillery lol. If that doesn’t work then make some culvs and try again, it works trust me.
Late Game
put down your factories and get heavy cannons rolling. get svea lifeguard, and at this point it really doesn’t matter what you do with your caroleans, if you roll them straight into cannons to die they’ll still be trading more effectively than any of the enemy’s units.
use this to win a long, slow, and gruelling war of attrition that makes the game more horrible for all involved!
if you want to mix your late game up, spam jaeger after going age V with merc contractor. You can mix it up with some other mercs but that’s the gist of it.
the end
Great job pal! You’ve successfully made the game more horrible and boring for legitimately all involved!
Give yourself a pat on the back with your left hand, while you continue j##king off with your right hand, climaxing as you think of sweden and daddy carolean.