Resident Evil 4 Guide

Unlockables, Tips, Puzzle solutions and more *Updated* for Resident Evil 4

Unlockables, Tips, Puzzle solutions and more *Updated*


Overview of unlockables and how to get them.Solutions for the puzzles.List of free weapons in main game.Tips for achievements, boss fights and more

Game modes

All extra game modes are unlocked by completing the game once. They are:

  • The Mercenaries
  • Assignment: Ada
  • Separate Ways



Beat the main game once

Infinite Rocket Launcher:

Beat the main game once


5 star rank with all characters on all stages in the Mercenaries minigame.
German Version: Beat the main game on Professional difficulty

Chicago Typewriter

Beating Separate Ways will then unlock it for the maingame. Clearing the Assignmen unlocks it for Separate Ways.
German Version: Unlocked after beating Seperate Ways for the Main Game and Seperate Ways.

P.R.L. 412

Beat Professional mode.

Costumes (The S Stands for Stylish!! Achievement)

Special 1

Complete the game to unlock the costumes.

Special 2

Complete Separate Ways to unlock the costumes.

Others unlockables

  • Title screen – Beat the game once
  • New round – Players can restart the game after a completion with all their current equipment.
  • Professional mode – Unlocked by beating the game once on normal mode.
  • Movie browser – All the maingame scenes are added once the game is complete and then, all the Separate Ways scenes are added once that game mode is completed.
  • Ada’s Report – There are five and each one is unlocked by completing a chapter of Separate Ways.

Free Punisher (10 Blue Medallions)

You can obtain an free Punisher handgun by shooting 10 Blue Medallions.

Medallion locations:

Farm area


Other free weapons found in game


Chaper: 1-1
Found in the house that triggers the villager attack cut-scene in the village. It is in the upstairs bedroom, hoisted on the wall. On the Easy difficulty, it is automatically available from the start of the game.

Rocket Launcher

Chaper: 3-3
Found towards the end of 3-3, in the large room with the bridge crossing it. Cross the bridge, but instead of going through the door at the opposite end, turn left and head down the passageway in this direction.

Broken Butterfly

Chaper: 4-1
Leon will pass by a locked door with a high window that he mentions he may be able to get into with the help of another person. Backtrack to this area in 4-1 when Ashley has rejoined you. Leon will give her a boost up to the window, and she will climb into the room and unlock the door. Inside the chest in this room is a free Broken Butterfly. There are also several other goodies in this room.


Chapter 1-3: Green Orb Door
Solution: Move the green orb up once then left once.

Chapter 1-3: Church Dial
Solution: 3-3-3-4-4-4-3

Chapter 2-2: Church Color Light
Solution: Rotate the red light 2 times, the green light 3 times and the blue light 1 time.

Chapter 3-2: Portrait Puzzle
Solution: Numbers in the following order: 1, 3, 2, 4

Chapter 3-4: Ashley’s Knight Tiles

| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |

6,3,2,5,4,7,9,6,5,2,1,7,8,5,6,9 then add the last piece.

Chapter 5-1: Color Panel
Solution: green,green,blue,red,red,red

Bottlecaps (What Are They Worth? Achievement)

The player can collect 24 different viewable bottlecaps by playing the Shooting Range minigame.
There are 4 rows, to which there are 4 stages at the Shooting Range minigame.

  • Game A – Temple (Chapter 3-1)
  • Game B – Castle (Chapter 4-1)
  • Game C – Area before the mine (Chapter 4-2)
  • Game D – Armory (Chapter 5-1)

How to unlock
Ada Wong
Score 4000 or more on Game Type A. Alternately, hit all of the targets on Game Type A
Ashley Graham
Score 3000 or more on Game Type A
Bella Sisters
Score 4000 or more on Game Type B. Alternately, hit all of the targets on Game Type B
Don Diego
Score 3000 or more on Game Type B
Don Esteban
Score 3000 or more on Game Type B
Don Jose
Score 3000 or more on Game Type B
Don Manuel
Score 3000 or more on Game Type B
Don Pedro
Score 4000 or more on Game Type C. Alternately, hit all of the targets on Game Type C
Dr. Salvador
Score 3000 or more on Game Type B
3000 or more points in Game D
4000 or more points in Game D. Hit all targest in Game D except Ashley.
Leader Zealot
Score 3000 or more on Game Type C
Leon with Handgun
Score 3000 or more on Game Type A
Leon with Rocket Launcher
Score 3000 or more on Game Type A
Leon with Shotgun
Score 3000 or more on Game Type A
Luis Sera
Score 3000 or more on Game Type A
3000 or more points in Game D
Score 3000 or more on Game Type C
Soldier with dynamite
3000 or more points in Game D
Soldier with hammer
3000 or more points in Game D
Soldier with stun-rod
3000 or more points in Game D
Zealot with Bowgun
Score 3000 or more on Game Type C
Zealot with Scythe
Score 3000 or more on Game Type C
Zealot with Shield
Score 3000 or more on Game Type C

Exclusive Upgrades

Once you have fully upgrades every stat for a specific weapon, you can purchase an expensive “Exclusive” upgrade for that weapon. Killer7 has no “Exclusive” Upgrade.

Extra cutscenes

These are cutscenes players are not assured to trigger while playing.

Chapter 1-1
Footpath to the village
Attempting to walk down the bridge near the starting point
Chapter 1-1
Village centre
Walking into the two floor house while the villagers are attacking
Leon has moved a dresser in front of the door, a Chainsaw Ganado will spawn
Chapter 1-3
House of the village chief
Walk back into the room with the Insignia Key
The window is now broken
Chapter 1-3
Walk down the right path past the church instead of checking the door first
Chapter 2-1
Go back to the where the player first entered the area
Two Colmillos will spawn
Chapter 2-1
Leon must help the dog out of the bear trap in the first chapter
The dog will assist Leon during the fight
Chapter 2-2
Shoot at Luis
Game over screen
Chapter 3-2
Fire a rocket at the group of Cultists before they are alerted
All of the Cultists will die
Chapter 3-2
Castle parlour
Fail to stop the red robed cultists from running away
The cultist will now be on the turret
Chapter 4-1
Dance hall
Shoot the big nest attached to the ceiling
A few different eye gems will be on the ground
Chapter 5-1
Communications tower
Check the controls
Chapter 5-3
Check Saddler’s throne

Do Not Shoot the Water! – Achievement

When you first enter the area where you fight Del Lago, the monster in the water, head down to the dock. If you shoot the water about eight to fifteen times, you will get see what he thinks of you.

A Terrifying Assassin – Achievement

In the castle chapter 3-3 you can find a free rocket launcher in a glass case. Just hoard it until you get in the battle with the assassin, tip a nitrogen can near him then blast him with the rocket launcher.

Thanks wildoy123 and party pooper

Looking at Ashley the wrong way

When Ashley is following you find something somewhat high off of the ground and climb on top. Then tell Ashley to stay put. Go below where you left Ashley standing. When you are underneath and you try to look at Ashley, she will ask Leon what is he looking at and call him a pervert.



0 – 9999
1 Star
10000 – 19999
2 Stars
20000 – 29999
3 Stars
30000 – 59999
4 Stars
5 Stars


The player must unlock a character in each stage with at least a 4-star ranking which is a score of 30,000 or above. Each character has certain weapons, ammo, and grenades.

Getting a 4-star rank on Stage 1

Getting a 4-star rank on Stage 2

Getting a 4-star rank on Stage 3

Getting a 4-star rank on Stage 4


Free Eggs:

At any location with chickens, you can sometimes find eggs. If you save nearby, then reset the game and reload your file, then run around in circles in an area with chickens, in about 1-5 minutes, more eggs will be laid! Best area to do this is the farm.

Get extra money and items:

At various points throughout the game, you will come across different animals such as crows and fish. These animals can be shot and will reveal different items or amounts of money to obtain.

Extra ammo:

When in the cabin with Luis (and Ashley), fighting the Ganados coming through the windows, stand by Luis. If you stand near him for long enough, he will start throwing handgun ammo to you.

Beat Salazar fast and easy:

During your adventures in the castle, you might find a rocket launcher. If you keep it till you get to the fight with salazars, you kill him easy with it.

How to avoid the first battle with Krauser:

When you enter the fortress and trigger the conversation with Krauser, immediately run forward to the shack with the locked door. Examine the door and the light will switch to red.
Krauser will come to hunt you down, but you can avoid the battle completely. Simply climb the ladder up and down! Krauser cannot hurt you when you climb the ladder.
Repeat the ladder climbing process until the door unlocks.


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