Escape Room – Der kranke Kollege Guide

100% Achievement Guide for Escape Room - The Sick Colleague

100% Achievement Guide


Follow step by step to get 100% of the achievements in less than 10 minutes.

Complete the tutorial

Self explanatory. Use right click to remove the door mat and grab the key. Place the key next to the number pad and type 1234.

Opening the first 2 locks

As you enter the room and look to the left you’ll see a shelf with 2 locks, a red one and a gold one. Here are the codes for both of them.
Gold: 3702
Red: 7843

Open them both.


Grab the magnet located in the cabinet with the red lock on it, use it to grab the key inside the glass jar on the same cabinet.
Ocne you have the key, use it to open the box located by the chess board, it should be on a shelf right behind you.
Once you open the box you’ll have to place the correct pieces in their respective positions:
Queen 2A, Bishop 7F, Pawn 4B.

Golden lock on the wall

Right after you complete the chess section, turn right and you’ll see a small cabinet on the wall with a golden lock on it. Open it with this code: 357.


Right next to the cabinet with the red and golden lock you opened earlier, there’s a safe.
Open it with this code: 3125.


Return to the chess board, on the left side of the drawers there should be a red toolbox, enter the following code and retrieve the wrench. 24658

Entering the secret room

Grab the wrecnh and use it to unscrew the fake vent above the fake fireplace. Press the hidden button and push the fireplace. Enter the room.

Opening the briefcase and cabinet

As you enter the room you’ll see a briefcase sitting on top of the table. Use the following combination to unlock it. L5, R35, L0
When you are done, turn around and you’ll see a cabinet with a lock on it. Use the following combination to unlock it EMMA.

Making the LEDs work and opening the ammo box

When you are done with the cabinet, look around and find another cabinet this time white on the wall right next to a big map. Open it and use the combination of switches I show you to make the LEDs work.
ON – OFF – OFF – OFF – ON – ON
Now, look down for the final lock on the ammo box and use the following combination to open it and retrieve the card inside it.

The end

Return to the main door and use the key to finish the game.