
Kitty's 200+/sec hub for

Kitty’s 200+/sec hub


My first idea for delivering as many shapes as possible


**Update: Yes, let’s add to this and make it even more complicated … but I now can confirm 300+/sec deliveries with the updated version, so … yay?**

Since the later levels shifted from “make X number of this random looking shape” to “deliver X/sec of this random looking shape”, I built something that uses the new wiring tools to create a multi-stage collection and delivery system to the central hub. It’s not a perfect design at all, but it is at least functional. … but I still have my Big Red Panic OMG STOP Button there, just in case …

Stage 1

Stage 1 collects the shapes required into a single storage container. The two filters are closed with a 0 input until the storage container is filled. This sends a signal to begin Stage 2, and also releases a physical timer (not pictured) for Stage 3.

Stage 2

Stage 2 opens the first two item filters and closes all 16 filters feeding into hub. The first storage container evenly distributes across 8 storage units that will directly feed into all 16 hub ports at the same time. Stage 3 begins when the off-screen physical timer expires. Since this is a physical timer, I can manually extend or shorten it easily, if i needed to. Right now, I only need about 30-45 seconds to fill the eight storage containers to right around 400 shapes each.

Stage 3

When the physical timer expires, all 16 filters to the hub are opened, spilling all their contents into the hub, which (so far) is enough to start the next level. The new shape signaled from the central hub is sent to the massively overblown MAAM (Make Almost Anything Machine), and also triggers the final stage.

Stage 4

Stage 4 is the cleanup phase, where I am dumping all the excess from the very first storage unit. Instead of just letting the excess dump into the hub, I am trashing them instead. This way, I can use this window of time to keep bringing in the other shapes for upgrades I probably don’t need at this point lol.

Version 2 !

Since I added a second MAAM that also delivers a near-solid stream of the requested shapes, I thought it would be a good idea to use both paths to fill the first main storage tank.

Then I thought, is there a faster way to fill the tanks surrounding the Hub? I know, I’ll only fill half the Hub tanks with the storage tank I just filled to the max, then I’ll divert the original input to the other half of the Hub tanks.

With the ability to divert the input flow between top and bottom, now add a storage tank at the bottom… Now, I can alternate which tank gets filled first, instead of always having the top fill first. I did this just in case in the future … if I can produce shapes even faster, I don’t want the new shapes coming in while the top tank is still dumping the previous shapes.

And what do I do with all this downtime while I am waiting for things to fill? I still have the other factories that are building the (currently) four other designs for upgrades … why don’t I dump those in the Hub while we’re just sitting here waiting …

I almost forgot to move the physical timer into view, so it looks more like an afterthought … and it’s not centered, I KNOW ><# It’s the small circular track with the one grey circle that releases at a particular point. There is a sensor right before its home storage, and it’s adjustable by adding or removing belts.

And so, all these ideas (and a LOT of frustration with wires) makes version 2, demonstrated here.

0:00 – Stage 1a – Fill the top storage tank from the inputs on the left.

0:11 – Stage 2a – Top tank is full. Open the top storage tank outlets to fill half of the Hub tanks. Divert input from the left into bottom storage tank, which fills the other half of the Hub tanks. Activate physical timer and block all Hub tank outlets.

1:48 – Stage 3a – Physical timer is done. Block the feeds of the extra shapes from the right, and open all Hub tank outlets.

2:03 – Stage 4a – Stage is complete. When the required shape changes, trash the contents of the top and bottom storage tanks, and any old input from the left.

2:17 – Stage 1b – Hub tanks are empty. Reopen the feeds of the extra shapes from the right, while we wait. Block the bottom storage tank outlets, so it fills from the left inputs.

5:56 – Stage 2b – Bottom tank is full. Open the bottom storage tank outlets to fill half of the Hub tanks. Divert input flow from the left into top storage tank, which fills the other half of the Hub tanks. Activate physical timer and block all Hub tank outlets.

7:42 – Stage 3b – Physical timer is done. Block the feeds of the extra shapes from the right, and open all Hub tank outlets.

7:56 – Stage 4b – Stage is complete. When the required shape changes, trash the contents of the top and bottom storage tanks, and any old input from the left.

8:12 – Stage 1a – Hub tanks are empty. Reopen the feeds of the extra shapes from the right, while we wait. Block the top storage tank so it fills from the left inputs.

The wiring is an absolute MESS, and I hate it. I’ve spent hours trying to put together flip-flops that didn’t just rapidly oscillate, so this is more a design of absolute irritation than it is clever. And why is there only two color wires to choose from? Actually, that may be a blessing; I’d end up with dozens of rainbow wires and not know what any of them are supposed to do.

If messy wires or clutter bother you at all, PLEASE DON’T LOOK AT THIS

What is this? Why is that placed there? You know what, I don’t even want to know anymore.