Temtem Guide

Maps (With Locations Labeled) for Temtem

Maps (With Locations Labeled)


This guide contains all the essential TemTem Map Images with labelled Town’s and Cities. This guide is helpful to those who want to navigate the map easier to progress and complete quests.

Update Log

**This is a work in progress guide. I will be publishing content as it’s found and created. Thank you for your patience.**

All 3 islands are available in this guide. As more content is added to the game, I will continue to create it.

If I have missed anything on a map, please leave a comment on this guide and I will fix it asap. I would appreciate it if you could take the time to leave a rating on this guide if you enjoy it or find it useful!

[1st Island] Deniz

(Starting Island: Deniz)

[2nd Island] Omninesia

Superior Omninesia

Citerior Omninesia

Ulterior Omninesia

[3rd Island] Tucma



[4th Island] Kisiwa
