Zombie Panic! Source Guide

How to map for ZPS using Gmod Hammer Editor for Zombie Panic! Source

How to map for ZPS using Gmod Hammer Editor


This Guide Is Designed for Mappers in Mind Wanting to Use a More Updated Version of Hammer in Three Easy Steps.

Step One “Adding the ZPS fgd. file onto the Gmod Hammer Tditor”

The fgd. file in short contains the tools that you would use when mapping for zps such as


and the various triggers required to make a propper map.

Now open up the Garrys Mod Hammer editor which is located in

“C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonGarrysModbin”

and select on the “tools” tab and select “options”. This is were you will be making the first set of changes. Under Game Data Files selece the “Add” tab and look for the ZPS fdg. file.

The location of the file is at

“C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSource SDK Base 2007zps” or in other”

Once you have found it, press open and it should be loaded onto hammer. In order to use the new tools you have to close hammer and reopen it again.

Step Two “Configuring Tool Materials”

Once the tools have been loaded onto hammer you will then need to add the materials for the editor. If you dont follow this you will be stuck for zps tools that look pink and black.

Inorder to fix this you will need to copy the folder labled “Edtior” in location

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSource SDK Base 2007zpsmaterials

and paste it into location in the materials folder.

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonGarrysModgarrysmodmaterials

Now at this step some of the textures for the tools should be working however some of the textures will still look pink and black becuase of the way materials in the vmf. was created in 2007. We need to update the texture root file to suit the updated version of hammer.

For this step you will need a text editor either “notepad++”, “VTF Editor”, “Notepad” and etc. The preffered method would be with notepad++ becuase you can make the change within a matter of seconds.

Now the “Editor” folder you will see loose textures with no folders, these are the texutres that still need fixing. Upon inspection of the “VMF” file you will find a small problem.

Example 1

“$spriteorientation” “vp_parallel”
“$spriteorigin” “[ 0.50 0.50 ]”

“$basetexture” “editor/env_global”

“$no_fullbright” 1

In coding something as small as one wrong character will make the difference, this is one of those times. The line

“$basetexture” “editorenv_global”

should be written as

“$basetexture” “editorenv_global”

You would need to manually change the “” with “/”. WIth notepad++ this would be easy howerer with other text editors this make take a while as you need to open each file individually and change it.
Upon completion the tool textures should be working as they are in Hammer Editor 2007

Step Three “Configuring Models, Materials, and Sound”

This is the last step in order to make ZPS maps using the updated Garrys Mod Hammer Editor.

Simply Drag the materials, models, and sound folder in location

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSource SDK Base 2007zps

and Drop it into this location

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonGarrysModgarrysmod

Now your Garrys Mod Hammer Editor should be ready to make maps for ZPS. Understand that when you complie maps it will save it at this location

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonGarrysModgarrysmodmaps

This is because it is still set to save maps in the gmod maps folder. Once you are done compiling your zps map simply find the bsp. file and drop it in the ZPS map folder in location in inorder to use them in ZPS.

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSource SDK Base 2007zpsmaps

Remember that Garrys Mod may have different textures than ZPS so when you complie your map remember to pack the map with “VIDE”, “Pakrat”, or etc inorder for player that do not own the texutres to be able to see them.

Enjoy =)

Screenshots of ZPS map made in Garrys mod Hammer Editor

Work Cited


Zombie Panic Source


Zomibe anic Source


Zombie Panic Source


MrGhost The Flying Flail
