Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator Guide

Setting up Aerofly FS 2 for triple monitor support for Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator

Setting up Aerofly FS 2 for triple monitor support


Properly setting up your computer and Aerofly FS 2 if you intend to use 3 monitors is important for Aerofly to look right and perform well.If you follow our steps below, you can optimize Aerofly FS 2 for your specific monitor setup.

Aerofly FS 2 triple monitor setup

Properly setting up your computer and Aerofly FS 2 if you intend to use 3 monitors is important for Aerofly to look right and perform well.

If you have 3 monitors connected, and you are using a NVIDIA graphic card, the first thing you should do is enable the NVIDIA Surround mode in the NVIDIA control panel. This way Aerofly FS 2 will recognize all 3 monitors as a single monitor and allow to properly switch to fullscreen mode. So if you have 3 monitors with a resolution of 1920×1080, you will see a new fullscreen mode in Aerofly FS 2 with a resolution of 5760×1080, after activating NVIDIA Surround.

If you want more fine grained control of what each monitor displays, you need to manually edit the Aerofly FS 2 configuration file called ‘main.mcf’. main.mcf is located in the folder ‘Documents/Aerofly FS 2/’. You can open it with a simple text editor like notepad.

Look for the lines

<[list_tmsettings_separate_3d_view][separate_3d_view_list][] >

Aerofly FS 2 allows you to render a complete view of the simulator to separate parts of the window. So in case of a 3 monitor setup, we want each monitor to receive its own view. If all monitors have the same resolution, insert the following lines between the above two lines:

<[tmsettings_separate_3d_view][element][0] <[float64][x][0]> <[float64][y][0]> <[float64][w][0.333333]> <[float64][h][1]> <[float64][field_of_view_factor][1]> <[float64][z_axis_offset_in_degree][-90]> <[float64][is_main][0]> > <[tmsettings_separate_3d_view][element][1] <[float64][x][0.333333]> <[float64][y][0]> <[float64][w][0.333333]> <[float64][h][1]> <[float64][field_of_view_factor][1]> <[float64][z_axis_offset_in_degree][0]> > <[tmsettings_separate_3d_view][element][2] <[float64][x][0.666666]> <[float64][y][0]> <[float64][w][0.333333]> <[float64][h][1]> <[float64][field_of_view_factor][1]> <[float64][z_axis_offset_in_degree][90]> >

Each field show be self explanatory. However here is a small overview:

  • The x and y fields specify the position of your sub window.
  • The w and h fields tell Aerofly the width and height of the sub window. In our case 0.33333 is 1/3 of the whole window.
  • Using the field_of_view_factor, you can assign slightly different field of views for each sub window. Some users like to have a slightly wider view on the left and right monitors.
  • Finally the z_axis_offset_in_degree tells Aerofly by how much each view is rotated compared to the default view. For this example the left and right monitors are looking 90 degrees to the left and right.