Budget Cuts Guide

How to get Pacifist for Budget Cuts

How to get Pacifist


Guide to help you get pacifist achievement on Budget Cuts

Setup and tips before playing

Right now you need to do this because else the achievement won’t unlock. (Alright it says it work now but I would recommend still doing this setup just in case you know)
However in the future when the update will come (around Half-Life 3 release date from what i heard) the achievement will not have the NOT YET RELEASED and will be unlockable without this.
Steam libraryBudgets CutsPropreties

Go on the Beta section and select [openbeta]

Then well launch the game

At first i shared a walktrough of the game but it just didn’t feel right to share it
So i removed that section however if you are really stuck you can find a lot of speedrun witouth any kill on the internet

-Remember don’t kill roomba and drone they are robots too and also supervisor CAN’T shot each other
-If you are in a bad situation steal their guns
-Don’t get caught (they are actually a lot more stupid than you tought you can litteraly just go in their back and get pass them)
-Teleport fast
-You can actually teleport really far away


Level 1

Alright so here nothing is really hard but here you go

First you start by getting the teleport thingy

Then go on the other building

Then when you get there go behind the supervisor with the vent

When you get there go get the Lvl1 keycard but don’t forget to crouch to not get caught

After teleport on the right take the elevator

Open the door a little and teleport to the right

And get to the next level

Level 2

Nothing hard during the start so no picture

When you get there teleport really fast to get to the vent at the end of the corridor

Go there

After just go behind the supervisor with the help of the vent

We don’t see him but get behind the supervisor by the window

Get there to get the Lvl2 keycard

Now by the vent go to the top-down floor level you should not get caught

Go there don’t make too much noise and get the keycard

Level 3

Really fast level don’t kill the drone

Go get the keycard inside the desk

And finish the level

Level 4

This is where the challenge strat to get difficult go there behind the supervisor (and teleport fast !)


When you are here be careful the supervisor is really annoying but get the Lvl5 keycard

After return to the red part but with the Lvl5 keycard to get the Lvl7 keycard

Then emergency to get to the vault blabla you played the game

Get virus and to get out TELEPORT REALLY FAST

After call winda to get the password to get the elevator code and avance to the next level

Level 5

Now go get the screwdriver

Then hydrate yourself (b*tch)

Then open all the vent you need it can be useful to escape

Then boom go on the vent and go on the stockage room at the end of the room(teleport fast !)

After teleport fast again and when you are to the red pillar you don’t need to stole the Lvl8 keycard you just need to got up the vent

After get back to the control room turn on the electricity and unscrew the srews (yeah i’m good in english) to get the code and finish the level like you would normally do


Well i won’t do the Level 6 cause there isn’t anything pacifist to do there but i hope you enjoyed the guide 😀
You can like or fav or give me steam points or other ♥♥♥♥… hope i helped you !
