Hey!!! Turns out there is no guide in this community, guess I’ll be the first one 😉 I will share everything I know about the game and I hope this helps!!
About this guide version
I’m currently not on the highest level but I will update as I go on. I felt half a guide would at least be better than none! Please tell me if I wrote anything wrong, thanks!
(Since this has a huge Chinese community I will probally update with a CHN translation soon :3)
2016/9/11 – Hippo and Owl Stats. Thanks to Hongye for the information!
About “Catch Me”
“Catch Me” is a game where you take the role of a magican and rob money from other players.
Everyone makes a maze to save their stolen money in, and your maze can be challenged by other players to rob.
You use roses to upgrade your “Stats” for your character.
It also works as a rank in matchmaking. [?]
If you get in the top 10, you will be listed on the “Famous Magicians” section.
You lose ROSES when you fail to rob a TARGET.
You gain ROSES when you succeed in robbing a TARGET. (Unless the TARGET’s map level is way lower than your RANK)
You can earn money by opening SAFES.
Or picking money off the ground.
If you fail, you will lose all safe money but keep most of the picked up money. (At least for lower levels) [?]
Upgrading your maze. —–> Allows you to hold more Guards.
Hire new guards. ——-> Once unlocked you do not need to pay again.
Upgrading your safes. ——> Allows you to store more money.
Adding more safes. ——> More things for the opponent to rob before he can escape.
Unlocking new areas. ——> Gives you more TARGETS to access.
Buying props – Until a certain limit.
Use the special attack for “Perpna”.
Your health.
Running out of all your health = game over
Your magic.
How much magic you can use per round.
Props are used to bypass/distract guards. Or tools to help you out in the robbery.
Props have limits to the total amount you can keep.
And you are only allowed to carry 3 types of props per round.
You may choose and purchase your props before the round starts.
Props use up different amounts of your MP depending on the type of tricks used.
You can unlock prop slots and new props with roses.
Guards are obstacles placed by other players to protect their property!
Guards will do damage to your HP.
Guards patrol in 4 directions with 2 choosen patterns. (Clockwise or Counter Clockwise)
This is where you and other players store their money.
You have a limit to how much money you can hold, and if you upgrade your safe, that limit goes higher.
When you rob a TARGET (another player’s map). You must steal from all the safes in order for the round to end, and for you to successfully escape.
Opening a safe takes around 4 seconds by defult. And sometimes there is left over money inside which could add to another additional 1.5 seconds.
Targets are found in the “Target” section in the main menu that looks like a huge map.
These are other players the system has searched out for you.
Usually based on the rank of your own level, you will get the same leveled targets…
But I must doubt that becasue I have a level 6 map and get targets that are level 10.
This could be due to this game still being at an early stage without enoguh players, or it could be actually based on rose count. (Correct me if I’m wrong)
You can only rob a “Target” once. If you want to restart half-way through the robbery, you will have to pay an amount of money. But once the round is over, you can not restart. That target goes into a “cooldown” and will be replaced by a new one after the cooldown is over.
A maze is basically a Target. It is your maze but someone else’s target. You own it, and you edit the maze for others to play.
So of course, you want to make it hard. It is the protection to your money and what makes this game fun.
One of the best features of this game is the replay.
You can see how people snuck into your OWN maze and robbed your money.
Not only does this help you find out the loop holes in your maze, but it also teaches you tricks in how to rob others.
This game’s mechanism is so amazing! Not only do you create obsticals for eachother, but you also learn from and teach one another.
So remeber, watch how people failed at your map, but more importantly, the ways in how they succeeded and attempted to rob you.
The only downside is… sometime the recording isn’t correct.
It clearly says the guy robbed from me but the replay was a failer. Hopefully this will get fixed in the future and we can see the “true” footage of every robbery.
Main Menu
After you go through the tutorial, you should show up on this screen. This will be your main menu from now on.
You will have access to the following:
Props & Roses : Buy props and upgrade your character here. Tutorial is also in here.
Friends : Visit (Rob) your friends 😉
Settings : Screen display / sounds / controls
Coworkers : List of unlockable characters (magicians).
Maze : Where you upgrade and edit your own maze.
Famous Magicians : A list of the top 10 players based on highest ROSE count.
On the top left you have your “ROSE” count.
On the top right you have your “Money” count.
This is how much money you own.
On the Far top right is the settings. Very self-explainable…
Your Maze
To edit your maze, go to the main menu. Click on the door to the right.
Once you are in, you will b able to edit and view your maze for how it will appear to others.
On the bottom left is the Data section.
This shows how many toliets your maze has.
Each guard takes a different amount of toilets.
Each guard will also a different amount of money for you per hour.
This money can be collected automatically by clicking the button.
Or else it will stay on the ground and you can pick it up by clicking on it.
I call it Ground Money.
(thats what I call it…)
As mentioned above, this money will show up on the ground of your map. (players do not need to clear this out in order to escape, it is also usually easy money for them)
Each coin ranges around 100 based on your level, it could be higher or lower.
This money will not be counted as yours until the game is over. So if you use Perona, she cannot use this cash for her attack until after the game.
Upgrading your maze costs money. But the higher level your maze is, the more toilets it can hold = more guards, and more safes.
Maze level will also determine your safe level limits. (aka how much money you can store)
This helps you change your overall maze layout.
Before you reset, you can choose the sharpness and “Change Direction” (aka CD) of your maze.
My CD is set to “0”. So my whole maze only has one path with only one split point.
This usually helps if you want to make dead ends and no rooms.
If you set it to 100 you get a lot of paths and 180 turns [?]
I don’t know what sharpness does? (I’m not going to try it out now, I love the way my maze is 😉 )
*WARNING* This will reset all your guards and take them off the map.
I will go over the types later.
You choose them from the guard menu and they will appear on the map.
Use your left mouse to drag them to where you want. (Must be within the map unless its a flying “guard” like parrots or owls)
Press the Arrow button to change the patroll pattern. Clockwise or Counter-clockwise.
– its a good idea to mash the directions up if you place 2 of them in the same hallway.
Press the garbage-can to remove.
Press the check to place.
Toggle this button to see what you are editing. And to see how the enemy will view your map.
Some guards are invisible if they are not in light. So this way you can see how well hidden they are.
Here is where you edit a small message people will see before they invade.
Props & Rose
The red bar is your heath.
For example, tanking a robo dog takes 30 damage.
While running away from being spotted, you will get additional damage drain until you are hidden again. (the amount is based on each character)
When you lose all your health the game is over.
Some characters can restore health with their props. (ex. Rosario’s dove attack)
Each character has a different body weigth and fleeing speed. From here you can see how fast your movement will be and fleeing speed (how fast you run when you get caught).
Also how much HP you will lose while fleeing.
The purple bar is how much magic you can use per round. (MP) (is that short for magic power? i donno)
Each prop takes up a different amount of MP to use.
For example if you use the disguise, it takes 40 MP. So if you have a total of 100 MP, you can only use that prop twice.
If you use the pigeon trick. (which costs 10MP) Then you can use that prop 10 times.
Assign your roses to different stats, making your character more powereful.
Sneak time = How long you can walk and hold the shift key.
HP = Total Health per round
Speed = How fast you walk X the default ( this does not include your prop and body wieght)
Footsteps = Your footstep radius [?]
MP = Total Magic per round
It seems the more roses there are, the slower the upgrade takes to get to the next level :/
Higher rose level = harder to upgrade Q0Q
This is your inventory, where you can pick the props you would like to use.
You can purchase the props up to a certain limit.
The props of your final decision go here.
To bring them in or out, you drag and drop them from your inventory.
Each slot has a quick-key bind:
Slot one = Keyboard 1 to activate
Slot two = Keyboard 2 to activate
Slot three = Keyboard 3 to activate
(Keyboard 4 = Perona’s Special attack)
Be consistent with your props placements!
Sometimes I put pigeon and pocket pistol in “1” a lot, so when I get confused and want to take out my pigeon, I shoot off the gun instead, and attrack all the guards. So please plan a way you are comfortable with! Try not to put the active and passive ones all in the same slot. Keep it ordered!
If you hover over each prop, there is additional info about how it works.
And how much weight it is.
When not hovered, the bottom left shows the amount you have.
The bottom right shows how much MP it consumes per use.
Prop amounts won’t affect your overall weight/speed.
Only prop types do.
The fewer props types you take with you, the faster you will move.
This is where the game starts! 😀
On the map you will see other player’s map levels and descriptions.
Each area you unlock will give you 3 more players.
After you rob a player, it will go into a “cool down” before the next target appears.
There are also bars here, where roses will show up and you can collect them :3
On the top right corner there is a small notepad.
This shows :
TARGETS – new targets (which is the same as the map)
SNEAK IN – the players you attempted to rob
DEFEND – players who attempted to rob you
You can see messages other players left on your map. Or replay how they snuck in.
You can also see the total amount that has been stolen.
If they dropped roses or money you get it by clicking on the “ACCEPT”
Same as above except now it occurs to the robberies you made.
Probally the biggest reason why you clicked for a guide.
To be honest, I can’t find any guides or videos on this game, so everything is from my own experience. Feel free to add things in the comments 🙂
Just your average joe guarding your stuff XD will not be attracked by gun shots
See through your Desuise = NO
Can be Shot = NO
Can be Hypnotized = YES
Can be Hypnotized after Alerted = YES
Make a sound when Alerted = NO
Will be distracted by Pigeons = NO
Will be distracted by Dog Barks = YES
Will be distracted by Gun Shots = NO
Will move to different safes = NO
Will be hidden in Fog = NO
Toilets needed = 2
Performing Income = 150/h
Maze level to unlock = 1
Robo dogs will chase a player either until they loose sight, or self-destruct upon contact with the player. This will deal 30 damage or more to you. The longer you let him chase you, the more likely his barks will attrack more guards on the run. And will also drain your HP while in his sight, so I recommend running torwards him and let him self-destruct if you have enough health to spare.
You can use this to your advantage, normally gunshots do not take jokers off-guard. But if a dog barks they will. So try and let your pigeon drive the dog away along with all the enemies.
Dogs bark if they see a player or pigeon. But they do not bark upon hearing a gunshot.
See through your Desuise = NO
Can be Shot = NO
Can be Hypnotized = NO
Can be Hypnotized after Alerted = NO
Make a sound when Alerted = YES
Will be distracted by Pigeons = YES
Will be distracted by Dog Barks = YES
Will be distracted by Gun Shots = YES
Will move to different safes = NO
Will be hidden in Fog = YES
Toilets needed = 1
Performing Income = 50/h
Maze level to unlock = 3
Circus moneky do the standard patrolling. They will leave guard once the safe they were placed at has been robbed. And then move (from the shortest route) to the nearest untouched safe.
They attack by shooting chickens at you. And chase until you are out of sight.
See through your Desuise = NO
Can be Shot = NO
Can be Hypnotized = YES
Can be Hypnotized after Alerted = NO
Make a sound when Alerted = NO
Will be distracted by Pigeons = NO
Will be distracted by Dog Barks = YES
Will be distracted by Gun Shots = YES
Will move to different safes = YES
Will be hidden in Fog = YES
Toilets needed = 3
Performing Income = 250/h
Maze level to unlock = 4
Parrots do not patrol, instead they have a radar that searches for players. If found, a net is shot at the player. You can dodge this if you walk fast enoguh. If you get caught, you are held for 4 seconds. A clincking sound will be made and attract any guards who hear it.
After shooting, they can’t shoot again until the “alert” bar finishes it’s cooldown.
This includes missed shoots.
See through your Desuise = YES
Can be Shot = YES
Can be Hypnotized = NO
Can be Hypnotized after Alerted = NO
Make a sound when Alerted = NO
Will be distracted by Pigeons = YES (but they won’t chase them)
Will be distracted by Dog Barks = NO
Will be distracted by Gun Shots = NO
Will move to different safes = NO
Will be hidden in Fog = YES
Toilets needed = 2
Performing Income = 0/h
Maze level to unlock = 6
These guys roll around between all safes on bowling balls XD They go faster once they pick up speed.
When they hit you they deal 45 damage and self-destruct.
You will drain HP if keep in thier sight. I usually just tank these babes 😉
When exploding they don’t seem to make much of a sound radius.
[Still many things I haven’t tried with the hippo, Sorry :/ ]
See through your Desuise = NO
Can be Shot = NO
Can be Hypnotized = N/A
Can be Hypnotized after Alerted = N/A
Make a sound when Alerted = NO
Will be distracted by Pigeons = N/A
Will be distracted by Dog Barks = YES
Will be distracted by Gun Shots = YES
Will move to different safes = YES
Will be hidden in Fog = YES
Will tear your umbrella if caught air-born, causeing you to fall [?]
If seen on ground, it will shine a spotlight on you and follow you like any other guard AI.
They will stop once you are out of range.
The spotlight will attract any guards that are within that area. Meaning if there is no wall between you and the guard. They can see you.
[Still many things I haven’t tried with the owl, Sorry :/ ]
See through your Desuise = NO
Can be Shot = YES
Can be Hypnotized = N/A
Can be Hypnotized after Alerted = N/A
Make a sound when Alerted = NO
Will be distracted by Pigeons = NO (but they will be alert)Will be distracted by Dog Barks = YES
Will be distracted by Dog Barks = NO
Will be distracted by Gun Shots = YES
Will move to different safes = NO
Will be hidden in Fog = NO
Hover your mouse over the target to see how long you can stun them.
Left click to engage.
No Keybind.
Hypnotize Jokers or Monkeys.
At close range you can get up to 12 seconds.
From a distance you get 6.6 seconds.
Alerted Jokers can get hypnotized for 6.6 seconds.
Alerted Monekys will keep attacking.
You can stack the time by clicking agian.
Storage limit: 15
MP cost: 15
Price to buy: 40
Roses needed to unlock: [?]
(oh… it’s a dove? I called it pigeon all this time, forgive me :P)
Keybind will bring out a small cursor you can move around. It will show you where the dove will land and path it takes.
Left click to let the dove fly in that direction.
Alerts dogs and attracks them to chase it.
Even if you get in the dog’s sight first, you can still use the dove to draw attention away.
The guards will follow the dog along with the dove.
Storage limit: 15
MP cost: 10
Price to buy: 30
Roses needed to unlock: [?]
Unlocks safes quicker by rapidly clicking on the left mouse button. (while your cursor is hovered over the safe you wish to unlock)
Storage limit: 40
MP cost: 0
Price to buy: 30
Roses needed to unlock: [?]
Walk among any guards and not get detected.
Lasts for 18.1 seconds and you can increase the time with Physique (rose to stat upgrade section)
However, if you’ve already been spotted by the guards, putting on a disguise doesn’t do jack sh*t.
Parrots see thruogh your disguise and will throw a net on you.
You walk slower when in disguise and your speed decreses.
No footsteps will be made.
Storage limit: 12
MP cost: 40
Price to buy: 60
Roses needed to unlock: [?]
Hover over parrots and left click to dis-arm Parrots for around 14 seconds [?] (you can stack this)
Use the keybind to let off a flare and attrack all nearby Robo-dogs and Monkeys. (This is best paired with levitate)
Storage limit: 30
MP cost: 5
Price to buy: 50
Roses needed to unlock: [?]
Use the keybind to pop-up into the air.
Right click to navigate your location.
Press the same keybind again to release and fall back to ground level.
While air-born you won’t be seen by all guards on the ground.
You can also quickly escape from a deadly chase.
If you land anywhere outside the map. You will get knocked out for around 7 seconds.
Storage limit: 10
MP cost: 7
Price to buy: 100
Roses needed to unlock: [?]