[ENG] Bigfoot tips and tricks for BIGFOOT

[ENG] Bigfoot tips and tricks


This Guide is the English Part of the German Guide –> ( )Here we explain you what this Game is and we give you some tips and tricks.


For people who have health problems such as: with heart, this game can be very challenging, because you are not so easily frightened by the Bigfoot but rather, if the weather is not nice!

This is only a well meant advice from us! 🌩🌧

Update News

🍃 Here is the german Part of this Guide –> [link]


General Information

Finding Bigfoot
🍃 is only playable with 3 people (with a small bug the last 2 players can join at same time to play with 4 player ingame)

🍃 there is no respawn

Goal of the Game:
🍃 You have to find 4 missing People wich randomly spawn on map. They are most found next to houses or paths.

🍃 You have to find Bigfoot, just shoot him unconsciously and lock him into the cage.

At Day

During the day you should not be afraid to be attacked, Bigfoot will only watch you and sometimes he scream. Use the time to set up cameras and traps and try to find the 4 missing persons. You should return home at sunset.

At Night

At Night you should enter the caravan, Bigfoot is night active and does not shy from attacking you. Close the doors and windows, keep an ey on the environment with help of the cameras. If Bigfoot attacks you, use the Chance and put a tracker on him.


🍃 He is likely double high as a man, has bright greend eyes and a gray/brown Fur, sometimes he is naked at some players. At the moment we dont know Why.

🍃 At Night Bigfoots hunt deers and eat them sometimes right there, or he carries them to his cave.

🍃 At Day he like it to watch people and Screams sometimes.

🍃 At Night he attacks you and often comes to the caravan to attack you trough door or windows. Sometimes he hit the caravan.

🍃 He dont have red blood like everyone, he got green blood what shining at Night.

🍃 If you walk arround at night he attacks you and run away after it.


Equipment in the base (caravan)
🍃 8 Cameras
🍃 8 Traps
🍃 8 Steaks
🍃 2 Winchester
🍃 2 Medipacks
🍃 3 Night vision Cameras
🍃 2 Ammo packets
🍃 3 Ropes
🍃 3 Flair guns
🍃 12 Flair ammunition
🍃 8 Batteries
🍃 8 Transmitter

Equipment on the map (can be found at high places and huts)
🍃 2 Traps
🍃 1 Winchester
🍃 2-3 Medipacks
🍃 2-3 Ammo packets
🍃 1-2 Flair ammunition

* The reader is liable for false incidents. 😉


The 8 cameras that can be found in the caravan, you should not simply distribute randomly on the map. You should place 3-5 cameras near the caravan so you have a good overview on your base. The rest can be set at a dead deer, cause he love it!


Even if you already know a lot, please do not be negative. Just allow those who do not know this now, to get a overview about this Game.

If there is still something missing, you can write it as a comment and the guide will be updated.

We wish you a pleasant gameplay.