Guide to DLC Pack 1 for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse for DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE

Guide to DLC Pack 1 for Dragon Ball: Xenoverse


This is a (not so anymore) quick and dirty guide to the DLC Pack 1 for Dragon Ball Xenoverse, everything from the new mentors, story mode, PQs, equipment, and more! Come and check it out! :3 Update: This guide is basically fully finished! Check it out and get ready to roll through the new DLC on the 17th for the non season pass holders! 😀


Hello again! I am the happiest of the cats, Happy Fun Cat, and I am here to give you a full guide to DLC Pack 1 for Dragon Ball Xenoverse!

If you would also not mind, anything I am “uncertain on” please let me know in the comments so it can be fixed. Plus if I left anything out, let me know that as well!

New Story

Below is a walkthrough of the new story missions and what you can expect. This is a spoiler warning, if you want to play the stories on your own, do not advance in this part of the guide! You have been warned.


This little bot right here by the Time Nest will give you access to the new story mode!

Here is the list for the new story mode!


{Mission 1}

The first story mission, called “Wake up, other Trunks!” takes you on the path of Dragon Ball GT! During the first part of this fight, you are faced against GT Trunks, who became a tuffle, while paired with Pan. Pan must not be defeated during this part! This fght is pretty easy, Trunks does do decent damage against Pan, but like most AI when they fight eachother, you don’t have to worry too much about her just getting beaten into the ground as long as you keep on him. GT Tuffle Trunks has 1 health bar.

After this is done, you are faced against Great Ape Baby with Pan still with you, but this time, Pan may be beaten and it will not fail the quest for you. Great Ape Baby is just like all the other Great Apes we fought before, do whatever you done before to beat him down.

Once he reaches 1/2 health, SSJ 4 Goku will show up and help you finish the fight (the reasoning behind this, story mainly, if you are able to get him down to 1/2 health, I am sure you could finish off the other half).

Once baby has been beaten, he will be sucked into a wormhole like what happened to Broly and Bardock during the extra story mission. What happened to Baby?!


{Mission 2}

“Panic! Underworld and Earth Connected” is the next story mission after your fight with Tuffle Trunks and Baby. This mission is pretty simple, just beat up 20 of Frieza’s henchmen and move on your way to the next mission! Non-Pro Tip: AoE skills are your friend, namly Blue Hurricane for Strike Builds, or Super Electric Strike for Ki Builds.


{Mission 3}

Love this mission, mainly because of Nappa! “Missing Captain? Neo Ginyu Force” makes you fight the new, and improved, Ginyu Force, which is now called Neo Ginyu Force, with Nappa as leader? I honestly don’t know, but still, it is a 5 on 1 fight, at first.

Fight is pretty simple in itself, a bit annoying, but once you beat 1 of them, doesn’t matter who I don’t believe, Trunks will show up, murder the crap out of the already dead Guldo and Jeice, which turns it into a 2 on 3 match between your CaC and Trunks against Nappa, Burter, and Recoome. Beat them down into the ground and get ready for your next fight.

After you beat the Neo Ginyu Force, Trunks will be attacked by 17, but with a shadow cloak aura, back from the dead and set to find his living counterpart! 17 has 1 health bar and is pretty simple. Use whatever means you need to bring him down to low health. When that happens, 17 will mention that he “found you” and take off, which you fly after him.


{Mission 4}

“17 Fusion! Birth of Super 17” is the last of the GT Part 1 Story Quest. 17 has found, ummm… 17, and they did a thing, and became a Super 17! 2 health bars, making it a pretty standard for boss fights, just start beating on him until he gets around 3/4 to 1/2 health.

Once you get him low enough, GT Child Goku will show up to give you a hand, but in my case, it was more of a him showing up and for some reason, Super 17 had regain health, just to spite me! Start, once again, lowing his health to around the 1/2 point and Goku will go SSJ 4, because, you really needed the help 😀 Such a nice guy!

At the point, it is pretty much keep face checking Super 17 to the point of defeat! After that is done, another wormhole will open up and suck Super 17 inside it (it happens really fast!). What are these wormholes, and why are they sucking up villains like Baby and Super 17?! Sadly, you will have to find out during DLC Pack 2!

New PQs

The first 2 PQs I had access too right off the bat, the last one was unlocked after I completed the GT Part 1 Time Patrol Main Mission

PQ: Revenge of the Tuffle


PQ: Small but Strong

Note about Ultimate Finish: For this one, you beat Goku and Trunks before Pan. After that happens, you will get a Finish while Pan is still alive and go into the Ultimate Finish part of the quest, where Goku will come back and go into SSJ 3 and Trunks into SSJ. After this happens, order does not matter, just beat everyone and when you do, Goku will come back 1 more time and transform into SSJ 4. Ultimate Finish is required for Super Spirit Bomb Ki Ultimate to drop.

PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan

Note about Ultimate Finish: Omega Shenron shows up after you get SSJ 4 Gogeta to around 1/2 health. Omega Shenron has quite a few health bars that you have to go through, best bet is to finish off Gogeta so you can focus on Omega Shenron, this fight does get pretty difficult if you are playing solo without npcs or you are not SSJ spamming.

New Equipment (Gear and Accessories)

Yamcha’s Clothes with stats.
Bought for 700k each
Drop in PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan


Spike the Devil Man Suit with Accessory and stats.
Bought for 700k a piece w/o accessoy
Drops in PQ: Revenge of the Truffle w/ accessoy
(Does not come with hands.)


Mr. Popo’s Clothes with Stats
Bought for 700k w/o accessoy
Drops in PQ: Revenge of the Truffle w/ accessoy
(Does not come with hands.)


Launches Custume with Accessory and stats.
Bought for 800k each w/ accessory


Murasaki-style Ninja Suit with stats.
Bought for 700k each
Drops in PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan

New Z-Souls

Here is a list of all the new Z-Souls, 2 of which is made at the Mix Shop!

“Citizens of the universe, lend me your energy!”
– Drop From PQ: Small but Strong, PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan


“I won’t let you harm Father!”
– Mix Shop: “Might as well…” + Soul Diffusion Mix Dev.


“Dragon Fist Explosion!”
– Mix Shop: “Citizens of the universe, lend me your energy!” + Soul Diffusion Mix Dev.


“I’m an Earthling with a Saiyan’s pride!”
– Drop From PQ: Revenge of the Tuffle, PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan


“Might as well…”
– Drop From PQ: Small but Strong


“I don’t want to be a killer”
– Reward From Tien Mentor Quest 4


– Reward From Tien Mentor Sparring


“I’ll show you something special!”
– Reward From Yamcha Mentor Quest 4


“Get lost before I send you flying.”
– Reward From Yamcha Mentor Quest Sparring

New Skills!

Note: Anything I am “uncertain” on is because I got it during an Ultimate Finish, let me know if it is not an ultimate finish drop and I will update.

New Skill List

Strike Supers

Boost Kamehameha (Strike Super) – Drops in PQ: Small But Strong (w/o Ultimate Finish)

Power Pole (Strike Super) – Bought for 300k or Drops in PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan

Power Pole Combo (Strike Super) – Drops in PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan (w/o Ultimate Finish)

Scissors Paper Rock (Strike Super) – Drops in PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan (Uncertain Ultimate Finish Drop)

Valleyball Fist (Strike Super) – Tien Mentor Skill (Quest 1)

Fake Death (Strike Super) – Yamcha Mentor Skill (Quest 2)

Wolf Fang Fist (Strike Super) – Yamcha Mentor Skill (Quest 3)

Ki Supers

Dodon Ray (Ki Super) – Tien Mentor Skill (Quest 2)

Tri-Beam (Ki Super) – Tien Mentor Skill (Quest 3)

Ki Blast Thrust (Ki Super) – Yamcha Mentor Skill (Quest 1)

Other Supers

Armored Boost (Other Super) – Bought for 150k or Drops in PQ: Revenge of the Tuffle (Ultimate Finish Drop)

Ki Ultimates

Super Spirit Bomb (Ki Ultimate) – Drops in PQ: Small But Strong (Ultimate Finish Drop)

Final Shine (Ki Ultimate) – Bought for 600k

Neo Tri-Beam (Ki Ultimate) – Tien Mentor Skill (Quest 4)

Spirit Ball (Ki Ultimate) – Yamcha Mentor Skill (Quest 4)

New Mentor Tien!


Pretty straight forward fight, 1 Star quest. He does have a decent amount of health, which allowed my level 80 Ki Human to Z rank the quest without punching him a few times and that was it (if you are anal like me about it and have to Z rank almost everything!). Gives you Volleyball Fist Strike Super once you beat him.


Again, pretty straight forward, just beat the crap out of him and then end it with Volleyball Fist.

Would you even consider this a fight? I wouldn’t. You are tag teaming with Tien in this one against Krillin and Yamcha. Honestly, push over fight, beat them down and take home your Tri-Beam Ki Super.


This was… Fun? The goal is to use Tri-Beam to end the fight, however, Tri-Beam is not the easiest to use when the AI refuses to try and face check you, and it is harder against Tien because he will sit there with his Tri-Beam armed and never move. At the end, you get the Ultimate Ki Attack, Neo Tri-Beam and the 4 Star Mentor Z-Soul, “I don’t want to be a killer…”, which, like the other souls, increase that mentor’s related skills.


The sparing between you and Tien is simple, 2 health bars to fight through, no weird transformations to worry about, just kick him, kick some more, and kick again because I found it funny. Winning this gives you the 5 Star Mentor Z-Soul, “Haaaaaaaaaaaah!!” which is pretty funny in it’s own right.

New Mentor Yamcha!


Straight forward fight, just beat him down and you will be rewarded, with my laugh, and his Ki Super, Ki Blast Thrust!


Simple fight in it’s own, but you are force to finish with Ki Blast Thrust, which, if they move just a little bit at all, it misses, and it is annoying. Yamcha, once you beat his face in with his own skill, will grace you with a Strike Super, Fake Death, which is something Yamcha does not know anything about. Still, I laughed when I saw the skill name, now is it any good?


This fight may be annoying if you are not a high enough level to kill these fast enough, becasue like the show, these Saibamen tap dance all over Yamcha’s face. You kill them over and over again until Tennenmen shows up. Beat it and you are done. Once you manage not to get Yamcha killed, he will reward you with love and affection, AKA Strike Super, Wolf Fang Fist.


Easy fight, only requires you to finish it with Wolf Fang Fist. Beat down Yamcha just like everyone before him and recieve 4 Star Mentor Z-Soul, “I’ll show you something special!” and Ki Ultimate, Spirit Ball!


Time for a sparring match between you and Yamcha! How do you think it is going to go?! Look, to be honest, Yamcha was no more than a punching bag that bleeds and complains, just get it over with and get his 5 Star Mentor Z-Soul, “Get lost before I send you flying.”

New Playable Characters!

In DLC Pack 1, we gain 3 playable characters we can use in PQs and in PvP. Below you will find screen shots of each of these characters, their variations, as well as move sets.
First is GT Child Goku, sporting 3 different character variations.

Next is GT Trunks, which only has 1 variation.

Last is Pan, who has 2 variations to her character.

New Map!

The DLC adds a lot of things. New skills, new characters, new souls (yummy), but something is missing… Oh, I know, a new place to use all this stuff in! And the DLC delivers just that.

New Stage, Planet Tuffle (thanks to Scarlet Spider for giving me to chance to take these screenshots and not just killing me :D)

Here is what it looks like when we decided to destory everything (you know, for the lols)

Can I play in the DLC without the DLC?!

Thanks to my friend Mocaris for testing this and letting me know!

So, I am sure some of you are wondering if you can play the DLC missions without buying the DLC/Season Pass via having a friend invite you to their DLC PQ. The answer to this question is…. No. Non-DLC owners cannot enter the games of players who are doing the new PQs.

So don’t try, it has been tested and Cat approved to be a waste of time!

Guide Updates

Update #1 3/13/15 – Guide made with information on new skills, mentors, PQs, Story mode, equipment.

Update #2 3/14/15 – Added New Playable character section.

Update #3 3/14/15 – Started walkthrough for the new story mode.

Update #4 3/14/15 – Finished walkthrough for the new story mode and added information about PQ: Ultimate Power, Ultimate Saiyan

Update #5 3/15/15 – Added new section titled “Can I play in the DLC without the DLC?!”

Update #6 3/15/15 – Added new section titled “New Map!” with screenshots.


Well, I had fun! I do enjoy writting these guides for people and hope that in the future, I will gain more support for what I am doing here now. Leave a comment, rate as you see fit, and I will see you next time!

I also added quiet a few screen shots, since my last guide did not include any. If you have read my other guide, let me know which style you like more, I personally like including screenshots, but this might be a bit much, however, there was a lot of information to cover and I rather do this rather than a video, for the simple fact you can pick and choose what to look at, where as a video, unless broken down into a few mini videos, you are unable to do that as effciently.
