In this Mod review,we will have a look at the map “Forgotten Woods” and see if it is a good map to play.
Mod Name :Forgotten Woods
Mod author :Skyold
Date of release :1st september 2020
Size : 68 MB
Link to the Mod : [link]
Mod type (Army Assault,Battlefield,etc…) : Can be played in Army Assault as well as Army Battlefield,but this map was built for Linebattles (Army Assault).
Description of the Battlefield : The Battlefield divides itself into 2 main areas ,an area covered in forest in which lines have a hard time going through.It is perfect for sneaky skirmishers who wish to surprise their opponent who cannot see much of the forest due to its thickness.This area only covers an extremity of the map.
This area is in the forest,the position offers you some decent cover
The other area of the map concerns the center and the other end of the Battlefield.There a less trees,bigger lines can manoeuver more easely.
This part of the map offers a clear sight of the enemy
The center of the map is an important area,if you can get your lines positionned behind trees and rocks,you will be able to control the battlefield,provided that you keep a close eye on the forest on the lookout for potential sneaky skirmishers !
On the other side of the map with the least forest,you will have the opportunity to flank around unsuspecting enemies.But beware ! You can get easely isolated by enemies from the center if you are not careful or do not have enough reinforcements with you.
Pros / Downsides
Pros :
- The map is very beautiful,the various areas make it really immersive.
- This map offers some various gameplay,you can play this map in many ways !
- The terrain is very important ,each section of the map offers different advantages to exploit to your will!
Downsides :
- The fact that the forest restraines lines from going into there ,the battle is often fought in the center,leaving less battlefield used.
Is the map worth it ?
Yes,the map is worth it,it’s careful design offers the possibility for the teams to play in many ways.You will certainly have a good time playing on this map with your friends.The forest environment is a design that is really immersive and makes you question where the enemies are going to appear from.
Go ahead and battle along in the Forgotten Woods !