Three kingdoms story: Conussia Guide

Guide to movement in dungeons (spoilers) for Three kingdoms story: Conussia

Guide to movement in dungeons (spoilers)


Disclaimer. All movements are not 100% correct, use at your own risk.ATTENTION: moving too fast in the location without taking quests or communicating with characters overtaking the plot may lead to the fact that you will have to start the game again. I so happened to Carprenter – stupidly didn’t want to do scrolls, although mine 2nd level I opened. Don’t try to derail the main plot! To start, go through the game as simply as possible, and then you can experiment when you accumulate saves from the “perfect”South South South South West West-Messalina (first level, after taking the quest)South South East south west South West West north (to level 2)Ur 2 South South – (laz up to the surface)South South South South (gold mine) only makes sense if you buy 50 amuletNorth north west west south west south West South south (ur 2)UR 2 East north north West (gems ur 2)UR 2 South East (drink from the fountain – to reset the timer )Ur 2 South East west south East east (representative of the forces of darkness)Ur 2 South East west south East east north (gem mine (not looted, north after the forces of darkness)Carprenter-activity-monastery-map-search for corpses (to sell them to the forces of darkness, you need to complete the task and give 300 gold to Carprenter to unlock)Carpenter – activity – the monastery – map – into the catacombs (for rapid descent 2 level is required to complete the order and give 300 gold to carpenter to unlock)(After a quick descent, 2nd level) East – North (fountain reset)(After a quick descent, 2nd level) North South East ( representative of the forces of darkness)(After a quick descent, 2nd level) East North East-Gems Level 2 like if it helped
