Mr.Mine Guide

Modding, Editing | Oil, Building Materials, Capacity for Mr.Mine

Modding, Editing | Oil, Building Materials, Capacity


A Guide to modify stuff that usually takes way too long to receive!


Looking for those Building Materials?
Oil Production takes ages?

Lemme help you out!

Oil Production and Capacity

  1. Go into your Game Repository:
    [your drive]:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonMrMinewin-unpackedresourcesappShared

  2. In there look for a file called

  3. Copy the file into the same directory and rename your copied file to something else; for example:
    oilmanagement.js -> oilmanagement.js.bak

  4. Open the original file (not your backup file) with any editor ( Recommending notepad++ )
  5. Change as followed:
    var oilRigStats = [ [7200, 1], [3600, 2], [1800, 4], [900, 16], [600, 32], [400, 100], [300, 200], [250, 400], [100, 1000], [100, 2000], [80, 4000], [50, 8000], [45, 12000], [40, 16000], [36, 20000], [33, 25000], [30, 30000] ]; //generation time (seconds), max hold


    var oilRigStats = [ [10, 100], [10, 100], [10, 100], [10, 100], [10, 100], [10, 100], [10, 200], [10, 400], [10, 1000], [10, 2000], [10, 4000], [10, 8000], [10, 12000], [10, 16000], [10, 20000], [10, 25000], [10, 30000] ]; //generation time (seconds), max hold

    …for example.

This will change the time oil is generated to 10sec and the capacity.
Any value above 1 (second) is acceptable.

Building Materials

When it comes to those “Building Materials”, people usually just give up…
But wait no more!

Save Game Editing
  1. Export your Save Game:
  2. Create a .txt file on your desktop and copy the content of your save in there:
    This is how the content looks like
  3. For the next step, we need to decode this base64 twice.
    But before that, we will remove the name of our save first!


    Now we’re able to decode this via an online tool, for example base64decode[].

  4. If we now copy our our exported save files content (without the name and the “|”) into the decoder and hit decode, we will receive something like this:
  5. Now copy that and decode it again for a result that looks like this:
    Focus on the very last digits:


    The “38” is the current amount of “Building Materials”, editing this value to something else, will also change your current amount of “Building Materials”.
    For example to:


    If you have any Issues reading the file, you can use beautifier and minifiers[] for a better overview, just minify it afterwards again.

    If you’re also unsure if the value is the right one, you can follow all the steps with 2 save files, one with less “Building Materials” than the other and if you decoded it twice, you can use this website[] to compare the values.

  6. Since we’ve changed now the amount of our “Building Materials”, we can begin to encode[] this twice again.
  7. Encoding it for the first time:
  8. Copy that and encode it once again:
  9. Only thing now what’s left is to name that file via adding…

    …at the beginning again.


    • You can give it any name
    • If the name already exists in your game, you need to delete your existing one first

  10. Now copy everything and start the game, on the menu click

    and copy everything into the window.

You should now have your desired amount of “Building Materials”.


  • Kudos to everyone playing it
  • Kudos to the Developer
  • Kudos to everyone else creating Guides for Noobs
  • Kudos to those that might like my first Guide and drop some gifts (kappa)