Magdalena Guide

Screen Resolution Fixed for Magdalena

Screen Resolution Fixed


I see your screen is too large. You start your game and it just shows a fire place. Let me help you fix that.

7 Deadly Steps to fix your screen

Resolution Fix
Sorry guys I was testing this in game and at the main menu.

I think The Main Menu option will help you best. For now the steps are as the following…

Step 1.
Go to library and run game

Step 2.
Hit the down arrow “ONCE”

Step 3.
Hit “Enter” key

Step 4.
Tap “Down” arrow key 13 times (not necessary, depending what resolution you’re at)

Step 5.
Hit “Enter” Key

Step 6.
Tap “Down” Arrow key 3 times

Step 7.
Hit “Enter” key

If you follow these steps at the main menu you should now be able to see and play your game. Good luck dudes and gals.
