Steam for Linux Guide

Proton > script show proton selected version (for installed games) linux for Steam for Linux

Proton > script show proton selected version (for installed games) linux


linux bash script that will report appid, game name, proton versionyour game must be installed and run once to create the compatdata folderthis script only shows the LAST setting the game was RUN (click play)i have another script that checks:/home/$USER/.steam/steam/logs/compat_log.txtbut this log gets erased too often.this log shows every time you change the proton setting for any gameso it can show the same game 1-100+ times


#!/bin/bash #colors NC=’33[0m’ RED=’33[0;31m’ GRN=’33[0;32m’ YEL=’33[0;33m’ BLUE=’33[0;34m’ #$STEAM SDIR1=/home/$USER/.steam/steam SDIR2=$(cat $SDIR1/config/config.vdf|grep -m 1 -o -E ‘”BaseInstallFolder_1″.*”.*”‘|cut -f2- -d “/”|sed ‘s/.$//’) SAPP1=”/SteamApps/” SAPP2=”/steamapps/” LDIR1=”$SDIR1$SAPP1″ LDIR2=”/$SDIR2$SAPP2″ #LDIR2=$(cat $SDIR/SteamApps/libraryfolders.vdf|grep -m 1 -o -E ‘”1″.*”.*”‘|cut -f2- -d “/”|sed ‘s/.$//’) COMPAT=”compatdata/” PVER1=”$LDIR1$COMPAT” PVER2=”$LDIR2$COMPAT” grepnf=”No such file or directory” #PROTON VERSION echo -e ${BLUE}$LDIR1${NC} for verfile in $(find $PVER1 -maxdepth 2 -name “version”|sort -V) do ( if [ ‘grep -q ‘.*’ “$verfile”‘ ] then appidp=$(echo “$verfile” | sed ‘s/[^0-9]*//g’) afilename=”appmanifest_”$appidp”.acf” aname1=$(grep -s -o -E ‘”name”.*”.*”‘ $LDIR1$afilename|column -t||exit) aname2=$(grep -s -o -E ‘”name”.*”.*”‘ $LDIR2$afilename|column -t||exit) versionp=$(cat “$verfile”) if [[ -f $LDIR1$afilename ]] then echo -e ${YEL}”$appidp” ‘ t ‘ ${GRN}”$aname1″‘ t ‘ ${RED}proton version: “$versionp”${NC}||exit 0; else echo -e ${YEL}”$appidp” ‘ t ‘ ${GRN}”$aname2″ ‘ t ‘ ${RED}proton version: “$versionp”${NC}||exit 0; fi exit 0; fi ) done echo -e ${BLUE}$LDIR2${NC} for verfile in $(find $PVER2 -maxdepth 2 -name “version”|sort -V) do ( if [ ‘grep -q ‘.*’ “$verfile”‘ ] then appidp=$(echo “$verfile” | sed ‘s/[^0-9]*//g’) afilename=”appmanifest_”$appidp”.acf” aname1=$(grep -s -o -E ‘”name”.*”.*”‘ “$LDIR1$afilename”|column -t||exit) aname2=$(grep -s -o -E ‘”name”.*”.*”‘ “$LDIR2$afilename”|column -t||exit) versionp=$(cat “$verfile”) if [[ -f $LDIR2$afilename ]] then echo -e ${YEL}”$appidp” ‘ t ‘ ${GRN}”$aname2″ ‘ t ‘ ${RED}proton version: “$versionp”${NC}||exit 0; else echo -e ${YEL}”$appidp” ‘ t ‘ ${GRN}”$aname1″ ‘ t ‘ ${RED}proton version: “$versionp”${NC}||exit 0; fi exit 0; fi ) done


this script makes NO changes to your files

“SteamApps” might not be the same for all linux
edit variables:

the script gets your additonal $STEAM library from config.vdf
if you have more than 2 you need to add more.