Steam for Linux Guide

Global disable steam games Auto Update script {LINUX} for Steam for Linux

Global disable steam games Auto Update script {LINUX}


so… i have a few steam games installed and im always annoyed having to manually set “only update when launch”so i created a scriptnote i specifically wanted a LIST and to only change the file IF it was set to “0”if it was already set to “1” i did not want to touch the file.


change your steam directory which contains the .acf files
chmod +x

#! /bin/sh zero=”0″ DIR2=/media/catbox/CrucialXTB/steam/steamapps cd $DIR2; for filename in $(ls $DIR2/*.acf) do ( if [ ‘grep -q ‘”AutoUpdateBehavior”‘ “$filename”|grep $zero’ ] then echo “$filename”; grep “AutoUpdateBehavior” “$filename”; cat “$filename” |grep -q ‘”AutoUpdateBehavior”.*”0″‘ && sed -i -s ‘/”AutoUpdateBehavior”.*”0″/ s/0/1/g’ “$filename”; exit 0; fi ) done sort -nr *.acf |grep ‘”AutoUpdateBehavior”‘ |uniq -c DIR3=/home/catbox/.steam/steam/SteamApps cd $DIR3; for filename in $(ls $DIR3/*.acf) do ( if [ ‘grep -q ‘”AutoUpdateBehavior”‘ “$filename”|grep $zero’ ] then echo “$filename”; grep “AutoUpdateBehavior” “$filename”; cat “$filename” |grep -q ‘”AutoUpdateBehavior”.*”0″‘ && sed -i -s ‘/”AutoUpdateBehavior”.*”0″/ s/0/1/g’ “$filename”; exit 0; fi ) done sort -nr *.acf |grep ‘”AutoUpdateBehavior”‘ |uniq -c

You Must Restart Steam

restart steam for changes to take effect.

run script with steam turned off (exited) and it will work fine next time you launch.

check if enabled/disabled

you can see a list of files which have settings:
change the variable “AutoUpdateBehavior” if you want to see a list of other options

sort -nr *.acf |grep ‘”AutoUpdateBehavior”‘ |uniq -c


im working on some other things

  • launch steam offline without login. (done)
    working on “generalizing” the script and removing user info

  • find launch options for game and change it

    where are launch options saved for games? from Steam

  • find games using Proton via terminal search
    located in
