Black Mesa Guide

How to care for your headcrab,and what are headcrabs? for Black Mesa

How to care for your headcrab,and what are headcrabs?


What are Headcrabs? A headcrab is a parasitic species of xen and roughly 2 feet (0.61 m) long.and prefer humanoids as food,A Headcrab looks like a mite as shown on the picture,and a headcrab is not good to mess around withthat’s because they are not your domesticated pets and they will kill you,They kill about hundreds or even thousands.they have 4 legs but the other 2 legs are for digging into a humanoids shoulder or pectoral mussels.What to not do when caring for headcrabs. 1.walking it in a public area it to barney c. 3.feed it takis 4.feed it other foods and not humanoids 5.let it jump on your head. 6.Dont take it to work or in your car. How long can i keep a headcrab?about 40 years till it becomes a gonarch and is not safe to own anymore.if your headcrab has turned in to a gonarch contact the black mesa research facility if your head crab is getting a bit largesigns of your headcrab becoming a gonarch are shell forming and a huge sack is forming,and if its growing larger then 6 feet (0.65 m) long a recommended size its probably gonarch now.if you encountered any problem contact the black mesa research facility.How to feed your headcrab. There diet contains mostly humanoids from xen which is 1.vortigaunt 2.alien controllers 3.alien grunt. How to domesticate it? There a fangs and a beak located at the bottom of the headcrab use these tools to cut the fangs and the beak to. it out (not recommended) 2.use scissors (not recommended) patient and wait for it to get domesticated as stated in this artical temperature do headcrabs adjust to?about room temperature with air vents,air purifiers are also accepted.they will adapt to your room temperature as time passes about 3 months,don’t change room temperatures because after a headcrab adapts to a room temperature they would not feel comfortable with the new to keep it entertained? A dummy about a foot 4 foot long or 6,or give it something like a toy shaped humanoid headsand a hev helmet,if you don’t have a hev helmet you can get one at the black mesa research facility or contact a authorized personal,and you can give it a water melon about humanoid head about a dummy’s head to get it to sleep at night. headcrabs can be annoying at night if you follow these steps you can get well deserved sleep time 1.let it be in a stress free environment, 2.have a comfortable bed mostly fluffy ones will do. Thats all the ways you can care for your head crab if you experience any problems contact a black mesa personal.

just incase!

if a headcrab ever gets on someone head call a personal at black mesaa