Tokyo Babel Guide

Tokyo Babel Walkthrough for Tokyo Babel

Tokyo Babel Walkthrough


This is the walkthrough for Tokyo Babel. The original Japanese walkthrough was made from seiya-saiga.


This is the walkthrough for Tokyo Babel. The original Japanese walkthrough was made from seiya-saiga. With the help of gareblogs, the walkthrough has been fully translated.

Special Thanks to seiya-saiga and gareblogs.

The most important choices will be underlined, choosing something else on those will get you a different ending than the one you’re intending to get. The choices that are not underlined are optional and you can choose whatever you want on those, they will not change the ending that you want, but it will change some of the outcomes of some events.

Recommended Play Order

>Raziel BAD END
>Raziel TRUE END
>Sorami BAD END
>Sorami TRUE END
>Lilith BAD END
>Lilith TRUE END
>Setsuna END


Raziel TRUE END:

-Meet the Archangel Camael
Kurou Miyako, the girl who devoured an angel
Return to Pandora

Raziel BAD END:

-Meet the Archangel Camael
Kurou Miyako, the girl who devoured an angel
Head for the seventh stratum


Sorami TRUE END:

-Meet the archangel Camael
Oshida Hagane, identity Unknown
-Box on the left
-Carry her in my arms like a princess
Give Her the cold shoulder
Go to the future


-Meet the archangel Camael
Oshida Hagane, identity Unknown
-Box on the left
-Carry her in my arms like a princess
Give Her the cold shoulder
Dont go to the future

Sorami BAD END:

-Meet the archangel Camael
Oshida Hagane, identity Unknown
-Box on the left
-Carry her in my arms like a princess
Console Her


Complete Raziel and Sorami TRUE END to unlock Lilith’s route.

Lilith TRUE END:

-Meet the demon lord Astaroth
Hinoue Wataru, the boy who devoured a demon
-I would cry for you
-Pry further
-Participate in the party
She came here to be friends
Not exactly
Choose Lilith

Lilith BAD END:

-Meet the demon lord Astaroth
Hinoue Wataru, the boy who devoured a demon
-I would cry for you
-Pry further
-Participate in the party
She came here to be friends
Not exactly
Choose the two

Setsuna END:

-Meet the demon lord Astaroth
Hinoue Wataru, the boy who devoured a demon
-I would cry for you
-Pry further
-Participate in the party
She came here to be friends
Choose Lilith