This guide will explain where and how to get the cvars.txt as it’s not obvious, especially from a fresh install…
Smart people ALWAYS read a whole guide BEFORE following it.
Seriously… What if you started to follow a guide blindly, thinking the guide author had your interests at heart, but instead they made a guide on how to mess up your game?
Be smart, read a guide first.
(Usually, warnings comes after the instructions… Why is that anyway?)
Getting Cvars.txt To Appear
So you have come across a bunch of interesting guides,
but because no one seems to think this step is needed
or maybe they forgot that they themselves went through this step, they did not include it.
So here I am, to help you out with this super quick simple guide.
* Start up the game
** Go to mods and disable EVERYONE OF THEM
(press that little white box next to “Browse Files”.)
* Now open the “CONTROLS” menu.
* Go to the “BASIC” tab.
* Try press the button for “Console”, (I did not mean for you to rebind it, but you can)
** Did a Window appear? If so, please move on to the next section.
* Did not work? Rebind the key/button for “Console” now and try again.
* In this window of text (sometime a lot, sometimes not so much)
Type in the word “save_cvars”. (Without the quote marks naturally.)
* Now exit the game.
You can locate the cvars.txt here:
Windows: C:/Users/*You*/Saved Games/Reassembly/data
Mac: /Users/*You*/Library/Application Support/Reassembly/data
Linux: /home/*You*/.local/share/Reassembly/data
Now you can go and follow all the other guides.
Safty Net
Okay so you want to be a little more on the safe side when editing the cvars.txt file?
Like, what if you made a mistake or something?
No problem!
Follow the next few steps and you’ll be good to go, BEFORE you edited the cvars.txt file.
* Select the cvars.txt file in the “data” folder.
* Right click to open the context menu and select Copy.
* Move out of the folder and into the “mods” folder.
** Don’t have a “mods” folder? Make one.
* Make a new folder with what ever you want your mod to be called, and enter it.
(This will make your mod show up in the game mods menu too.)
* Right click and select “Paste”.
Now you are done.
Now all you gotta do is;
when ever a mod tells you to edit the cvars.txt file in the data folder,
just edit the one in your mods folder instead!
It’s really just that simple.
And That’s It…
I had to actually ask on the forums how to actually get the cvars.txt file to show up.
Since no guide or place were actually explaining this…
At least none that I came across.