all that bullcrap about farming to get your maxed out P and enough C to unlock all the blocks can be boring some times. So if you want to create a giant modulate weapon that shoots through asteroids and one shots agents right off the bat, then you want to follow this guide.!!Warning!! This requires you to use a seperate application to modify the amount of P and C you have. If you do not want to use a seperate application, I recommend you go to a seperate guide (Link in Guide)Application is Cheat Engine 6.4 (Link in Guide)
Getting started
You can skip this if you already have Cheat Engine 6.4 otherwise you should read this.
Cheat Engine is a piece of software that searches through your games files to find the correct address that has given you a set amount of P. In a better explaination, it looks at the files in your game, finds the value that you searched for, and when it does this, you can then edit the value to make it higher. It’s a bit hard to explain, but you will understand once you’ve finished.
To download Cheat Engine 6.4 go to this link: [link]
And click on the large, blue, underlined words that say “Download Cheat Engine 6.4”
Then install it and start it. You can go through the tutorial it has if you want to, but if you only want to use it for Reassembly and this exact reason, I recommend skipping it for now as it can be a bit daunting if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Filing through
Ok, now that you’ve made it here, you need to have Reassembly OPEN. Do not close it either otherwise the process will close and you won’t be able to edit the values of your C and P.
Once you’ve got it open, you can click on the process button, which looks like a little computer and magnifying glass.
Once you’ve clicked it, you need to find the Process titled “000019B8-ReassemblyRelease.exe” (The numbers in yours, may be different, but the ReassemblyRealease.exe will be the same. If you’re having trouble finding it, it also has a picture of Reassemblys Icon beside it)
After this you will be able to search through your Reassembly game files. (This isn’t harmful if you don’t change random values, you need to know that you’ve got the right value before you edit them, and if you’re unsure, remember the original value so you can turn it back if it isn’t the correct value)
Now you can type in the value of your C (May be different for each faction) and click First Scan
After a while (Depends on the speed of your PC/laptop) you will get a list on the left of your screen.
There will be alot of numbers, and you may be able to scroll down for a while. This is your first scan, you don’t need to try every value until you get the right one.
Now that you’ve done that, go back over to Reassembly and buy something, like a booster/thruster or a cannon/gun. This should change your C value to a lower number, which will make it MUCH easier to find the C value in Cheat Engine.
Now that you’ve done this, head back over to Cheat Engine (DO NOT close Reassembly otherwise you need to start over) and type in the new value into the Value Bar. Do not press New Scan but rather the button beside it which says Next Scan. This will search the files that are on the left and refine them to a smaller amount that are easier to work with.
If you get more than one result, buy another thing from Reassemblys upgrade screen and try again, this should change only one of the results. Or if you have something like I did, which leaves you with 2 Results, and one of them is red, click the one that is Black. The red means it changed values while you had the result, which means it isn’t the C value that you haven’t changed while you were looking at Cheat Engine.
Now that you have the correct address. Double click the result, and then it will be added to your table.
Now right click that and in the drop down menu find something that says “Change Record” (I couldn’t get a screenshot since I needed to mouse off the menu, so yea. Sorry) Then in that menu click “Value”. You can now change the value to a higher number, and it will instantly change in Reassembly.
Value Table
If you can’t be bothered learning how to find things, and the way to use them.
You can quickly add values into your Cheat Engine by adding the right address.
Here’s a table for both C and P:
To add these manually, there is a button on the right of the screen with the label “Add Address Manually” Click this, and input the address you need from above. Make sure it is 4 bytes, otherwise it may not work. Once you’ve got this, you just need to change the value by right clicking on the result, finding the drop down manu labelled “Change Record” then click “Value” Then you can change it to whatever you need.
Cheat Engine: www.cheatengine.org
Guides that don’t require extra software:
[link] [link](Both of these guides are not mine, all credit for them goes to the Authors, I’m simply giving people the link to them so that they can do it a different way if this version is too hard, or if they don’t want to download a Program)
I hope this worked for you, as I tried to go into as much detail while still keeping it simple.
Anyway. Thanks for reading this guide, hopefully it helped.
Now, go hunt Agents and WHOOP ASSSSS!!! 😀