Use the below text to change your Favorite Game Showcase to ‘Steam’. To change the game, go to any game you want on the Steam store, then copy the numbers after /app/ in the URL and replace the the numbers after ‘appid’ in the below text. If you are stuck, leave a comment and I’ll help you out :)FavoriteGameShowcaseOnGameChange( this.parentNode, 6, 0, {appid: 753})Use the below to set put any game in your Game Collector showcase. This will add Steam to the first slot. To change the slot, change the second number after “SetShowcaseConfig(2,”. Change the 0 to either 1,2 or 3 to change which slot it will be in.’2, 0,’ Changes the first game’2, 1,’ Changes the second’2, 2′ Changes the third’2, 3′ Changes the forthSetShowcaseConfig(2, 0, {appid: 735 })Remember to use F12 to open the console!