this is a walkrout moon
Wlkrout moon best mowement
The Strategy
This strategy works by making you hit milestones which multiply the profit gained from businesses. What follows is a brief list of things you should aim for, followed by a lengthier explanation which tries to be a bit more elaborate, especially if you are stuck at certain parts.
The list only contains business-specific milestones. You should purchase upgrades on your own.
For the “x of everything” milestones, check out the table below.
Reach the following investment quantities in that order:
160 Moon Shoes (cost ~ $233,846)
120 Payday Clones (cost ~ $140.458 million)
90 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $12.788 billion)
64 Cheese Mines (cost ~ $7.554 trillion)
180 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $29.874 trillion)
128 Cheese Mines (cost ~ $18.854 quadrillion)
150 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $9.926 quintillion)
360 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $162.992 quintillion)
450 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $392.363 nonillion)
2880 Oxygen Bars (cost ~ $3.365 septentrigintillion)
2160 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $93.007 unquinquagintillion)
2600 Helium-3 Farms (cost ~ $8.154 quattuorquinquagintillion)
2300 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $326.993 quattuorquinquagintillion)
3500 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $674.175 quinquinquagintillion)
2540 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $7.571 sexagintillion)
3800 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $26.648 sexagintillion)
3000 Helium-3 Farms (cost ~ $15.506 duosexagintillion)
4100 Werewolf Colonies (cost ~ $1.053 quinsexagintillion)
3000 Amusement Parks (cost ~ $175.647 septuagintillion)
More elaborate
Start with Moon Shoes. They scale incredibly well. Start purchasing Moon Shoes, buy the Moon Shoes manager, buy Moon Shoe cash upgrades (not the angel upgrades!) until you hit 160 Moon Shoes. You shall completely ignore Gravity Booths, for they are nearly worthless.
At this point you could start purchasing Payday Clones. You could purchase up to 120 Payday Clones or you could immediately start pouring your money into Oxygen Bars as soon as they become available. Ignore Moon Express for the time being.
Whether you decide to skip Payday Clones or not, purchase Oxygen Bars until you reach 90 Oxygen Bars. You should slowly start to be able to buy a Giant Laser. Buy one of every business so you get the 1 of everything milestone which doubles the speed of all your businesses. In this text, I won’t guide you through all of these milestones, so please check out the table below and use your common sense. As soon as you’re done, start purchasing Cheese Mines until you reach 64 Cheese Mines.
At that point, Cheese Mines and Oxygen Bars will compete against each other with their milestones, so go and keep hitting them. 180 Oxygen Bars and 128 Cheese Mines respectively.
As much as you should ignore all the other investments, try to sneak in some 150 Werewolf Colonies if you want an income boost before going for 360 Oxygen Bars.
Congratulations! You reached the point in which Oxygen Bars will be responsible for almost all of your income for a long while.
However, as it will take you a long while before getting to the next Oxygen Bars milestone, keep investing in Werewolf Colonies until you reach 450 Werewolf Colonies. As soon as you have reached 400 of them (at a price point of roughly $2.126 nonillion) they will be providing slightly more money than your Oxygen Bars.
Now that your Werewolf Colonies help you get into those decillions, it’s time for your next huge income boost: 720 Oxygen Bars (which should cost you slightly less than $5 decillion). This income boost is huge. At this point your Oxygen Bars should make up at least 99% of your total income. In fact, the boost is so huge that the next best step is 1440 Oxygen Bars and then 2880 Oxygen Bars.
Believe me, you should sink all your money into Oxygen Bars at this point. Don’t spend a single dollar on anything else (except for the x of everything milestones). Oxygen Bars outclass the other investments by several orders of magnitude at this point. In fact, you might spend weeks or months spending your money on nothing but Oxygen Bars.
As you slowly get tired from the game and your Oxygen Bars carry you into the unquinquagintillions, you get the opportunity to multiply your income by purchasing 2160 Amusement Parks
As your Amusement Parks carry you into the quattuorquinquagintillions, your next step should be 2600 Helium-3 Farms. Some of the other businesses catch up at this point. The next step is not that far away: Hit the next milestone with 2300 Amusement Parks.
And as your Amusement Parks carry you into the quinquinquagintillions and you spend increasing amounts of time contemplating just what you’re doing in your life, you notice that the 3500 Werewolf Colonies milestone boosts their income by a factor of 9,876,543,210.
Once you’ve got a few sexagintillion, 2540 Amusement Parks catch up, followed by 3800 Werewolf Colonies.
As you approach the duosexagintillions, I recommend purchasing 3000 Helium-3 Farms for roughly $15.506 duosexagintillion. This should be doubling or tripling your cash per second. Small boost compared to the nonsense that’s happened so far, but at this stage, you want to get this game over with as quickly as possible.
While you slowly approach the quinsexagintillions, it’s time for 4100 Werewolf Colonies.
Now pour all your money into Amusement Parks. 2780 Amusement Parks will cost you roughly $175.288 quinsexagintillion. Congratulations! Your Amusement Parks now outclass every single other business. Once you hit 3000 Amusement Parks, it’s basically game over. Your Amusement Parks should now make up almost all of your income