This game has some lovely tunes, doesn’t it? You may want to have it in your music library or iPod-esque device. Well, by following this guide you will totally be able to do so.
What you are going to need is:
– This package.[drive.google.com] It contains the program needed for extracting[www.nirsoft.net] and a batch file I made myself.
– The game installed, specifically a file named “sotesw.dll”. To open its location, right click this game while in the Steam Library and select “Properties”. After that, click “Local Files”, and then “Browse Local Files”.
– Some sort of audio conversion tool. There are some that function in a browser, or ones that you have to download. It’s up to you whichever you choose, but my personal favourite recommendation is Format Factory[www.pcfreetime.com], because it’s totally free and universal.
– Optionally, you may want to organise your audio library. Windows should ship with some methods to do so, but otherwise, you may want to use a program like EasyTag[wiki.gnome.org].
Extract “FSMusExtract.zip” to whatever location you wish, you can do so by clicking on it with the right mouse button and “Extract”, or with a program like WinRAR or 7Zip. After doing so, 5 files will be created. Remember that “sotesw.dll” in the Fortune Summoners directory? You have to copy it to the same folder, where those 5 files are located. Once it’s done, just double click on “Extract now!.bat”. After a short while, a folder by the name of “Fortune Summoners Soundtrack” will be created. It should contain 46 extensionless files, which were properly renamed to be more descriptive about their contents. Now, proceed onto the next step.
Drag and drop those 46 files into whatever media converter you use and select the format that you want, whether it’s .ogg, .mp3, .wav, .wma or .flac. After it’s done, they should be openable by music players without any issue. Now, since you have these new 46 files of musical goodness, you no longer need the files that we were using before, you can discard them.
Now we are pretty much done.
Organise these files by whatever way you wish, put them in whatever folder you like, you may apply album, artist, year and even image tags if you want!
Well, that’s pretty much it. Have fun! If something doesn’t function properly or you have objections regarding the soundtrack naming, comment below.