FULL Achievement Guide. Every achievement listed with additional information to help you get it.
Total achievements: 58
Potential missable achievements: ~22 (none if you use this guide)
Achievement difficulty: easy-middle
Time for 1 playthrough: ~6-7 hours
Number of playthroughs for all achievements: 1
Time to get all achievements: atleast 40 hours (special, see “I’m addicted” below)
List of achievements related to murders in the plot
You will get this achievements by playing through the storyline.
First blood
To do this, you need to kill Mary.
Design achievement (1st murder).
Double murder
To do this, you need to kill Gene.
Design achievement (2nd murder).
Getting the hang of it
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
third murder (3rd murdert).
Serial killer
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the fourth murder (4th murder).
High five
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the fifth murder (5th murder).
Lucky number
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the sixth murder (6th murdert).
Deadly sins
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the seventh murder (7th murdert).
Killed eight people and I like it
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the eighth murder (8th murder).
Nine gates of hell
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the ninth murder (9th murdert).
Nine of them did not matter
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
tenth (10th murdert).
Seven to eleven
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
eleventh (11th murdert).
No for home schooling
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the twelfth (12th murder).
Unlucky one
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the thirteenth (13th murder).
Finally no more driving
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the fourteenth (14th murder).
Almost there
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
fifteenth (15th murder).
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the sixteenth (16th murder).
You all saw him – he had a gun
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
seventeenth (17th murder).
Catholic vengeance
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
the eighteenth (18th murder).
Two out of three fathers
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
nineteenth (19th murder).
Son of the Devil
For this achievement, it is necessary to make
twentieth (20th murder).
Note: Make sure you are connected to steam to get this achievements. I did chapter 5-6 offline and they did not count. So just redo the whole chapter if the achievment isn’t present.
To ensure that you have a “Catholic” revenge, “two of the three fathers” and “son of the devil”, you must finish chapter 18 the first ending. If you pass the chapter 18 from the second ending, these achievements do not count. Can pass the first version of chapter 18, you can do so at any time.
List of achievments related to the abilities of Lucius
Get fifth level for telekenesis.
Use lesser combustion 5 times.
Use lesser combustion 10 times.
Get fifth level for combustion.
Use memory-erase 5 times.
Dr. Alzheimer
Use memory-erase 10 times.
Get fifth level for memoryerase.
Inside your head
Use mindcontrol 5 times.
Ultimate devil mindtrick
Use mindcontrol 10 times.
Get fifth level for mindcontrol.
Note: These achievements, together with Lucius murders are strictly in the storyline. Once again make sure you are not offline when playing the game or you wont get the achievement. If you try to get those achievements in the bonus part,you cant.
Dr. Kevorkian
Dr. Kevorkian
Assist on 3 suicides.
This is unlocked with the playthrough of the game. As long as you have gotten the achievments involed with the murders you will get this one too.
Find secret chamber before chapter seven.
To get this achievment you simply have to find the chamber behind the wine cellar before chapter 7. You can use the map found in your grandfathers room (on a table) or you could easily do this in chapter 6. Simply find the garage and find the other door to the garage which will open up to a storage. Go to the left than down the stairs. You will now be in the wine cellar. Go straight behind the black curtain covering the wine and you will be in a secret passage. Click the door handle then continue forward and you will find the secret chamber.
We got Ourselves a Reader
We got ourselves a reader
Read 20 journal entries.
This achievment will unlock as you progress through the game and continue to read your cute little diary.
Collect 20 items.
This achievement will require you to maximize agility and ingenuity. On top of the game try to collect as many items, trying not to merge them. For example, from the very first chapters, you can take the glue gun Cabinet, from high school from the safe in his father’s Cabinet and ammunition to it, take the catkins Nancy in a room maid, but not to give them … There are a lot of different ways.
Note: You have to get 20 objects in your inventory at the same time!
Oops! & Screw Hiding
Shoot someone.
Screw hiding.
Shoot 5 persons.
In Chapter 12 Grab the gun in the safe (6 6 19 66) and the bullets in the right drawer of your fathers desk without anyone noticing.Then you need to find a lone NPCS in the room and shoot him in the back of his neck and close to the head. Make sure to be very CLOSE to the victim. If the NPC is gone or limp after the shot it is counted. Repeat until done.
Take 20 pictures.
Easy achievment once youve made the camera. Just take 20 pictures while you run around outside or indoors. I think I remember the camera and film are located in grandfathers room on the desk.
Looking for something
Looking for something
Open 50 drawers.
The drawers all have to be different. Opening the room drawer over and over again does not grant the achievement (or so I tried to get it without success). Easy achievement because there are a lot of drawers in the house.
Accidents do happen, Devils little menace, Rebell without a cause & Tasmanian Devil
Accidents do happen
Break 10 objects
Devils little menace
Break 20 objects
Rebel without a cause
Break 30 objects
Tasmanian Devil
Break 50 objects
For these achievements, you need to take and throw breakable items: bottles, glasses, plates. You can easily find them, they stand on tables or in closets. Visit every room and use your telekinesis ability to pull items from high shelves.
Marathon and the tour de Dante manor
Running 26 miles.
This will typically be unlocked within a single playthrough of the game as long as you run and do not use the tricycle alot. also if you get lost a lot in the manor thatll help with this achievment lol.
Tour de Dante manor
Drive 10 miles.
To get the achievement it is convenient to ride to the garden, there is a good range to perform this little achievment. The tricycle is unlocked when youve completed all the chores. You can hold the SHIFT key to make the tricycle go faster (I didnt know this). Also riding around in the garden will unlock this achievement in about 30 minutes.
There is no answer
There is no answer
Talk to to people 10 times.
Pretty self explanitory just talk to people. Adults don’t like to talk with kids I think…
Are You There God? It’s Me, Lucius
Are You There God? It’s Me, Lucius
Turn a cross five times.
There is a cross in the dining room on the right hand wall.There is a cross on the wall in the washroom upstairs. There is a cross above the library (outside of your fathers office) between two bookcases (this was hard to find for us). There is a cross in the secret chamber you can turn. I believe these crosses can be used again to gain the achievement.
Tv Addict
TV Addict
Turn on the television 5 times.
There are so many TVs around the manor. One in the dining room. One in your parents bedroom. I believe there is one in your grandfathers room. Also another one in the housing quaters.
Let there be Dark!
Let there be Dark!
Turn off lights 20 times.
This achievement was pretty difficult for me. I kept turning off every light switch I saw and took me forever to actually get credit for it. So simple pick a level, like 6 or 12 and just run or ride around the manor turning off lights. There are sooooo many light switches. Just look at walls nearby doors.
Music is all around us
Music is all around us
Find two ways to listen music from the music box.
The music box is unlocked with finishing chores around the house and will be on your desk in your room. I just used it once and got the achievement.
They see me rollin
They see me rollin
Get spotted 5 times.
Simply use your powers such as telekenisis in front of people. I went to a chapter after chapter 10 and just started using abilities whenever i can and pulling out the gun to get spotted. just experiment with different ways to get spotted and eventually you will get the achievement.
These things belong together
These things belong together
Combine 6 items.
I unlocked this achievment simply by combining the nail gun with the nails, the camera with the film and the gun with the bullets.
Note: Don’t combine items unless you got the “Hoarder”-achievement or it’s necessary!
Open safe without hints.
There is a safe in the office of your father. Code : 6 6 19 66 (it’s your date of birth)
Note: In a later chapter you will get a hint with the code. You have to get this achievement before this chapter so do it as early as possible!
Let five people burn.
This achievement is unlocked by repeatedly doing chapter 15 or the chapter where you burn the man in the secret chamber. 15 is easier.
Frank Morris
Frank Morris
Escape from storage jail.
To escape from the jail go to the garage. There is a door leading into a small room on your way to the wine cellar. On the wall opposite of the storage cells will have a key on it. Grab the key. Enter the middle storage cell. It will lock you in. (grab the tool for the mechanic, 4 angled thingy on wooden shelf) then use the key on the door to unlock it. Congrats.
Devils Trainee
Devils Trainee
Complete all tutorials.
Unlocked by gaining each abilty in the game.
Mommys Little Helper
Mommy’s little helper
Complete chores for all the presents.
Chore list:
Clean my room.
~ Pick up all the little toy cars and place them into the toy box near the door.
Brush my teeth.
~The washroom upstairs has toothbrush on the sink counter. Grab the toothbrush then click the faucet to get this achievement. If you cant find it upstairs just keep looking. Its sometimes hard to spot the toothbrush.
Take out the garbage.
~The garbage is below the sink in the kitchen. Go outside into the garden and behind the shack there are two dumpsters. Throw the garbage in there.
Find moms earrings.
~The earrings are in one of the living quater rooms (green flooring near a passageway below stairs.) They are in a box on a desk. really easy to find.
Collect laundry into correct baskets.
~I still have not gotten a green check mark for this chore but i did get the achievement. Thus leading to the conclusion you do not need to fully complete this chore to get the achievement. Anyways the clothes are located in the housing quaters and even in some of the bedrooms upstairs. They are typically socks, or underwear found on the bed. Left basket is for white laundry and right is for coloured.
Move meat boxes.
~This is easy to do. simply move the meat boxes to the cold room in the kitchen.
Find a tool for the mechanic.
~Go to the Storage Room (next to garage). Take the keys from the wall on the left to open the cage. The Tire Iron is on the wooden shelf inside and now take the Tire Iron to the mechanic.
Find bottle of 33 wine.
~Alabaster will ask you for a bottle of 33 wine. Go to the wine celler ( find laundry room then garage then storage room then downstairs to the wine celllar. Itll be the only bottle different than the others. on the shelf with the label msising.
[Paggle] Wawo notes that “The “Mommy’s Little Helper” achievement only requires you to complete 7 out of the 8 chores, which means you can skip one of them. You will be granted the bike even if you do not complete all 8″
[Paggle] WaWo also says “The “Collect laundry into correct baskets.” chore only requires you to collect 5 pieces of cloth, which is really helpful to know in my opinion.”
Last tip [Paggle] WaWo says “Some objects in the game can glitch through walls, which is not new as it tends to happen in many games. One of these objects is the bottle of ’33 wine from the “Find bottle of ’33 wine.” chore. This happened to me, and because of that I cannot now finish the chore.” although apperently these items can respawn.
I like this game & I’m addicted
I like this game
Play 20 hours.
I’m addicted
Play 40 hours.
Also self explanitory. Simply play the game for 40 hours in total. Replay the whole game or attempt to do any challenges or get achievements. Or just leave the game running while you watch anime or sleep.
Note: You have to stay ingame, menu doesn’t count!
Last Words
We hope we could help with this guide. If you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment in the section below.
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