Renaissance Heroes Guide

The Renaissance Heroes Shop Guide for Renaissance Heroes

The Renaissance Heroes Shop Guide


The purpose of this guide is to give you an idea of how the Renaissance Heroes shop works.


The purpose of this guide is to give you an idea of how the Renaissance Heroes shop works.

As you know, Renaissance Heroes is Free to Play. This means you can actually download and play the game for free. This is the point where some gamers start to feel nervous and worry that something is “Pay2Win”. We gamers will always discuss the pros and cons of various game industry payment models; however we wanted to provide you with an overview of how this works in Renaissance Heroes.

Can you play for FREE?

Can you play Renaissance Heroes for FREE, be competitive and have fun?

The answer to this is YES. This isn’t a game where you have to grind a Boss one thousand times in order to keep competitive or get that one piece of uber gear. This game is very fast paced and is quite dependent upon your skill. If you feel rusty or feel like you need a bit of adjustment to a twitch shooter, we have beginner channels for levels 10 and under as well as practice rooms vs. various bot difficulties.

But… It has a Cash Shop!

But… It has a Cash Shop!

Yep! Here is the skinny about the shop. You have two kinds of game currency: In-game Points called PT and Cash Coins called CP. The majority of items in our shop have both PT and CP options, allowing you to utilize one or the other.

PT is earned by playing the game itself. You gain it upon match completion, you can get it as a prize in a PT Box when you accomplish something in game or when there are special events. With PT, you can buy weapons for 1 day, 15 days, 30 days or even permanently. All it costs you is your time spent PWNING people in the face.

CP is obtained by purchasing tokens through our shop interface. One token = $.01 (one cent). One hundred tokens = $1.00 (one dollar).

Expiration vs Permanent

Why would I want to purchase a Weapon that Expires?

We offer various expiration times to allow you a chance both to customize and grow your character. You can buy a weapon with PT for a day and try it out. The timer doesn’t start to count down until you actually equip it.

We also offer 15 and 30 day weapons that allow you to expand your weapons as you level. Maybe you want to try out a level 7 weapon for only 15 days because you plan to level up and move to a higher level weapon. Maybe you want to just take it month to month. It is all up to you. Our weapons are all PT purchase based for 1, 15 and 30 days purchases. We offer a CP and a PT option for a Permanent purchase.

What is the difference between a Permanent Item and one that Expires?

Permanent items are forever, our top tier option in our shop and obviously a once in a lifetime purchase. Some items are cash only for permanent and others have both cash and a PT option.
Items with expiration will ‘grey out’ when they expire. You can recharge the item and it will be discounted from what it would cost to buy the weapon brand new from the shop, whether you use CP or PT to recharge. You can see in the pictures provided the difference in the original purchase price (14,000 PT for 30 days) and the recharge price (12,500 PT for 30 days).

Will I lose any tuning to weapons that Expire?

The answer is no. If you have a weapon you have upgraded in weapons tuning and it expires, simply recharging it will not remove any bonuses you placed on the item.

What Else Is In The Shop?

What else is there in the shop?

Besides costumes and weapons, we have items that you may purchase to help you gain in EXP or PT for various lengths of time. We also have power-up boosts that are consumables that offer both defensive and offensive opportunities to tweak your character. We currently also offer banner packages that you can equip that give you an increase in PT gain and also give you a box full of PT for use in purchasing items.