Hootin Ballows: Tough Dirt: Beetles is a great game, based on a great anime. And it has all of the characters from said anime, with new powers as well! However, some are better than others, and I’ll tell you the least stoopid and the most stoopid.
We’re counting down the best, so buckle up your pants or they will fall and I will kick your painis.
10. LasErs pEW PEW PEW
Lazzers are veyr cool and god they make you’re already super good Super Munkey shoot 2 thingies instead of one vich makes him doubly good!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!! but donut got the palms a it is bad it makes you go back to shotting on thing
9 is caoms detcet
Camofalg upgrades are rely god they makw izrards and helpilot wich are good on normal blons godd on paternd baloons too so get it but dont do it if you have a monky bacon
8. sonuc bom
snic bommm is as good as the sonic boon gam its basd on so its verry god it lest stoopid bomerang trower to hit icies and is good
7 viral frots
virl frost is a very good. it lets freezed blons touch not freezed balons to frost them. its realy good but the ice monky also gets crippling depression so only have it when you ned it
6. sun good
The son good is really good because he has good in his name and he shoots 3 things but the doen==wnside is that he needs the stoopid plams upgrade to get
dragon breast is very god it makes wirzad breath fier and he keeps his cool other atacks but with it you cant get tornaod witch is sad
4. litning fidget spiner
the litning fidget spinner is very god becus it makes blons go back and hurts them tooits realy good a=on regrow blons but its only numbr 4 becuas i coulndt fit the figet spinner on screen fully so im mad at it
3. sommin figiy spinnr
somin figit spin er is god it blows bloons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2 litening
littening is lit becuse it kills groped bloon and it dos good on regros
1. 0/0 dart monky
the best upgarde is non at all for the dart monky and its nly betabvle by caom regrw red
honaurabel menshin: Long Lif Banas (Suggested by MooMoo)
Banae nae Frm is a bad becas it cant fed you’re monks becus the bnanans rot but if u get long bans it maks yo’re banan farm into a universel banaenae fram so its god
te end
this is the en. If yuo ned to cotnac me four col ajnd good ifno addd my Cub Pengin accuont, nammed Poisoon140 but dont do it befor 7:30 becuas tahts my betdime