How to make the game output at your native resolution if you’re above the 1920×1200 maximum the settings offer and look in Guides before you search the Forums.
The whole thing basically
The game sadly doesn’t offer you higher resolutions for reasons only the learned mystics may ascertain after years of studies of the arcane arts, however for us lowly people who do not ponder the great beyond there is hope, this is an Unreal engine 3D game after all. Or, After fall. Let’s get to it.
Read 1a, but if you happen to be lost, refer to 1b which I have written first but got way too basic. Can you tell I’ve recently had to explain some computer stuff to my mom?
1a) open steamappscommonAfterfall InSanityRascalGameConfig and change the values as seen in example down in 2)
1b) Right click on the game in your library and choose Properties, in there pick the Local files tab and finally click on Browse local files. Your file explorer opens – now enter the folders named RascalGame, then Config and open the file called DefaultGame.ini. If Windows asks you how to open the file, you should select Notepad, or a text editor of your choice.
Scroll almost all the way down to a section that begins with #force graphic resolution
You’ll need to uncomment (delete the first symbol of each line) and change the following four values.
bForceResolution and bForceFullscreen should read true, and ForceResX and ForceResX should be set to your desired resolution.
For example, I’m running the game at 2560×1440, so my config reads
#force graphic resolution
Then just save the file start the game. Everything should be O.K. now.
I’d like to thank my mom for having me cut out of her belly, furthermore I’d like to thank my cats for being great to talk to, and Steam user oblisk from whose thread in Discussions I’ve robbed this solution.