Binary Domain Guide

The Invasion Survival Guide for Binary Domain

The Invasion Survival Guide


You are new in the invasion mode?You want to get through all 50 waves?Then read on! It will help you!

Prepare to (not) die

Before you are going to head on for the challenge, there are 3 simple steps you have to master before you can even think of surviving!

You will fail often when trying to complete this mode but don’t give up! Keep going at it and practice your aim, movement and map awareness. If you have mastered those skills, you are already pretty close to survive.

Resource Management
Ammo is a resource that seems trivial in this game mode when you play it at the first time. Getting to higher waves though, it will be the reason why you fail some games. Be careful with your ammo!

You need to build yourself a good strategy that is complimenting your play style. Without a solid tactic on how to approach enemies, even the best aim is useless. However, down below I have some example Tactics for you. Use them and build on them!

Tactic #1 – Aggressive
One Enemy on its own isn’t such a big challenge, a group however is. This is the reason why you need to keep running. Don’t let them figure out your position and trap you. If you stay at one position for some time, the enemy will form a large group which will trap and kill you. However if you keep changing your position, the enemy won’t be able to trap you that easy and you will survive!

However do not play too aggressive since you die really fast once you are spotted!

Tactic #2 – Defense:
If playing aggressive isn’t your cup of tea, then you can also try to find the “key-position” in every map. Every stage in this game has an area where defending is quiet easy. Those locations usually give you a nice view on the whole battlefield. Sniping on those positions should therefore be a good idea. However at some point they will be able to group on you which can’t really be avoided. That is the moment when you have to split up with your team and regroup later.

But if you want to keep defending your position, you can buy shields to cover your coop partners from bullets. You still need to watch out for rockets and grenades though!

Wave 01 – 05

After learning now basics of how to play in invasion, you gotta learn now how to adapt onto enemies AND NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY! Every enemy is more than capable of taking you out, do not forget that. Doesn’t matter how weak they might appear.

-> Assault Shooter
-> Hercules

Assault Shooter
These bots are one of the easier enemies to take care of. They move slow, do not have high health and react slow. Just do not try to fight them without cover. They still can be a very big problem in open areas without cover.

Assault Shooter with a Shield
Flanking or using grenades is your best option on those enemies. You still can challenge your luck by trying to hit the exposed parts of it’s body that aren’t covered by the shield.

Hercules ( every 5 waves )
Hercules will appear about every 5 waves. Those robots come in 2 variations: Minigun/Rocket-Launcher but the first 2 robots you will see only have a Minigun. There isn’t really a strategy against a Minigun-Hercules. Just shoot it and hide when you hear the Minigun is firing.

Pro-Tip: Hercules won’t shoot you when it spawns but after some time it will start to target you. If you find its spawn fast enough, you will be able to take it out before it can even shoot once.

Enemies: Wave06-10

Wave 06-10
Wave-Difficult: Very Easy
Incoming Robots
+ Assault Shooter
+ Hercules
+ Simian

In wave 06 you will see the first time Simians. One Simian on its own isn’t a problem. It’s nearly simply laughable but when they came in group you have a problem. Everyone knows that more enemies make more damage, so you need a efficient strategy for killing them. Surely you can also just shoot on them with any weapon you have but this would not be so smart. Just ran into them punch them to their doom. Most of the Simians are even hiting their friends. Easy play for you!
Your team members will thank you because you have not ripped you all the ammo packs on the nail..

Enemies: Wave011-15

Wave-Difficulty: Normal
Incoming Robots
+ Assault Shooter
+ Hercules
+ Deadeye

Normal Deadeyes aren’t very strong. In shorts you can say, just run to them and shoot on them. They will not be able to defend them good enough. For this they are reacting by far too slow.
You will only get a small problem if they are too far away from you but so long one team mate also has a sniper rifle, it should be no problem.

Hercules – rocket (every 5 waves)
A hercules with a rocket launcher you will seeing the first time in wave 15. Taking out such a robot without any risk is nearly impossible. The only thing you can try is to find a higher position. Such a position where you just can see the hercules head but it cannot hit you with its rocket.

Enemies: Wave016-20

Wave-Difficulty: A little Challenge
Incoming Robots
+ Assault Shooter
+ Hercules
+ Creeper

Creepers are little bombs. They will move to you and detonate in your distance. Normally this should be no problem. They are weak and not too fast. It turns into a problem if you cannot hear them. If you get hit by the explosion you mostly gets instant killed.

Enemies: Wave21-25

Wave-Difficulty: Hard
Incoming Robots
+ Assault Shooter
+ Hercules
+ Golem

If you would compare wave 20 to wave 21 you would recognize a very big difference. The Golems are one of the strongest enemies. A shotgun shot of them or even a simple punch will kill you nearly and if you are a little bit damage you could even get instant killed.

You have to keep them on distance. There is no other way. If you have a shotgun or a sniper with you use them. Shotgun near and Sniper far away. They amke by far the most damage against them. But don’t think your other weapons will be useless. Every single weapon can help you, even the SMG, but you have to do precise shots into its head.

Enemies: Wave026-30

Wave-Difficulty: Very Hard
Incoming Robots
+ Jarhead ( all forms )
+ Hercules

In the next waves most of the robots you have seen will get a kind of upgrade. In difference to their previous model they react now faster and can handle more damge and of course deal more. In brief, all of new robots can be defeated easily like the shotgun ones.

Enemies: Wave031-35

Wave-Difficulty: Very Hard
Incoming Robots
+ Jarhead ( all forms )
+ Hercules
+ Tube Gunner

Tube Gunner
Even if this scrab-heads look very solid, they aren’t. In fact they move pretty slow, do not have much helath but at least they can give much damage. The fastest way of bringing them down is to shoot with any pistol / SMG / LMG / assault rifle in their eyes.

Enemies: Wave036-40

Wave-Difficulty: Incredible Hard
Incoming Robots
+ Jarhead
+ Hercules
+ Prototype

The Prototypes which appears in this wave, have a similar behavior like the Simians but this time they move slower. Unfortunatelly they have by far more heltah this time and their close combat attacks are by far stronger. Fortunatelly these robota are very stupid. Just climb up to a upper position. They aren’t able to climb up walls. Now you can kill them with any weapon or a team-mate comes over with a shield and shows them how to play.

Enemies: Wave041-45

Wave-Difficulty: Veteran
Incoming Robots
+ Assault Shooter
+ Hercules
+ Rapid Shooter
+ Deadeye
+ Simian
+ Creeper

Rapid Shooter
This scrab-heads are by far the strongest robots you will see in the invasion mode. They are incredible fast, can handle an amazing large amount of shots, can give many damage per shot and will try to surround you.

There is not really s tactic which really works. The only thing how you can actually win against them is trying to kill them when they have stopped running. Every robot will stop for a short second to realize that there is an enemy over there. There is no other way to stop them effective. The nearer they come to you, the worse your situation gets.

Enemies: Wave046-50

Wave-DIfficulty: EXTREME
Incoming Robots
+ Golem
+ Hercules
+ Rapid Shooter
+ Jarhead
+ Tube Gunner
+ Prototype
+ Gunbox

If you just take their behavior the blue turrets aren’t hard to kill but their defense is extremely strong. Even a rocket isn’t enough to kill them. You have to take a shield to knock them out. WIth a shield you can punch them so long you wish and with the shield you are good pretected of the bullets from a Gunbox. Surely that only means for the Gunbox. You still need some guys for you to cover.

Bugs & Glitches

+ If you are reviving a team mate while he is shooting or reloading it won’t help.
+ If you are playing in team and you fall on the ground the enemy won’t attack you, it will concentrate it fire on your other team mates. But if you are the last player it will shoot on you.
+ When you are reviving a player the bots stop shooting at you
+ When robots are spawning they do not recognize you for about 3 seconds.

Last Words

That’s it! With knowing all this things, the invasion-mode should become alot easier to play.
Whcih does not mean that the mode will now be easy to beat.
Anyway, thanks for reading my guide.
I hope I could help you in any case!
Feedback is welcome!