Guns of Icarus Alliance Guide

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A collection of links to guides, spreadsheets, videos, and other resources that could possibly be useful.


Just a quick thing I wanted to say before you delve into the provided links. Guns of Icarus Online/Alliance, has been in development since release and things have changed. Many of the ammunition types have been somewhat reworked. Also, guns and ships have been ported from PvE to also be in PvP and have had their stats balanced in the process. Furthermore, ship stats in general have been balanced repeatedly. The UI was changed as well prior to the Alliance release and the PS4 release.
TLDR, some of these resources will not have been updated to reflect everything. Just keep that in mind. When in doubt, you can always check the stats ingame.

Official Resources

Official Forum

Your login is your ingame username plus the password you set up when you first launched the game and had to make an account (and which you have probably forgotten by now). Specifically, take a look here for guides:

Official Discord

Chat with other players, and with community ambassadors and developers.
Check the pinned messages there for invites to event-specific and language-specific Discord servers

Official Wiki

Maintained by the community. Reasonably up to date, but may lag somewhat behind new updates.

Ingame Loadout Screen

The character and ship loadout screens give short descriptions of every tool and gun. Read them!

Ingame Library

Profile -> Library
Detailed stats on all the guns and ships. Also has lore for the maps and previous wars.

Guns of Icarus Online guides section
Due to some silliness, the devs decided to release Alliance as a separate steam app rather than as DLC; consequently, the guides section here is mostly empty, while plenty exist on the GoIO section. Just be careful with anything that hasn’t been updated in several years. This game has been in continuous development and has received regular balance patches, so information may go out of date if not updated regularly.

Overviews and Cross-category Guides

The 5 Minute Game Guide: Crash Course for New Players[]Quick and dirty guide to to the absolute basics; from 2013.

[link]Comprehensive introduction to everything, but not up to date with the new stuff and balance changes, so be mindful of that.

Guns of Icarus Caster Sheet[]
A spreadsheet that has a bit of everything. Intended to bring external casters up to speed with the meta, but useful for anyone. Mostly up to date (as of summer 2018), but incomplete in a few places.

A few Youtube videos that cover some of the basics. From 2015/2016


[link]All the engineering tools explained. By me 🙂

[link]A decent intro to engineering.


Buffing 101[]Quick guide to using the buff hammer

A few handy hints on how to use Chemical spray[]

Parkour Content[]Or just watch the videos below.
Hardcore Parkour: A Quick and Dirty Engineer’s Guide to Getting Around[]

****************** Videos ******************

[link]Rapidly reach all three Galleon engines

[link]Rapidly reach all three Magnate engines

[link]Squid parcouring

Underrated visual dictionary of almost all engie jumps & shenanigans (pre-Alliance).

Guns & Ammuntion

Online damage calculator and match database and arc visualizer.

[link]Ammo guide by me.

[link]Also, this guide is good

Guns for Gunners[]Which guns do you actually need a gunner for, and which are better fired by an engineer with a buffkit?

Welcome to The Gun Range, the Premier 2D Weapons Range/Arc Visualizer![]
Photoshop files to visually compare gun arcs.

[link]Guide to the weapons. Last updated 2015, so be aware that some things (especially ammo) have changed.

Arming Time and You[]Quick guide on ammo types and how they effect arming time/distance. The arming time and projectile speed is still the same now in 2018, but some of the other ammo stats (such as clip size) have changed.

****************** Spreadsheets Galore ******************

If you are into numbers…
~Note that this game is in constant development and there are regular balance patches. Many of the older sheets do not reflect these changes, especially the changes to the ammunition statistics.

GOIO Stats 2019[]

GOIO Ship and Weapon Stats Oct 2018[]
Spreadsheet of damage calculations. Fall 2018.

GOIO Mortor + Gat Kill stats[]
Spreadsheet of Gatling + Mortar kill time calculations. Summer 2018

Guns of Icarus Ammo Stats[]
Spreadsheet will all the ammo stats. Summer 2018.

GoI weapons[]
Extensive DPS spreadsheet. Dates from Spring 2018. Abandoned by the original author, so there will be no further updates to this sheet.

GOIA Stats and Stuff[]
Super extensive spreadsheet. Still my favorite, even though some things need updating.

A set of three sheets:
GOI Stats & Numbers[]
Light Gun Stats with Ammo Types[]
Heavy Guns Stats with Ammo Types[]
Updated January 2018, I believe.

An older sheet that looks pretty. Doesn’t reflect more recent balance changes.

Guns of Icarus Statistics[]
Another older spreadsheet of weapon and damage calculations.

Damage chart[]
Stats from 2014 and earlier, just in case you were wondering.

Specific Gun Guides

Gat Mortar Guide[]A very short guide on proper Gatling+Mortar usage.

****************** Lumberjack Heavy Mortar ******************

long range with heavily arcing projectile, so it can be hard to shoot. But the ironsights + map can be used to shoot properly. One map grid is 400m.

How to Lumberjack -levi[]



****************** Hades Light Cannon ******************

long range with heavily arcing projectile, so it can be hard to shoot. But the ironsights + map can be used to shoot properly. One map grid is 400m.

Hades what is it good for?[]


****************** Phobos Mine Launcher ******************

Mine Gunner Tips[]


****************** Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon MKII ******************

A guide to the Typhon Heavy Flak[]


Ships & Ship Builds

How to crew: A visual guide for crews and pilots[]
Crew positioning guide. Includes the new Alliance ships, unlike most other guides.

[link]tier list 2020

Triple engi guides[]Youtube videos for crew setups on some of the classic ships

Ship Scale Guide[]
Discover how big (or small) your ship truly is. Be prepared to be surprised.

Meta Builds[]Meta builds from 2016. Still mostly meta.

Schematics of a few of the ship layouts

************ Pyramidion ************

Aboard a Pyramidion[]visual guide
[N2] Nano’s Noobs 101 – Crewing a metamidion[]Specifically the Gatling+Mortar Pyra
redria’s Journal – A High Level Guide to Flying Pyramidions[]covers a bunch of builds. Make sure to scroll down.
A high level multi-situational pyramidion build, with guide for pilot and crew.[]A long-range build

************ Junker ************

[N2] Nano’s Noobs 103 – Crewing a metajunker[]
Munker Art Online: Declassified[]Learn about mine Junkers

************ Goldfish ************

Nano’s Noobs 102 – Crewing a blenderfish[]Hellhound Carronade Goldfish

************ Spire ************


************ Galleon ************

Easy Galleon Guide[]For a short range brawler Galleon

************ Squid ************

Aboard a Squid[]
A Complete Guide to the Mine Squid[]Guide specifically for the minelauncher Squids

************ Mobula ************

Mobula Guide for Control Freaks[]A few specific non-meta builds

Piloting / Captaining

[link]videos that cover the basics of maneuvering.

[link]work your way up the piloting skill tree

[link]How to be a good team player


How to run away[]Not a joke! Knowing when to retreat is important.

Hamster’s Pilot Guide[]Introduction to piloting and tools

How to play and win King of the Hill / Crazy King[]Spawn positions, capture times and points for kills have been adjusted since this guide was written, but still a good read.

Major and Minor Playstyles[]Classic playstyle theory.

A Squidsassin’s Guide to Squidsassinating[]A guide on stealth and speed.

Kestril’s guide to teaching new crews.[]

Teaching new Players[]

Take captaining to the next level

Alliance PvE Guides


Miscellaneous Guides

[link] [link]

[link]Everyone likes free stuff

Did I Miss Anything?

If you have any other resources you found useful, let me know in the comments below!
Also, if I have included something that you think is no longer useful, let me know, and I can consider removing it.