Guns of Icarus Alliance Guide

Planes and How to spot them for Guns of Icarus Alliance

Planes and How to spot them


This will tell you help you identify a plane, and detrirmine the threat of it.

I. The Crow (photos to come soon.)

The Crow is a simple plane, it’s a monoplane fighter, that looks like a cross between a BF-109 and a Spitfire. it comes in numbers with up to 12 planes present. (lowest threat you could face alone) Arned with only machine guns, and will always try to attack from the rear. It has the lowest health of any vehicle you face in co-op.

II. The Hawk

The Hawk is the big brother to the crow. it’s armed with two cannons, and typically is in an arrow formation with 3 hawks, will try to attack from the rear like the crow, and is easy to spot due to the large body in the center, with a tail similar to the P-38 lightning, and two engines. (medium threat on its own.)

Top Front of the Hawk (Note: I did not have time to take an elegant screenshot, since these things are fast, and hard to find on a singleplayer match.)

III. The Albatross (photo to come soon)

The Albatross is the largest plane you’ll see, and don’t spawn quite as often as the two previous planes, they fly with at least 3 other albatross, and have no defensive weapons, only bombs. they look like a mix between a B-17 and a B-29. They will normaly attack from above, sometimes they will run into you. (however I think this is just because they had no room to turn away). (highest threat on its own, but not as high as a boss ship.)