This is a guide to mastering, and also obtaining the Shadow Missions for the Juggernaut Ship. If you have been playing a lot of the Jugg trying to get its badge and just found it frustrating, I’ve got some tips for you, so you don’t have to break another mouse/controller against the wall, you’ll get all three missions immediately!
I noticed the Juggernaut Shadow Mission is the least awarded achievement, and I know why it must be, it can sometimes be a real pain to keep that thing alive, let alone killing anything efficiently! With such a heavy but fast movement, its manouverability is the hardest to get in the game, and your shots are really slow, even much slower than you! But don’t worry, there is a way…
Knowing your weaknesses
1. Getting used to the movement and shooting speed doesn’t take much more than a song, your weakness is really how unpredictable the enemies can be sometimes. You have a powerful ship, the problem is that it’s really easy to accidentally touch an enemy or projectile.
What you need to focus on is not the enemies you kill, but your own life, the Juggernaut game is about SURVIVAL.
2. Pickups run away from you! psss, unless they are safely yours, nevermind them.
Finding your strengths
1. The Beat Hazard beam
This beast has a lot of power, and the concentrated shots are half of it, especially useful with the closest enemies, and homing missiles.
2. The secondary cannon
These bullets are slow but just as lethal. You can easily kill off not only the scouts, but even bulldogs and swarms just by spinning randomly in the center of the screen, if you’re ok with that tactic…
Combat/Survival Tactics
Swaying: If you sway your ship in front of a Reaper it while you’re close to it you can kill it with your first bullets, and get rid of the homing missiles instantaneously. Swaying also works wonders with the packs of bulldogs, you just fire for a couple of seconds and then you focus on other things while your bullets kill them.
Timing your cannons: Just as I just mentioned, you can shoot somewhere predictably for slow bullets to get going, and then use your beat hazard on other thing. For example, the mines, those that come in lines and by pairs, they come at you, so shoot one for about a second, and then focus on the other one with your Beat Hazard beam, they’ll go down at the same time. Small ships are also predictable once you know when they come from, so sway at their spawn corner for a while, and then move away to terminate the ships coming from other places.
Don’t worry about pickups!: Serously, unless it’s the bomb, don’t even think about going for them, maybe only if you have them up close to you.. They are repulsed by your awesomeness, and the Jugg is really hard to maneuver, and getting close the the edges of the screen get you to the most dangerous place. If you REALLY need them, like a ^VOL, POW or that +10, then use a Shield.
Perk Selection
The Juggernaurt is very perk-dependant, you’ll need to focus on these things:
1. Survival: you’ll depend on reflective shields, and super bombs (and their shield) to be sure you’ll survive, don’t keep them in case you’ll need them later, use them at will, hardly ever have I run out of them.
2. Attack: To make up for your shooting weaknesess, the micro missiles are the best companion, they are really helpful against the serpent ships, or to shoot a couple times when the screen gets full of enemies.
The Ultra Beam is the least important and most dispensable powerup, since you’ll have all the power you need in your Beat Hazard Beam. If you died and just respawned you can use the help of your superweapons to get the pickups needed.
3. Again, no pickups![media.metrolatam.com]
Avoid the perks that will give you more pickups, instead go for the Survival multiplier or final points boosts, in my set of perks, I use the Goodie bag, but only because it activates just as the song starts, with little danger.
My personal set of perks/difficulty
With them (and the tactics) I was able to get more than 20 Million points in a common length track without dying.
Difficulty: Suicidal (Don’t forget you have one of the strongest ships in the hangar)
Visual intensity: 200%(Gives you a +20% score bonus)
Perks are assumed to be all maxed out, bold and underlined means activated
The Missions
1. Kill 4 Twin Bosses
You just need to not die, since each death takes away one mini-boss kill
2. Score 9 million points in a song
Just play a song in high difficulty with a high visual intensity, the hard part is only not to scream when you die
3. Accumulate 40 million points
Awarded by playing, in the highest difficulty and intensity, a normal track will give you between 15 and 20 million points, you don’t lose much progress after dying, so you’ll get it with time, but easily.