The Escapists Guide

Escaping for dummies! (spoilers) for The Escapists

Escaping for dummies! (spoilers)


The easiest way to escape Jail!


Step1: Move your desk under the ventilation vent in your cell
Step2: Remove your cells ventilation vent (cut through it or unscrew it)
Step3: Go up into the ventilation shaft
Step4: Cut through 5 slats going towards the ladder to the roof (South & West)

Night Time Hustle

Standard escape:
Step1: Wait for the night time roll call, make a quick appearence then run to your cell and begin your escape..
Step2: Climb into the ventilation shaft in your cell
Step3: Rush through the ventilation shaft to the ladder too get to the roof
Step4: Once on the roof, walk across the wire to your left, to get to the roof of the power generator
Step5: Drop down the wall of the powergenertor using a sheet rope.
Step6: You are now right next to the exterior wall, you are only 2 space from freedom. Dig a hole right next to the exterior wall and tunnel two spaces left then up to freedom.

Alternate escape (No digging, use grappling hood instead):
Step1: Instead of going left over the wire, grapple up the wall to your right.
Step2: Move to the south side of the roof and walk across the wire to a small building.
Step3: Now move across the wire to the right to the guard barracks
Step4: Climb down the ladder into the ventilation system of the guard barracks
Step5: Cut the 2 slats in the ventilation system and work your way to the right where you will find another ladder to the roof, Go up the ladder to the roof.
Step6: On the roof walk across the wire to your north to get to the laundry room roof.
Step7: The laundry room roof is next to the exterior wall, you can grapple the exterior wall to escape

This way works well since you dont need to get any keys, cut through walls, or dig massive tunnels.


1) You only need to make a brief appearance at any activity during the day. Leaving an event early will give you more time to get stuff done.
2) The night time dig can be split into multiple nights if you cant finish in one night. Just cover the hole with dirt, then finish it the next night.