The Escapists Guide

How to succeed in Prison! for The Escapists

How to succeed in Prison!


Best guide on how to succeed in Prison!

Naming the Characters

Right, every prison has somebody in it that has a name that everyone remembers. But because I can’t be bothered to make up my own I suggest you use names from Prison movies/shows to make the Roleplay aspect alot more fun. If not just quickly name them stupid sh*t!

Main Character (You)
As you can see I am going with Michael from Prison Break because he is a iconic character.

Other Inmates (Some Examples)
Benjamin Miles ‘C-Note’ Franklin

Theodore ‘T-Bag’ Bagwell

Fernando Sucre

John Abruzzi

Officer Bellick

Officer Kellerman

Making Friends + Once your in

The first thing I suggest you do, is go up to you the strongest inmate in the prison and beat the crap out of him. This will indicate you’re a crazy person who shouldn’t be messed and if I have learnt anything from TV, this will get you in with the biggest Gang the prison has to offer because they always want someone like that on their side.

Once your in
If you have got to this point then Great because that means you didn’t get stabbed after you hurt the big guy. Now this is the part when one of the multiple gangs came to “recruit” you but that word seems pretty pointless because if you say no they would probably kill you for saying something they didn’t want to hear. So long story short say yes.

Now that you’re in the gang they will want to do various jobs on their behalf, anything from collecting money from other inmates, Teaching people a lesson or even Stealing stuff that they can use to their advantage. (Shivs, Clothes, Screwdrivers etc.) – You can do one of two things:

1) After following their requests, you can give them their items and receive payment. Even though this is good you could do the next option.

2) After following their requests, you can keep the items and sell them for profit. This can give you an advantage in escaping prison because with the money you can buy items you need quicker. (e.g. Screwdriver)

Be warned though because even though this seems like a good idea, you won’t want a whole gang on your back so maybe you could follow up on some jobs for them and some you dont. This will decrease the chance of you getting caught.

Long story short, the more money you have (Steal items such as Clothes, Weapons for money etc.), the more items you can buy which will increase the chance of you escaping.

Good items to Steal/Buy/Craft

As I stated before you can steal various items or do various jobs for money and with this money you can buy items you need of the other inmates.

List of items to buy
– Screwdriver (Unscrews vents allowing you to go into other rooms undetected for e.g.)
– Soap (Put into a sock and beat people with it in the showers)
– Shivs (Stab someone in the Jugular to make sure they dont survive)
– Comb blade (Comb with a blade on it, useful when stabbing someone in the back)

BTW to get certain items you have to craft them together and because you can craft a crap tone of stuff, here’s a video to guide you through it!

One way to escape

There are multiple ways to escape so I’m just going to mention one of them
– Get a Screwdriver and a weapon and hide them in your cell, Get a Shovel and hide it outside, At night escape out of your cell through the vents, Kill/Knockout a Guard and steal his Uniform, Go to where you hid the Shovel, Start Digging under the Fence and there you escaped.

So it is more enjoyable I’m not going to mention any more ways to escape because where’s the fun it that?

The Final Step

Right, if you suck at doing everything I have stated above then there is one thing that always works… become someone’s bit*h and get rammed in the Showers everyday because you obviously aren’t going to succeed. Plus you should learn how to Kiester because every bit*h needs to protect themself and you never know when your going to need it.
This will teach you the basics on how to do it and also what items you could use.

This is by no means a perfect or realistic guide on how to play the game. I would suggest just researching it online and just playing it and gaining experience.