The Escapists Guide

How to escape Stalag Flucht for The Escapists

How to escape Stalag Flucht


This is a guide that tells you how exactly to escape Stalag Flucht.

Gathering materials

Gather these materials
4 Files
4 Duct tape
1 Tube of toothpaste
1 Tub of talcum powder
3 Wires
1 Guard outfit
1 Bed sheet
2 Pillows
1 Magazine
? Plastic forks, (will need several)
1 Lighter
1 Comb or toothbrush


Craft together 2 files and duct tape, then craft the resulting cutters with 1 file and 1 duct tape, then do that again to get the sturdy cutters. Craft together the tube of toothpaste and tub of talcum powder to get a wad of putty. Craft together the 3 wires to get a fake fence. Craft together the magazine with 1 duct tape to get a poster. Craft the lighter with the comb/toothbrush to get Molten plastic. Craft the two pillows with the bed sheet to get a bed dummy.

Preparing for the escape

Beat up guards (will need to excercise, and get a good weapon, maybe even nunchuks (2 timber + wire) / whip (1 timber + 1 wire + 1 razor blade) and plated POW outfit. (POW outfit + sheet of metal + duct tape)) if you find the staff key (red) craft it with the wad of putty to create the staff key mold, then put the key back on the guard, be careful not to get too high heat or you will be shot and/or the prison will go into lockdown. Once you have the staff key mold, craft it with the molten plastic to get the plastic staff key. Use the plastic fork to chip at the wall of your cell (make sure your cellmate isn’t below 50 opinion or he will call the guards over) when the wall breaks place the poster over the hole in the wall.

Final escape plan

At night, place the bed dummy on your bed, then put on your guard outfit. Take down your poster then walk outside, place the poster back in place. Go to the fence by the metal shop and cut out a piece with the cutters. Once the fence is gone, walk through and replace it with the fake fence. Go to the generator, and de-activate it. walk back to the fake fence and go back through, replacing the fence as last time. Go out through the door by the cells to get to the electric fence. Cut out the electric fence (should be turned off now) and walk out.

Congratulations, you’ve done it!

After notes

I actually haven’t completed this prison myself, so some parts might not work exactly as they should. I do know the mechanics of the game very well however, so I don’t see a reason this guide wouldn’t work.