The Escapists Guide

How to make a prison for The Escapists

How to make a prison


did you went on the prison editor and don’t know how to make a prison well this guide is gonna show you

The Basics

Before you start adding stuff when you open up the prison editor it will say something like
what music style do you want for your prison select a music from a prison you like and then click the button that takes you to the editor. First off you can choose how many guards and prisoners you want in your prison the max is 15. Next up is the warden name and the warden note the warden name can be your name or a made up name or funny name scary name etc the warden note pops up for the first day when a player enters the game. There are also two more tabs the jobs or the perimeter. Let me tell you what the jobs tab is it is the tab where you can choose jobs for your prison you need at least 3 of these if you have too many jobs then you need to to delete them. Now lets move onto the perimeter tab the perimeter lets you choose the length of the prison when prisoners reach out of the perimeter then they get told by the cops.


Okay now lets talk about the titles titles are different when you choose a theme for your prison also titles are used to make rooms in a bunch of prisons there are loads of different titles to make different rooms.


Okay time to talk about objects objects are used for props this is how we make doors beds or job items most of the time it is used to make stuff come to life and look cool.

About The Prison Editor

Lets talk a bit about the prison editor things that look odd walls and doors are used to make rooms and stuff is cool about this but did you know we can make zones lets go to the other section to talk about it.


As I said before titles and objects are used to make rooms of course rooms need zones to work the way there supposed too. To find the zones tab click the layers and click on zones add a zone to the area your making and select what the zone is called easy right well it is if you know where it is.

Ask Me What I Missed

If I missed something let me know down in the comments.