TL;DR : Use these key bindings if you’re used to WASD camera keys.While I was watching Twitch videos, I’ve seen so many people having problems with controls, and no one was actually using ‘Individual Shadow Mode Reset/Execute’ options cause those keys are too far from ASDF, and cause it’s hard to remember where they are. Developers made 2 kinds of key bindings, [Shadow Tactics] and [Classic RTS], but they are too messy, inefficient, and uncomfortable. You have to move your left hand from ASDF to →←↑↓ back and forth or keep moving your mouse every time you change your view. In Shadow Tactics, you have to move/pan the camera + execute Shadow Mode + move characters + use skills, and you have to do it all within 3~5 seconds, so putting Camera keys on →←↑↓ is not a good idea. You should put camera keys on WASD, and put other keys close to WASD keys. Actually, As you know, many isometric games are using WASD key bindings. I can’t understand why devs didn’t set WASD as camera moving keys, but I guess there must be some reasons that I’m not aware of.I’ve customized some keys, and it worked great from mission 1 to 13. I wasted quite some time to figure it out while I was at the early part of the game. I wish you wouldn’t need to waste your time like me.
1. Key Bindings
Select Skill 1 : F
Select Skill 2 : R
Select Skill 3 : G
Select Skill 4 : T
Select Skill 5 : U
Select Knock Out : Y
Tanuki Howl : H
Crouch : SPACE
Use-Mode : LCTRL
Activate Shadow Mode : LSHIFT
Save Waypoints : TAB
Select Hayato : 1
Select Yuki : 2
Select Mugen : 3
Select Aiko : 4
Select Takuma : 5
Select Other : –
Execute Shadow Mode : MOUSE BACK (mouse 4)
Execute Shadow Mode Hayato : Z
Execute Shadow Mode Yuki : X
Execute Shadow Mode Mugen : C
Execute Shadow Mode Aiko : V
Execute Shadow Mode Takuma : B
Reset Shadow Mode All : BACKSPACE
Reset Shadow Mode Hayato : 6
Reset Shadow Mode Yuki : 7
Reset Shadow Mode Mugen : 8
Reset Shadow Mode Aiko : 9
Reset Shadow Mode Takuma : 0
Select Character MOUSE : R
Move : MOUSE L
Do Skill : MOUSE L
Cancel : MOUSE R
Camera Move Right : D
Camera Move Left : A
Camera Move Up : W
Camera Move Down : S
Camera Rotate Left : Q
Camera Rotate Right : E
Reset Camera : J
Camera Rotate Free : MOUSE M (mouse 3)
Highlight All : MOUSE (mouse 5)
Continue Dialogue : ENTER
Skip Cutscene : SPACE
Quickload : F8
Viewcone Mode Cycle : `(BACKQUOTE)
Veiwcone Marker : MOUSE R
Activate Viewcone : MOUSE R
Questlog : N
Quicksave : F5
Minimap : M
2. If your mouse doesn’t have MOUSE4, MOUSE5 keys
Even though your mouse doesn’t have MOUSE4, MOUSE5 keys, there’re still some buttons left, I/K/O/L, so moving unnecessary keys to I, K will solve the problem.
Execute Shadow Mode : `(BACKQUOTE)
Viewcone Mode Cycle : I
Highlight All : K
3. Brief Explanation
‘Camera Move’ keys on WASD and QE, and you can pan your camera with Mouse M(Mouse 3) key.
I’ve gathered every Skill keys on FRGT, which are close to your left hand, and put Tanuki Howl on H so you could easily control Tanuki by using G and H keys together. Since there’re not many cases to use heal skills, I put the heal skill on U.
‘Execute Shadow Mode’ keys on ZXCVB, so you could push ZXCVB keys and FRGT keys in the same time or within short delay. In the game, there are many cases that you have to face 6~7 enemies at the same time. You have to attack enemies 1~2 seconds after throwing a stone(or powder), so it’s important to execute Shadow Mode skills separately. It’s pretty useful after you become used to it. Also it’s easy to remember cause 12345 and ZXCVB are symmetrical.
‘Reset Shadow Mode’ keys on 67890, also to make 12345 and 67890 symmetrical.