Iron Snout Guide

Get Your "Grinding & Time Consuming" Achievements EASILY for Iron Snout

Get Your “Grinding & Time Consuming” Achievements EASILY


Get your most time consuming / grinding achievements that this game offer with half of the effort.


Hi there!!! First of all welcome to my “12”th guide and still English is not my first language. So typos might occur here and there.

So with this guide you will be able to obtain some of the most grinding, time consuming & button smashing achievements with pressing only two keys.

Before get all hyped let’s set the boundaries, yah?

1. This is somewhat of using a cheat. But my vanilla script will not effect those who are actually in the leaderboards with their talent and skill. You, the player can write their own or alter the vanilla script, which I do not recommend nor encourage in sake of true skilled players who actually wasted more than 10 hours just to obtain one single achievement in this game.

2. As mentioned above this might consider some what of a cheat, but it DOES NOT effect your skill level. Achievements that does require skill & commitment does not effected by this because it cannot identify how the wolves are attacking and respond to it. Only grinding achievements and some random achievements are the ones that CAN obtainable by this method.

3. No. This will not consider a third party hack nor STEAM will ban you for this. And NO you will not become top 10 or near in the leaderboards.

4. You CAN only get to 50 kill per a match with this way. If you are really lucky you can get to 80 at some point. It won’t go above than that. (don’t know for sure though). So you will still have to reload levels and start matches manually.

5. So WTH does this do,

This will get you all of the achievement mentioned above.

6. Last but not least. As I have mentioned several times, This is considered a cheat. So i’m not forcing you to use this. Please acknowledge that you are using this with your own will and you cannot held me responsible if you alter/ write your own script or misusing the script in any other way possible. Also make sure to use deactivating key to exit script.

But Kenji what about other achievements? well whats the point of getting the a game and not playing it? So start playing for them.

Let’s Do This..

  • First you will need a macro recorder. Yes that was the way all along. But if you knew that why were you here in the first place? So bug off, don’t waste my time complaining about it. but if you don’t know how to use one do stick around and we’ll have candy along the way.
  • I personally recommends and written a code just for you if you use AHK – Auto Hot Key[]. It’s free and easy to use. So step one would be ‘Go Get It”.
  • So if you don’t know how to write scripts for AHK, download my code OR if you know how to write one or having second thoughts about downloading an unknown file from a shady Asian guy, Well just do select your own paths from down below…

    If you don’t know how to write one, download from dropbox[] or GoogleDrive[].

    If you know how to write a script,

    Basically add an activation key, a deactivation key, a s d keys on never ending loop, no delay between key prompts. and Woooah!

    No? not getting the idea?. let me apply some butter to get it more smoother.

    Following is a sample. Not actual.

    #a:: ; (add any key here to toggle start) Loop { Send, {a 1} Send, {s 1} Send, {a 1} Send, {s 1} Send, {d 1} Send, {s 1} Send, {d 1} Sleep, 1 } (add any key to exit)::ExitApp

    So after you get the script from any way from above, go to the file, right click on it and select “Run Script”.

  • Now launch game, select the any map you wish and select “CLASSIC” mode to play. Once you started activate the script by pressing the activation keys. (For my script use Win key + a)
  • The script will allow you to get 50+ kills during a run without dying. Retry manually by clicking Fight Again and let the script run.

    Yes you have to click manually “Fight Again” each and every time when the level ends. Its better than button smashing yah? ……. no? then do it yourself.

  • To exit and stop the script by deactivation key for mine I used “esc” key. Yes make sure to do so, closing the game won’t stop the script. You need to stop the script manually with your key.
  • Rinse and repeat the process. It will take time to do it’s work. But it will cut down half of your time and 80% of button smashing and 75% of the total grinding which required for this game.

    So give it a time.

  • Enjoy the grind!

Final Verdict and Disclaimer

As I have mentioned several time, if you are not happy about this, DO NOT USE IT. It’s simple as that. No one force you to do it. This ain’t North Korea. You can walk away.. yes you really can click “back” and move on from this guide.

All I do is help some other games who might find this useful by saving 3/4 of the time, button smashing and grinding which required for some frustrating achievements and along the way of achieving them there are several others will also drop along the way.

So anyhow, if this guide / method was helpful for you give it a thumbs up. and give me a follow..

Until the next guide then.

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