Factorio Guide

List of Shortcut Keys for Factorio

List of Shortcut Keys


That the game doesn’t overtly tell you. New 1.1 hotkeys are here too.THANKS to anyone who has given an award, and left a rating!! <3



Shortcut Key(s), Press
Shortcut Key(s), Press









quick-select the item accordingly in your hotbar.
shoot the weapon you are holding (with ammo).
drop the item you are holding on the ground.
pick up the nearest item(s) on the ground.
“Right Click”

on a stack of items in an inventory

split the stack of items in half.


“Right Click”

WHILE hovering over a chest

empty chest inventory into you’re inventory; works on most inventories.


“Left Click”

WHILE hovering over an item in an inventory

take or give all of that stack of item.


“Left Click”

WHILE hovering over an item in an inventory

take or give all stacks of that item.


“Left Click”

WHILE hovering over an empty slot in an inventory

take or give everything.


“Right Click”

WHILE hovering over an empty slot in an chest inventory

take half of all the items.


“Right Click”

WHILE hovering over a stack of an item in your inventory

give half of that stack of an item.


“Right Click”

WHILE hovering over a stack of an item in a chest

take half of that all of that type of item in a chest.


“Left Click”

while holding the “Spidertron remote”



“Left Click”

while holding the “Spidertron remote” and click on an entity

to access the in-game map.
Open chat in multiplayer.
Open “Logistics Menu”
Show alternative view/layout. In chests or assembling machines, it’ll show what is inside or what is being made. ALSO works on the in-game map.



WHILE inside an inventory

search for an item in an inventory.



Shortcut Key(s), Press:
Shortcut Key(s), Press:

over a placed blueprint with that item in your inventory

bring that item out of your inventory on top of the blueprint (most useful during early-game).



WHILE in singleplayer, only

will pause the game and allow you to see the in-game grid.

over an entity including a placed blueprint or soon to be placed blueprint

rotate or reverse that entity.



over an entity including a placed blueprint or soon to be placed blueprint

reverse rotate an entity (counterclockwise).

WHILE holding a tile

increase the size of the tile you want to place.

WHILE holding a tile

decrease the size of the tile you want to place.


undo construction of a 160 entities.


bring out the “Cut Blueprint Editor” to cut and paste a blueprint.


bring out the “Copy Blueprint Editor” to copy and paste a blueprint.


bring out a “Blueprint” to create a blueprint.


bring out a “Destruction Blueprint” to destroy things.


bring out the “Upgrade Planner” to upgrade things.
Hold down

“Right Click”

WHILE placing a blueprint or item and moving in any direction

allow you to tile a blueprint easily.
to access a list of your, stored blueprints.



Shortcut Key(s), Press
Shortcut Key(s), Press

WHILE holding a blueprint

flip the blueprint only left to right, on a vertical axis.

WHILE holding a blueprint

flip the blueprint only top to bottom, on a horizontal axis. Click to watch video.[cdn.factorio.com]

over an entity or while holding an entity including a placed blueprint or soon to be placed blueprint

rotate or reverse that entity.



over an entity while holding an entity including a placed blueprint or soon to be placed blueprint

reverse rotate an entity (counterclockwise).


“Scroll Up”

WHILE holding a blueprint book

change to the next blueprint in the blueprint book.


“Scroll Down”

WHILE holding a blueprint book

change to the previous blueprint in the blueprint book.
Hold down


in deconstruction planner

to remove flags again.
“Right Click”

on a blueprint

edit the blueprint.
“Right Click”

WHILE editing a blueprint, on an item in a blueprint

delete the item in that blueprint.
“Left Click”

WHILE editing a blueprint, on an item in a blueprint

bring the item you deleted in a blueprint back.


“Right Click”

over any entity

copy an entity’s contents to be pasted on an entity that is the same. For example, a requester chest to another requestor chest, an assembly machine to another assembly machine, a combinator to another combinator, one train to another train, one train station to another train station, or anything else.


“Left Click”

over any entity

paste an entity’s contents to an entity that is the same. For example, a requester chest to another requestor chest, an assembly machine to another assembly machine, a combinator to another combinator, one train to another train, one train station to another train station, or anything else.
Deselect the blueprint you are holding. With “CTRL + C” or “CTRL + X”, it will not save the blueprint.

(CREDIT: Tacobell_Sniper)



Shortcut Key(s), Press
Shortcut Key(s), Press


“Left Click”

while holding the mouse over the equipment menu

transfer all equipment items equipped to the player inventory (vice versa works too).
Inside a chest’s inventory, by moving the red x in the bottom right corner of the chest’s inventory
Limit the number of available slots in that chest.
Inside a requestor chest’s inventory, take any item and place it in the request slot
To request that item quickly.

Hold an item in your hand and press z next to chest, furnace, or other container
To drop that item into the container.
Use a stack size of 8 with the green stack inserter with belts
Hold down

“Right Click”

WHILE placing an underground belt, underground pipe, or electric pole

it will automatically be placed at the farthest away it can be while still being connected.
Use the copy and paste function mentioned in “Blueprints & Managing Entities” section
On a assembler (copy) to a requester chest (paste) to request all the needed items for that assembler quickly.
Hold down

“Left Click”

WHILE placing multiple belts in a direction AND having underground belts in your inventory



“Num +”
Increase the size of your user interface.


“Num -“
Decrease the size of your user interface.


Other Player Resources

  1. Ingame, press “Exit”, then “Settings”, then “Controls”, a list of controls will appear.
  2. Factorio Wiki, Shortcut-Key Page[wiki.factorio.com]
  3. A Long Guide to the new Quickbar (0.17) from factorio

  4. A guide for naming things with special characters such as blueprints or train stations.[wiki.factorio.com]
  5. Alt-F4, Alternative Friday Fun Facts[alt-f4.blog]

Did I miss Anything?

Please let me know in the comments!
