Slime Rancher Guide

What to never do in slime rancher for Slime Rancher

What to never do in slime rancher


This will show you what never to do in slime rancher.. WARNING: the following things on what never to do in slime rancher may be followed with so much stupidity. and jokes..

Never Do this #1

Never leave a quantuam slime unatended or else your in big trouble yo.. *teleports*

Never do this #2

Never leave a tangle slime if its pollen is coming out never leave without hearing its sneeze and then feed it. cute

Never do this #3

Never leave a lucky slime without a fashion pod <3

Never do this #4

Never leave a rare resource on the ground along with other resources… you never know what might happen to it..

Never do this #5

Never leave a lucky slime or a gold slime without feeding it!! because money…

Never do this #6

Never leave a slime without a mustache fashion pod…

Never do this #7

Never sleep for ten days straight.. or your in big trouble…


Never do this #8

Never ever ever ever ever.. turn your back on a chicken…

Wise words from BOb (maybe)

Never do this #9

Never have more than 4 or 5 largos in the same corral, unless you can handle stress.

Never do this #10

never give up the chance to get a gold plort when you see a gold slime

Never do this #11

Never leave tangle slimes near your other slimes, due to their vine grab ability grabbing the plorts and becoming tarr

Never do this #12

Never attempt to jetpack a very large jump without making sure you have alot of energy, and your energy is full.

Never do this #13

Never leave a dervish slime tornado without a slime in it

Never do this #14

Never leave a dervish slime (Largo or not) without a cute bow

Never do this #15

Never leave a gordo without some serious fashion choices..
and a certain slime science resource all around it

Never do this #16

Never go in a coral with 30 boom slimes in it or you go BOOOOM! LIKE A FIREWORK ( i came in like a fireeeeeeeworkkkkkk come and let your colours burst!
are the right lyrics?)

Never do this #17

Never go in a corral with 56 Rock slimes like i did (ouch my bottom)

Never do this #18

Never go in a corral with 20 rad slimes… or your dead

Never do this #19

Make sure none of your hunter largos (or vary rarely your largos themsleves) are hungry because they can become feral (Yes largos if there very hungry they will turn feral) AND ASK FOR CHICKENS!

Never do this #20

Never use either of these doors.. you can already go to these places.. it leads to the little dry Reef in the Overgrowth Ranch expansion so dont go to either of these. there the same door just different sides if you are wondering

Never do this #21

Never try to get to the glass desert immidently unless your really into the game and your far into 7zee rewards and you have all of the ranch shop upgrades.. and make sure that u have the max heart module.. also… i would suggjest having all of the slimes that arent in the glass desert be in your slime pedia… all of the slimes in the slime pedia.. but still make sure you are prepared to go to the glass desert..

Never do this #22

Never Not have food in you’re so called hotbar maybe you will run into a gold slime or a lucky slime or a slime that you need a plort of or you have hungry or feral slimes 🙁 (Sry about happy image)

Never do this #23

Never make awful slime rancher art like this… im so ashamed…

Never do this #24

Never leave a slime behind in a fire storm!
Thats just being polite ;-;

N E V E R do this #25

Never absolutely EVER leave tarrs in your ranch (thats just common sense but whatever i mean it doesn’t matter) It will eat up ye slimes!

Cheiken plz? nEVr do Thiz plz #26

hEll0 Bob was HEr plz nVr keick PInk Slmes InTo SLiM SeE WE haZ FeLingz Tuu
(Translation: Hello bob was here please never kick pink slimes into slime sea we have feelings too)

I MEn i Tutally not PiNk SliM
(Translation: i mean im totally not a pink slime)

Never do this #27

So, ummm this is a long story.. ish.. So randomly i was thinking: “Hey, If i make a garden with no food in it, put a scareslime on the garden, and put a plort in the middle of it.. Will a largo be able to eat the plort? So i tried and i tried moving it near the plort like 5 times, (As you will see in the screenshots below, also i didn’t screenshot all of it) after like the fifth try.. oh you’ll see what happened,

So yeah, don’t waste your time on this (p.s: he chomped on the air like 2 times)