Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Guide

A Little TABS Guide (Yee haw done for a while now but the title didnt save) for Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

A Little TABS Guide (Yee haw done for a while now but the title didnt save)


Hello, I’ve decided to make this guide for fun and i will try to include almost everything in this. It contains character profiles, maps, secrets and other things. If you read this and have an idea for something to add, feel free to comment down below and i will consider it. Ok, thanks.

Contributors Wanted!

I’m becoming more and more occupied lately by life. As a result, I am looking for contributors to help. If you were to volunteer, I would need you to help keep the guide up to date by changing the cost of units if they change, and other major unit changes ( such as the old Potionseller having high throw rates but the new one having slower throw rates).

If you think you could help, please comment down below.

Please don’t do anything other than minor fixes and please don’t change the guide for jokes. I will be depending on you.

Get a shoutout!

Many thanks to:
Martin Paap

Introductiony Ting

Hello, this is some random guide for TABS. I will be changing things as updates come so at this stage it may not contain what you need. I’ll talk about all the units’ strengths and weaknesses, info and other things ok enjoy.

Note for new players: For units, even if the amount of disadvantages is more numerous than the advantages on a unit, it doesn’t mean it is not worth it e.g. Catapult


Here’s a picture of a Minotaur doing ballet.


Tribal Faction


This is the cheapest unit of the Tribal faction. The foot soldier of prehistoric times.
Cost: 70
Advantages: Cheap, OK damage output, expandable
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting style: Hit n Repeat

The Clubber is alright but is more effective in large groups since it is cheap and its low health can be made up for by sheer number. I personally like using these units in conjunction with other units such as Protectors. It attacks by swinging its club at enemies.


The poor man’s Shield Bearer, except has a hole in the shield so they should actually be able to see.
Cost: 90
Advantages: Excellent against units which use arrows and spears, Cheap, expendable
Disadvantages: Low health without shield, kinda weak against anything other than projectile units
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Protector has a thick wooden shield and the skull helmet looks cool. The shield protects itself and other units from projectiles like arrows, ice arrows, wheelbarrow apples, and possibly more upcoming projectiles. It does not protect from heavier projectiles, like rocks from stoners and ballista shots. The Protector bashes enemies with the shield.

Spear Thrower

Spear throwing hooligan which actually does moderately good damage. Nice.
Cost: 120
Advantages: Spear deals pretty good damage, ranged attacks, expendable
Disadvantages: Low health, slow attack speed, naked, shields, doesn’t move away from enemies
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

The Spear Thrower is a lightly-clothed ranged unit. It is one of the cheapest ranged units and the spear is actually decent. Use Spear Throwers in groups for maximum damage output to make up for slow attack speed and low health, and keep away from main attack. The Spear Thrower throws spears at the enemy.


Spear boi: Who are you?
Stoney: I am you but stronger.
Cost: 160
Advantages: Shields are useless against them, ranged
Disadvantages: Low health, slow attack speed, doesn’t move
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

The Stoner is a heavy-projectile ranged unit. This unit throws stones at enemies which can bypass shields and kill the units. I also recommend using in groups to compensate for slow attack speed and low health.

Bone Mage

Cost: 300
Advantages: Overpowered AOE effect, can actually retaliate when AOE attack is charging
Disadvantages: AOE attack has a long recharge time, retaliations are kinda useless, low health, expensive
Fighting Style: AOE attack and Attack if Attacked

The Bone Mage has two main attacks it can use, the standard hit and the bone spell shown below which causes enemy units to fly up and die. The bone spell is effective and has a large area of effect but has a long cooldown. If attacked while the bone spell is charging, the Bone Mage will hit the enemy with its staff, but it does next to no damage. Expect the Bone Mage to die early most of the time.


A stronger clubber in essentially every way.
Advantages: Fast attack speed, Quite high damage
Disadvantages: expensive, low health
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

As the short description says, the Chieftain is basically a stronger Clubber. It has good damage and fast attack speed. However, like the Bone Mage, don’t expect it to survive longer than the first quarter of the battle due to its low health. It uses two axes to bash enemies.


The Mammoth is crying because of the ice giant
Advantages: High health, charge attack is powerful, footsteps do damage
Disadvantages: expensive, slow, unit targeting priority, can be friendly fired easily
Fighting Style: Charge, then Hit n Repeat

The Mammoth is one of the best picks for crowd control. The charge attack, which is shown below, is done every few seconds to crush large amounts of enemies and even the footsteps of the mammoth deal a small ring of damage and make areas under mammoths completely devastating for enemies. The problem with the mammoth is that its huge hitbox easily enters the enemy’s targeting system making it targeted frequently. Its size also makes it susceptible to friendly fire.

Farmer Faction


Small units which are ok.
Cost: 50
Advantages: Cheap, Fast attack speed, agile, expendable
Disadvantages:Low health, weak attack
Fighting Style: Jump, Grab, Punch

Record Holder: Smallest Individual Unit
The Halfling is a cheap unit which can be used as a distraction. It has a weak punch but can carry enemies.


Basic units for the farmer faction.
Cost: 70
Advantages: Cheap, expendable
Disadvantages: Low health, Weapon gets stuck sometimes, variable damage
Fighting Style: Poke n Repeat

The Farmer is the foot soldier and uses a pitchfork to attack enemies. The pitchfork has a tendency to get stuck either behind the Farmer or around the enemies’ neck. Use in groups to compensate for low health.

Hay Baler

HOLY ♥♥♥♥
Cost: 140
Advantages: CAN TAKE A F**ING MOUNTAIN OF BALLISTA SHOTS, immune to basically any projectile
Disadvantages: Low health, Slightly low damage
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Hay Baler’s armour is completely invulnerable to almost every single projectile and negates all damage, however, in a recent balance update, the Hay Baler still gets knocked back. Keep in mind the limbs and head still take damage as usual. The Hay Baler is basically the shield unit of the Farmer faction.

Potion Seller

Hey kiddo, want some potions?
Cost: 340
Advantages: Potions confuse enemies and make them weaker or useless, potions have good AOE effect
Disadvantages: No close range attacks, Low Health, Potions can affect teammates and self
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

The Potion Seller synergises extremely well with the Scarecrow. The Potion Seller’s potions are thrown and they deal small damage. However, the main selling point is that these potions make the affected enemies collapse and wander in random locations. The Potion Seller does have low health so avoid putting them in the middle of the battle.


i got the horses in the back
Advantages: High damage, reasonable health, small AOE when attacking
Disadvantages: Slow attack rate, Expensive
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Harvester is a good unit. The scythe is a solid weapon and can hit multiple opponents at the same time. The Harvester typically does die pretty early on in the battle.


Fast as hell. That’s all.
Cost: 1000
Advantages: Fastest unit in the game, has projectiles and close range attacks, unit deployment
Disadvantages: Individual units aren’t very strong, Low health, expensive
Fighting Style: Ram, Throw, Stab, Repeat

Record Holder: Fastest Unit
The Wheelbarrow is good at ramming into groups of enemies and effective against catapults and ballistas. The Wheelbarrow has weak ranged attacks and weak stabbing attacks on top of the ramming. It does not have a lot of health and if the actual wheelbarrow tips over the units act like normal units and attack the enemy units. The deployed units are not very strong by themselves and don’t expect them to do much after the wheelbarrow tips.


DISCLAIMER: Does not actually scare crows.
Cost: 1200
Advantages: Crows that are thrown do tons of damage on suicide, throws 3 crows at a time, crows are targeted which distracts enemy units
Disadvantages: Low health, low throw rate, expensive
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

The Scarecrow is a glass cannon. It throws three crows at a time with both hands so six crows are thrown. The crows are treated as units by the enemies so they distract enemies from attacking other units and suicide attack doing massive damage to the enemy unit. The crows can take out a Mammoth quickly using the suicide attack. The Scarecrow has incredibly low health so put it far away from the middle of the battle.

Medieval Faction


Bands worldwide are put to shame by the bard’s majestic tunes
Advantages: Cheap, highest targeting priority, actually walks away from enemy, expendable
Disadvantages: no offensive capabilities without direct possession, low health
Fighting Style: Walk forwards then walk backwards

The Bard does not attack without possession, but instead attracts every single enemy’s attention in the targeting system’s radius. The enemies will follow the Bard until it dies or until they all die.
NOTE: As of V 0.3, when you possess the Bard, you can actually attack people. HOORAY.


Basic unit of the faction. In my opinion, the most reliable basic unit, though it is expensive for one.
Cost: 100
Advantages: Cheap, expendable, reliable
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

An all-rounded basic unit for the Medieval faction. Hits enemies with a sword.


forgot this in the original
Cost: 140
Advantages: Cheap, expendable
Disadvantages: Low fire rate

Pretty Rad Lad. Archer fires arrows which does good damage. Use in groups or with other units to compensate for low rate of fire.


Known formerly as the Priest. Only use if you have other units.
Cost: 180
Advantages: Only unit which can heal others, can heal from a far distance
Disadvantages: No offensive capabilities (though this may be changed from the footage from Development Clips #3), low health, doesn’t run from enemies, expensive for what it does
Fighting Style: what?

Like the Bard, the Healer cannot attack. The Healer, as the name suggests, heals units which are on its team. Development Clips #3 show that possibly in the future the Healer can attack enemies with an inverted heal.


Upgraded Squire with a shield and a charge attack.
Cost: 650
Advantages: Shield is good, charge attack
Disadvantages: Low health, shield gets stuck, expensive
Fighting Style: Charge, Hit n Repeat

All Knight lovers are in for a treat. The Knight is no longer that bad. The lowered price was smart and now the Knight is even stronger than before. In the comments below, I said the Knight would get constantly beaten by 9 Squires, but now it will win most of the time.


Make way for the KING
Cost: 1000
Advantages: Great AOE attack, THE CATAPULT HAS EYES
Disadvantages: Low health, low rate of fire, slow
Fighting Style: Sit n Shoot

The Catapult should be used with other units when facing large groups. The catapult fires a rock which does a good AOE explosion which deals high damage. They work well when there is one unit to draw enemies in and then the catapult does as much damage to the compressed group as possible.
Update: THEY ADDED ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EYES


Cost: 1500
Advantages: High Damage, High Health, Extremely reliable, can take a mammoth, attack takes out multiple enemies at once
Disadvantages: Slow
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The King is a good unit which is versatile and used to be able to beat any unit 1v1 (besides the ballista). It’s just good and cheap for what it delivers.

Ancient Faction

Shield Bearer

Big Brother of the Protector. Real ♥♥♥♥.
Cost: 100
Advantages: Best shield, cheap, expendable, shield immune to arrows
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Shield Bearer has the largest shield and most resistant to arrows.


Recently Buffed, so it’s actually fight worthy.
Cost: 120
Advantages: now walks backwards, Long range, expendable, cheap
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Charge, Hit, Walk Backwards, Repeat

The Sarissa has recently been able to walk backwards so they can attack repeatedly. They can be used with Shield Bearers.


Decent Elite Soldier. Has a Shield.
Cost: 180
Advantages: Has shield, has spear, cheap, expendable, decent damage
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Stab n Repeat

The Hoplite’s shield is now useful again because it has been enlarged. The spear is alright too.

Snake Archer

Slithery Snake attack.
Cost: 300
Advantages: Snakes distract enemies, snakes are fast
Disadvantages: Low health, expensive, low rate of fire
Fighting Style: Stand n Shoot

The Snake Archers distract enemies with their snakes. They have low health but do moderate damage. The Archers have a slow reload time however, and are expensive.


Prepare yourself for a boning
Cost: 900
Advantages: Extremely strong projectile (one-shot King)
Disadvantages: Low rate of fire, low health, slow, expensive
Fighting Style: Sit n Shoot

The Ballista is the best artillery unit for singular units. It has no AOE effect but whoever the bolt hits gets launched due to the knockback and takes immense damage.


Half-Man, Half-Bull, All-UFC Fighter
Cost: 1590
Advantages: Charge attack is strong and fast, punches have good knockback, can pick up enemies to use as meat shields
Disadvantages: Slightly low health
Fighting Style: Charge, Punch n Repeat

The Minotaur has a great punching attack which causes knockback. The Minotaur will charge at enemies when it is not in range and start punching enemies. The Minotaur can sometimes carry around enemies which can be used as shields.


Possibly the best group-countering unit.
Advantages: Lightning chain attacks to other enemies, lightning knocks down enemies or makes them fly, fast throw rate
Disadvantages: Low health, lightning is slightly weak
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

Zeus has low health but his attack is great in the fact that it chains through groups of enemies and it has a fast throw rate. The lightning can make enemies fly up and still does damage. Noice.

Viking Faction


My least favourite unit. Not that i dislike it’s aesthetic or anything, it’s just kinda boring and I just like others more.
Cost: 90
Advantages: Charge attack is nice
Disadvantages: Low health, Low attack
Fighting Style: Headbutt, Hit n Repeat

The Headbutter jumps at the enemy head first and does some damage and then starts punching people.

Ice Archer

Cold boi.
Cost: 160
Advantages: Slows enemy’s movement, fast rate of fire
Disadvantages: Low health, lower damage than standard archer, ice effect is proportionate to target’s health
Fighting Style: Stand n Shoot

Cool ranged unit, no pun intended. The Ice Archer’s arrows shoot arrows which do less damage but have a slowing effect on the enemy. This slowing effect is proportionate to the health of the target, so the more health they have, the more arrows are needed to slow them. The slowing effect only affects the walking speed but that seems to be enough and makes it easier for other units to finish off the enemy.


Solid Elite Unit, very noice.
Cost: 220
Advantages: Has Shield, strong attack
Disadvantages: Quite low health, expensive, axe can get stuck in enemy units
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Brawler is a good unit and the shield is more effective than the Hoplite’s. Oddly, it doesn’t work as well in group than other more expendable units, maybe due to the axe swing attack needing more room and probable to hitting friendly units.


World Record Holder of High Jump
Cost: 250
Advantages: Jumping confuses projectiles’ target prediction system (effective against catapults), decent damage, fast attack speed
Disadvantages: Low health, axes can get stuck in enemy units, expensive
Fighting Style: Jump, Hit n Repeat

The Beserker jumps across long distances and starts beating the enemy units like hell. That’s about it.


Cawcaw ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Cost: 500
Advantages: Flying avoids land based enemies, high damage
Disadvantages: Low health, expensive
Fighting Style: Charge, Hit n Repeat

Basically a flying Beserker.


Cool attacks
Cost: 850
Advantages: High health, High damage, Attack hits multiple enemies
Disadvantages: Slow, expensive
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Jarl is a strong unit which is good at fighting multiple enemies. Not much else to say.


Land ho
Cost: 1000
Advantages: AOE damage when longboat is thrown, unit deployment
Disadvantages: Individual units are not very strong, expensive
Fighting Style: Throw, Hit n Repeat

The Longboat has no real attacks when the boat is being held, but is thrown when the carriers die or are attacked. Then when the Longboat hits the ground and it causes a AOE attack and the people on the ships start attacking the enemies. Worst “Boss” unit.

Dynasty Faction


Radical bois
Advantages: Can deflect projectiles, high attack
Disadvantages: Expensive, slightly lower attack speed, low health
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Samurai are the most expensive, but also the most powerful basic unit. They can deflect projectiles, mainly arrows, but these don’t really go anywhere. They can beat squires 99% of the time in a 1v1 duel, and their swords do good damage. They are not as expendable as other basic units so be wary of that.

Firework Archer

Cost: 180
Advantages: Arrows have slowing effect like ice arrows but explode, effective against shields
Disadvantages: Low health, low fire rate
Fighting Style: Stand n Shoot

The Firework Archers are another effective counter towards shielded units, though they don’t kill them outright. They fire fireworks attached to arrows which behave like a normal projectile until they make contact with the enemy. Once the arrows have hit a target, they will propel said target in a direction which varies depending on the shape of the target and location of impact, then it will explode in a firework. That said, attempts to propelling larger units will fail without more fireworks as the larger units, such as Ice Giants, can resist the force, so in order to kill these larger units, use firework archers in groups.


Cost: 250
Advantages: High health, decent attack speed, hits many enemies at once, good knockback
Disadvantages: Expensive, abysmal damage
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Monk is pretty ok. The Monk can be used to keep enemy units at bay or to be damage soakers. Otherwise i don’t really know what it should do.


o m a e w a m u s h i n d e i r u
Cost: 500
Advantages: High throw rate, decent knockback
Disadvantages: Slightly low damage, expensive, short range, low health
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

The Ninja is a ninja. End of story. Just joking, The Ninja can be compared to the Archer as the main ranged units, but is slightly more expensive. The Ninja should be used in groups if possible and better against melee units than other ranged units. Ok, that is all.


firey boi
Cost: 860
Advantages: Attack pushes enemies back, good crowd control, unit deployment
Disadvantages: Low health, keeps walking forwards, can’t aim fire
Fighting Style: CHARGE n Fire

The Dragon is good at taking on many weak units due to its fire doing damage and pushing enemies back. They, however, are painfully bad against ranged enemies and require help from other units. The fire does moderate damage and if the dragon gets knocked down, the units holding the dragon will attack instead.


Cheap Artemis but for large crowds
Cost: 1500
Advantages: Huge AOE attack, tons of arrows
Disadvantages: Low health, slow reload time
Fighting Style: Sit n Shoot

The Hwacha is awesome in the fact that it destroys groups of enemies. Use in conjunction with other units for larger crowds, which compensates its low health and slow reload time.

Monkey King

No longer my favourite unit but awesome and effective nonetheless.
Cost: 2000
Advantages: Versatile, can clone himself, jumps to the enemy once in range, clones attract attention
Disadvantages: Quite low health
Fighting Style: Jump, Hit, Clone n Repeat

The Monkey King is a monkey. He is one of my favourite units due to his aesthetic and his special ability is just so…MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Every successful hit the Monkey King deals to an enemy, a clone is spawned and attack the enemies as well. There is no limit to how many clones can be made, but they disappear after a few seconds, and the only way the clones can be spawned is when the original Monkey King hits enemy units. When the Monkey King faces groups, he is at a risk because he could easily be attacked from all sides, but every hit dealt makes a clone spawn and that makes it look like there are groups of monkey kings slowly spreading across a group like a virus. When the Monkey King faces a singular enemy, the clones can all deal damage at the one enemy and take it down pretty quickly. All the clones are treated as units so they can soak attacks at no real loss, though they can still die.
NOTE: Extremely annoyingly, the monkey clones are kind of retarded if you possess the main Monkey King and are just kinda there. Extremely annoying as I really love the Monkey King.
Here’s a cool shot below.

Renaissance Faction


Leonardo Da Wannabe
Cost: 50
Advantages: Cheap, paint splash when attacking, fast attack speed, expendable, dodges
Disadvantages: Low health, low damage
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

Nothing about this unit is that good, but this is made up for by that awesome paint splash whenever it hits an enemy
NOTE: Can dodge projectiles, but ignores pathing so can be taken advantage of to jump off ledges.


Absolutely epic moustache
Cost: 150
Advantages: Good damage, can dodge
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Stab charge, Dodge, Hit, Repeat

The Fencer does some pretty quick dodges. However, I have noticed that after the first dodge, they seem to occasionally stop dodging. Otherwise, they’re pretty good. They stab enemies with their sword and it deals pretty good damage.

Balloon Archer

Wait a second
Cost: 200
Advantages: Stops enemies, ignores shields, temporarily removes enemies from battle ( by floating), high fire rate
Disadvantages: Low health, low damage
Fighting Style: Stand n Shoot

I just realised that a Firework Archer is Blossom, a Ice Archer is Bubbles, and a Snake Archer is Buttercup, but that’s besides the point. The Balloon Archer shoots balloon arrows at enemy units which cause them to float. Keep in mind that the larger the unit, the more balloons are needed to lift it up.


Cost: 250
Advantages: Extremely powerful damage
Disadvantages: Expensive, slow reload time, low health, too much smoke
Fighting Style: Stand n Shoot

The Musketeer has one of the longest reload times, comparable to the Chu Ko Nu. However, it makes up for this with one of the highest damage per attack in the game. I advise, like many other units, to use the Musketeer in groups, and maybe put them in lines behing one another, so that the units at the front can shoot and reload when the units behind them shoot, and so on.


Executioner’s better, stronger brother
Cost: 400
Advantages: High damage, decent health, long range
Disadvantages: Expensive, slow
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Halberd is everything the Executioner is not. Long range, high damage, actually viable health, and the potential to kill lots of enemies. There’s not much to say other than that. It’s a better Executioner.


alternative cavalry
Cost: 1100
Advantages: High damage, has shield, fast, unit deployment, long range
Disadvantages: Horse has low health, Jouster has pretty low health
Fighting Style: Charge, Stab, Repeat

The Jouster is by no means a discount Cavalry. It can beat Cavalry reliably, but they differ slightly in different situations. This is due to minor stat differences and the fact the Cavalry has a charge attack, but you will find these out with experience. They are both similar and your choice on who to use could be dictated by personal preference without impacting the final result extremely. Maybe it was not clear from the advantages, but someone in the comments noted that the Jouster does high damage, so this is here now. AI is usually better at killing enemies but it’s pretty stupid, so maybe you could possess the Jouster into the desired enemy units, and then let the AI loose.

Da Vinci Tank

Chungus intensify
Cost: 4000
Advantages: Pretty good health for cost, high damage, big bursts of cannonballs
Disadvantages: Slow reload time, cannot fire unless reasonably close, cannot shoot fast enough to prevent melee units from getting to it, can cause friendly units behind it to collapse when spinning

The Da Vinci Tank has a Leonardo Da Vinci inside it which is spiritually bonded to the Tank, which means when the tanks breaks/dies, Leo dies as well. The cannonballs are powerful but don’t seem to have any AOE damage, which feels off. The Tank does not fire fast enough to stop melee units to get up close and personal to hit it. It has good health and may feel like nothing is being done when you are up against it. When it spins, the plates fly up and your camera can enter into the Tank and you can see Leonardo Da Vinci. From sources in the comments, it seems most damage done to the tank is actually dealt through Leo himself, but while hitting Leo does lots of damage, hitting the hull does damage, albeit little. When possessing a unit, keep that in mind and aim for him.

Pirate Faction


Pew pew
Cost: 100
Advantages: Ranged attacks, expendable
Disadvantages: Low health, low damage, each gun only has one bullet, variable accuracy
Fighting Style: Shoot, Toss, Shoot, Toss, Punch

The Flintlock should be used in groups due to its inferior damage and health. It shoots a weak bullet which does little damage from one hand and then tosses the gun away. It does the same with the other hand and then punches the enemy until either it or the enemy dies.


Barrel boi
Cost: 200
Advantages: Near Hay Baler invulnerability to projectiles, high damage
Disadvantages: Low-ish health, attacks knocks Blundebuss on the ground, variable accuracy, slow attack speed
Fighting Style: Shoot, Fall and Repeat

The Blundebuss has a shotgun-like attack where it shoots a bunch of pellets. The pellets do good damage and the recoil knocks back the unit itself and the unit falls temporarily, which leaves it vulnerable. The barrel armour protects the Blundebuss from most projectiles making it essentially the shield unit of the Pirate Faction. Use in front of weaker units to protect them against projectiles.

Bomb Thrower

Boom Boom Boom
Cost: 250
Advantages: High damage, long range, AOE effect, drops bomb on death
Disadvantages: Low health, slow attack speed, can’t defend itself
Fighting Style: Throw, Boom, Repeat

The Bomb Thrower literally only throws bombs. That’s it. Use with other units to compensate for times where the bombs don’t kill everyone. It drops a bomb upon death.


Pretty litty – Nicholas Crompton
Cost: 400
Advantages: Good health, drags people into range of close combat units, good damage
Disadvantages: Damage and health are not enough against strong units
Fighting Style: Harpoon, Kick, Repeat

The Harpooner has a good range and shoots a harpoon which drags the target towards the unit. The Harpooner then proceeds to kick and stab the target with his legs and a sword attached to the harpoon gun until either it dies or the victim dies. After a certain amount of time the harpoon rope detaches.


The big ship gun we all know and love
Cost: 1000
Advantages: Shrapnel does good damage, long range
Disadvantages: Low health, little to no AOE damage, low fire rate
Fighting Style: Shoot, Repeat

The Cannon shoots a large rock which breaks on impact upon an enemy unit or a surface. The broken pieces of rocks also do damage as well.


Aye aye mother fu
Cost: 1500
Advantages: Has both a gun and a sword, can deflect some melee attacks, gun has pretty noice damage, good health
Disadvantages: Not much else other than the advantages, expensive
Fighting Style: Shoot, Hit, Deflect, Repeat

The Captain shoots a gun which basically shoots a weaker Blundebuss shot and stabs enemy units with his sword. The sword can also deflect some attacks like the teacher.

Pirate Queen

Female power
Cost: 2500
Advantages: Has a 360 bomb attack, can deflect some attacks, two swords, high damage, high health
Disadvantages: No ranged attacks
Fighting Style: Stab, Stab, Deflect, Jump, Boom, Repeat

The Pirate Queen is pretty noice. She can deflect attacks like the Captain or the Teacher and stabs people with two swords. After a cooldown ends, the Pirate Queen throws the Bomb Thrower’s bombs around her and jumps up out of the blast radius as they explode.

Spooky Faction

Skeleton Warrior

spooky and scary. clickety clack.
Cost: 80
Advantages: Instigates fear, has shield, expendable, cheap
Disadvantages: Low health, low damage
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

Clickety clack. Fear makes hit unit run away from the skeleton no matter what. Use to get enemies off cliffs and stuff.

Skeleton Archer

spookier, scarier, crispy
Cost: 180
Advantages: Ranged attacks, fire, cheap, expendable
Disadvantages:Low health
Fighting Style: Pew

Shoots fire arrows which surprisingly burn people. Fire spreads. It’s noice.


evil lumiere
Cost: 200
Advantages: Pushes enemies away a good distance, high rate of fire
Disadvantages: Low health, mediocre damage
Fighting Style: Throw n Repeat

My man throws spirit balls or something which make enemy units fly back and glow blue. The candle colour is the same regardless of team. Use in large groups of same or different units if facing large numbers or ranged units.


bleh bleh bleh
Cost: 200
Advantages: Holds enemies down, fast, can turn into a bat making it smaller and faster, jumps at enemies, attacks prevent enemy retaliation, reasonable health
Disadvantages: Vulnerable when feeding, usually dies early, can only attack one enemy at a time, cannot attack big targets well
Fighting Style: *turns into bat* Flap n Repeat, *turns into campite* Nom n Repeat

Pretty much a bat zombie. Feeds on enemy units which makes retaliating difficult and makes them fall to the ground and pulse red, slowly draining health. Use to simulate the walking dead.

Pumpkin Catapult

I really don’t know what to say about this one
Cost: 1000
Advantages: AOE attack, high damage, projectile bounces
Disadvantages: Low health, low rate of fire
Fighting Style: Chuck n repeat

In my opinion, pretty boring. Catapult with a bouncy pumpkin instead of a boulder.


Cost: 1000
Advantages: Ranged attacks, high rate of fire, flies, can hold off any units equal to or weaker than the Jarl alone without a shield
Disadvantages: Low health, does not back up, bowl haircut
Fighting Style: Sword Throw n Repeat

The Swordcaster is an interesting unit with floating swords around it. The swords automatically attack so if you possess it, the swords will be thrown without input. If the Swordcaster dies, the swords turn towards the Swordcaster and stab it, which can rarely stab close enemy units.


Thou ist f**cked
Cost: 2500
Advantages: High damage, huge AOE damage, good health, flies, has tentacles which automatically kill normal sized enemy units after a cooldown, cool cloak, upon death it sucks in all units around it
Disadvantages: Upon death it sucks in all units around it, health is low relative to other units of the calibre, no ranged attacks, expensive
Fighting Style: Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab, Scythe n Repeat

Oh boy. The Reaper. Holy s**t. This dude. If you try to go one-on-one with this unit (except the Ballista) you are sure to be f**ked. The six tentacles on the Reaper’s back kill any enemy unit normal-sized (such as the Squire) instantly and hold it for a while until after a cooldown, which it drops the dead enemy unit and kills a new one. That’s only half of it. The scythe of the Reaper is destruction incarnate. The attack can hit almost every unit in front of the Reaper and does absurd amounts of damage. If the Reaper is killed, the body turns into generic skeleton pieces and sucks in units around it for a moment.
NOTE: Yes the extra pictures are intentional. There are just too many cool shots of this unit.

Wild West Faction

Dynamite Thrower

Cost: 120
Advantages: AOE damage, cheap, high damage
Disadvantages: One dynamite, very delayed explosion, low health, low damage, kamikaze
Fighting Style: Throw, Punch

Kinda like an upgraded Bomb On A Stick because the dynamite explodes way after its been thrown, so the Dynamite Thrower will walk into the radius before it does and kills itself. Once they have thrown the dynamite, they will punch the enemy until either they or it dies.


miiiiiiiiinnnneee diiiiiiiiaaaaaammoooooonnnnndddddsss
Cost: 200
Advantages: AOE effect when attacking, alright damage
Disadvantages: Low health, pickaxe can get stuck
Fighting Style: Minin’

The Miner’s attacks look strong, but really, they aren’t that good. It has a small knockback effect when the pickaxe hits the ground, but thats it.


Travis Scott x Landfall
Cost: 400
Advantages: High health, explodes occasionally with spikes, lunging punch, sticky punches, drains enemy health when they are stuck, projectile proof
Disadvantages: No ranged attacks
Fighting Style: Punch, Spike explosion n Repeat

The Cactus is surprisingly good. It has really high health for the price and when punching, it lunges forward, giving it a boost. Some of these hits are sticky like the Minotaur’s and the enemy unit will start draining health while held by the Cactus. The Cactus also has an explosion attack which shoots spikes around it, knocking back enemies and dealing damage. Also it’s projectile proof.


Airstrike is five seconds out
Cost: 650
Advantages: Basically infinite range (when possessed), does not count as bullets so cannot be blocked by armour or dodged, high damage
Disadvantages: Doesn’t walk back, low health, slow reload
Fighting Style: Pew pe- WOAH WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥

This is probably one of the most overpowered units when possessed. Undodgeable, high damage attacks, which have infinite range, are a recipe for destruction. There isn’t much to say but take advantage of this unit before it gets nerfed.


Cost: 850
Advantages: Horse trampling deals extremely high damage, fast, can lasso, unit deployment
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Clop Clop Clop WOOOSH lasso time

The Lasso is insanely powerful and will wreak havoc if ran into crowds. That said, if you do do that then it will likely die, but it’s worth it. The Lasso, as the name suggests, also has a lasso, which will tie up and enemy and will drag him along while the unit rides on. It also deals damage.


I’ve got you in my sights
Cost: 900
Advantages: High damage, high range, fastish reload
Disadvantages: Delayed shot, low health
Fighting Style: Ready aim FIRE

The Deadeye adds a tan tint to the unit it’s aiming at and adds a target symbol. If you possess the Deadeye, you’ll realise that when you press LMB to fire it, the shot is quite delayed. Keep this in mind if you do possess it. Other than that, it has good range and high damage.

Quick Draw

Well, do ya, punk?
Cost: 1200
Advantages: High damage, high rate of fire, high reload speed, can dodge projectiles, can jump back when too close to enemies, cheap for what’s offered, high range, auto aim
Disadvantages: low health, low range when not possessed
Fighting Style: pepwpewpewpewpewpwpewpewpewpewpewpewpepwepwepwepwepwepwepw

Wow. The Quick Draw. Absolutely amazing. Looking at the advantages says everything. You’ve got it all. Also, if you possess it, you basically have infinite range. Just read the advantages. Nothing else needs to be said.

Secret Faction


Don’t let go
Cost: 90
Advantages: Holds enemies and lifts them up, cheap, dropping enemies stuns them
Disadvantages: Low health, low damage
Fighting Style: Glue Grab, Float, Punch, Drop

The Ballooner glue grabs the enemy with a punch-like attack. Then it deploys a balloon and floats up with the enemy unit and punches the unit if it has a free hand. Keep in mind, the enemy unit can still attack and potentially kill the Ballooner. After a certain height, the balloon drops off and the Ballooner drops the enemy. When they hit the ground, they are stunned momentarily. If the Ballooner is not dead, it will continue to punch/glue grab the enemy but will not float up again. The Ballooner is pretty abysmal against large units, so put them away from them. The reason behind this is that large units usually do AOE damage and kill Ballooners faster than they can get enough of each other on the enemy unit too make it float.
NOTE: More than one Ballooner can carry one unit.

Bomb On A Stick

suicide simulator 2020
Cost: 140
Advantages: AOE effect, high damage
Disadvantages: Low health, kamikaze
Fighting Style: Woah wait No- BOOM

Just kills itself. Kind of like the barrel in the open Alpha but slower.

Fan Bearer

Cost: 200
Advantages: Keeps enemies away
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: wooooosh

Surprisingly, the wind actually does some damage, albeit weak. Good Riot control.


Cost: 200
Advantages: High damage, very fast, holds enemy
Disadvantages: Low health, can run off edges
Fighting Style: omnomnomnomnom

Pretty much fast animal zombies. Use hundreds for WWZ effect.

The Teacher

Get up, young man
Advantages: Can dodge and parry
Disadvantages: Expensive, low health
Fighting Style: Dodge, Parry n Attack

The Teacher can reliably take on two squires at once, for reference. He will attack people if they do not attack him but otherwise parry and dodging takes precedence in attacking order. Has a cool beard.


Fus Ro Dah #unoriginal
Cost: 250
Advantages: Huge knockback, can punch
Disadvantages: Low damage, low health
Fighting Style: Fus Ro Dah

Kind of a stronger Fan Bearer but slower rate of fire. Not much else to note.


bouncy lad
Cost: 300
Advantages: Dodges attacks, dual wields, does a cool flip
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Hit n Stab

Cool flip. The Jester has two blades attached to its wrists and does a flip to avoid attacks. Pretty good.

Ball n’ Chain

stripey in style
Cost: 350
Advantages: Jumps forward, good damage, good health
Disadvantages: Not really any
Fighting Style: Jump, Weight Slam

The Ball n’ Chain is a good unit overall. It jumps pretty far and the landing has an AOE effect. The only real downside is when facing generally stronger enemies.

Chu Ko Nu

pew pew pew
Advantages: Decent damage, fast bursts of arrows, backs away
Disadvantages: Stupidly slow reload, low health
Fighting Style: Shoot, Back away n Repeat

The Chu Ko Nu is much more effective in a group, as its reload is 12 seconds long. WHY. It shoots 5 bolts and these do pretty good damage. Protect them with other units.


Behead this man, Gerald! Not worth it.
Cost: 350
Advantages: High damage
Disadvantages: Low health, expensive
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

Not a great unit, that’s all i have to say.


Kick noises
Cost: 400
Advantages: Sick kick, kick deals lots of damage, kick has fast charge time
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Kick n Punch

The taekwondo guys have had quite an upgrade since alpha, and are much more valuable. they deal a kick which does buttloads of damage and punches while kick is loading.

Raptor Rider

grr deluxe
Cost: 480
Advantages: Fast, high damage, unit deployment
Disadvantages: Can fall off edges, low health
Fighting Style: Charge n Attack

Raptor Cavalry.

Secret Faction Part 2


Give me a T, Give me a A, Give me a B, Give me a S, what does that spell? TABS, what else?
Cost: 500
Advantages: Gives others the big buff, effect stacks
Disadvantages: Too strong of the effect can cause some units to just kinda go unconscious (Sensei), low health, no offensive capability, expensive
Fighting Style: no

Cool lad which increases attack speed of other units of its team. Basically a healer but with attack speed. Essentially effective with everything.
NOTE: After extensive testing, i have concluded the attack speed buff is perman


Actually pretty complicated
Cost: 500
Advantages: Makes attacks unusable for hit targets, makes enemies turn on everything including own colour, hard to reach
Disadvantages: Slow, no close-range attacks
Fighting Style: Pew Pew

The Cupid shoots love arrows, and whatever it hits will fall in love. This means that for a few seconds, they cannot use their normal attacks, and will do some sort of vampire attack thing where they kiss the closest unit, regardless of colour, to death. Make catapults, ballistas and units like that go insane.

Mace Spinner

Extremely fun unit. Belongs in Beyblades.
Cost: 500
Advantages: Spinning is cool, Knockback when hitting enemies, Decent health
Disadvantages: Low Damage
Fighting Style: SPINNNNNNN

The Mace Spinner spins, as it says, but can turn into a tornado when enough cheerleaders are present. It doesn’t do that much damage however.


Cost: 500
Advantages: Throws 6 Clams at once
Disadvantages: Extremely low rate of throw, low health, clams don’t distract enemies, clams do mediocre damage
Fighting Style: Throw clams

Clam Scarecrow.


beefy sarissa
Advantages: Good health, high damage, fast attack speed
Disadvantages: Expensive
Fighting Style: Beat em with a Stick

Chunky Lad which can stab and impale enemies. Is very good all round and very fun to possess.

Wheelbarrow Dragon

Weirdly better than the original dragon.
Cost: 1400
Advantages: Unit deployment, fast, high damage, pushes enemies back
Disadvantages: Once tipped over, the fire no longer works, easy to tip over, low health
Fighting Style: Charge

Weirdly, the Wheelbarrow Dragon is better than the actual Dragon. It is faster and does more damage and will beat a Dragon most of the time.

Bomb Cannon

whats the point of the fuse when it explodes on contact
Cost: 1400
Advantages: High damage, AOE attack, reasonable rate of fire, has a close range attack
Disadvantages: Low health, slow
Fighting Style: Boom pow

Shoots a huge bomb. Nice.


Cost: 1800
Advantages: Fast as hell, high damage, unit deployment, pretty good shield
Disadvantages: Horse has low health, expensive
Fighting Style: Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrggee

The cavalry unit has lower health than other units of its cost but more than makes up for it from its strength and speed. It will beat the Mammoth 9 out of 10 times. Stay away from units with high damage and AOE damage or you can say goodbye to the horse and eventually the knight.

Lady Red Jade

Ullr second generation
Cost: 2000
Advantages: Overpowered at the moment, high damage, unfairly fast attacks, spin attack is mmmmmm, high health
Disadvantages: Strangely weak against Horse units and groups
Fighting Style: Spin charge, Hit, Kick, Repeat

Ullr second generation? What does that mean? If you haven’t understood already or are new, Ullr was overpowered as all hell when he first came out, and the same seems to take place here. Lady Red Jade has the insane Spin charge with huge AOE damage. She also smacks people with her spear and kicks them which does tons of damage. She is faster than the Shogun in attack speed and will beat him most, if not all, of the time. However, her weakness seems to be Cavalry, Jousters, and large groups of enemies. Turns into a giant tornado with enough cheerleaders.


Cost: 2500
Advantages: Big jump AOE attack, high health, high rate of attack
Disadvantages: Not high enough health
Fighting Style: Jump, Punch, Punch, Kick, Spin, Repeat

He just jumps and hits. Fun man.Turns into a massive tornado with enough cheerleaders.


Great Dynasty Unit. Wooooooooosh.
Cost: 2800
Advantages: Fast attacks, insanely agile charge attack, fast dodge, good health, blocks tons of projectiles at once
Disadvantages: Expensive
Fighting Style: Charge, Stab, Dodge, Repeat

The Shogun is a very fast boi and very strong. It can deal lots of damage to a Tree Giant single-handedly to soften it up for other units. The charge speed is almost instant and does very good damage. It can dodge many attacks at the same time and is a very tough unit. It can also deflect tons of projectiles at once.

Secret Faction Part 3

Samurai Giant

Chunky samurai which can do a webster
Cost: 3000
Advantages: Large AOE damage, cool flip, quite quick attack speed
Disadvantages: Low health for cost, expensive
Fighting Style: Hit, Flip, Repeat

The Samurai Giant is the cheapest of the three giants. It attacks by slamming its sword on the ground which causes a small explosion type thing, and flips up into the air. When the Samurai Giant lands another AOE explosion and kills lots of dudes.


Ninja Artemis
Cost: 3000
Advantages: Fast throw rate, multiple shurikens thrown at once, longer range than Ninjas
Disadvantages: Low health, expensive
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

The Sensei is a Stealthy Artemis and a great unit. Use it with other units to compensate for the low health, but if you put a lot of cheerleaders around it, and let the computer throw the shurikens for you. (The Sensei throws shurikens faster now)


RIP old Ullr
Cost: 3000
Advantages: Very good AOE and attack, high damage, good health
Disadvantages: Slightly slow rate of throwing, viability significantly decreases without possession
Fighting Style: Stand n Throw

In my opinion, this is an efficient unit you can get and is even better if you possess it. Ullr throws axes which deal great damage and form an explosion of freezing. Dependable and powerful. However it can deal the ice effect to itself so be careful.

Tree Giant

Hobbitus Gargantuus
Cost: 4000
Advantages:High AOE damage, high attack speed, high health
Disadvantages: Kinda slow
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

Pretty overpowered due to a lack of many outstanding weaknesses.

Ice Giant

stomp stomp stomp
Cost: 6000
Advantages: High damage, highest health
Disadvantages: Slow, expensive
Fighting Style: Punch n Repeat

Record Holder: Biggest Boy
Speaks for itself.


Insane ranged unit.
Cost: 6500
Advantages: Insane damage, high rate of fire
Disadvantages: Doesn’t move away from enemies, relatively low health
Fighting Style: Stand n Shoot

Shoots bundles of arrows which deal high damage. The Ice Giant Slayer.



Secret Unit Locations

NOTE: I already collected some of the weapons so you won’t see them. In order to unlock the units, what you need to do is stay near the weapons until they unlock, no buttons.



Bomb On A Stick


Fan Bearer

Ancient Sandbox


Tribal Sandbox

The Teacher

Ancient 2




Medieval 1

Ball n’ Chain

Wild West

Chu Ko Nu

Ancient Sandbox


Medieval 1



Raptor Rider

Tribal Sandbox

Secret Unit Locations 2


Tribal 1


Ancient Sandbox

Mace Spinner

Medieval 2



Bank Robbers

Wild West


Medieval 2

Wheelbarrow Dragon

Farmer 1

Bomb Cannon



Medieval 2

Gatling Gun

Wild West

Secret Unit Locations 3

Lady Red Jade






Samurai Giant





Viking Sandbox

Tree Giant

Medieval 1

Ice Giant

Viking 1


Ancient 1


The Infinite Campaign Units [PATCHED]

If you play TABS, you may know that when there are too many units, it will take some time to load all
of them. If you end a battle, press “f” twice while units still are still spawning and then press clear as quickly as possible, all following units that spawn amount to 0 points, so you can use all original points for more units. This works well with cheaper units so it takes longer for all the units to load.

Normal 6000 points

With the glitch

Used in the field

Small Bugs

Comment bugs you find down below so it can be added here and send a link to a picture. If any developers of the game sees it, they can know.

– If you get frozen in first person and its the final kill of the battle, the helmet will not have a frozen texture and will remain visually unfrozen.


Fun Gallery

Memoirs of moments from my games in TABS


Latest Update Notes

Patch Notes V0.13.2

Bug Fixes
The Sensei will not hit themself with their Shuriken Tornado ability.
Dark Peasant will no longer block friendly projectiles, like the presents and stones from the stoner.
Fixed the spider head prop.

Made the left-hand version, for weapons with two versions, work for both hands and removed the Right-hand versions.

Weapons affected:
Boxer Gloves
Super Boxer Gloves
Jester knife

Slightly decreased the time between shots of the Deadeye’s Winchester.
Reduced the aiming time of the Deadeye’s Winchester.



I probably won’t be able to constantly check how many views this guide has so i’ll celebrate early.


Update: Ok now it is. yay.


Update 3: 1000 nice

The Group

Honestly, I don’t know why the group exists, but now it does. Join it and do something related to TABS. I hope you enjoy your stay.


Legacy Faction


The classic fodder. My long lost love.
Cost: 30
Advantages: Expendable, very expendable, insanely expendable, cheap
Disadvantages: Low health, low damage
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The real OG. The Peasant has got quite an aesthetic overhaul since the alpha days, as well as a gender change. The simple 1, 2 punch is all it takes to do the job, and numbers is key.

Banner Bearer

Stand your ground, men (and women)!
Cost: 100
Advantages: Pretty decent damage, allows enemies to stay in place, cheap
Disadvantages: Cannot move by itself, doesn’t let units move even if they’re in danger
Fighting Style: Hit if you come near

One of the members of the Tactician Duo, a long awaited unit which causes surrounding friendly units to freeze in their tracks. This lets you position archers and guards in important places. Can defend itself but not against large groups.


The Archer’s twin separated at birth.
Cost: 120
Advantages: Fast fire rate, cheap, expendable
Disadvantages: Low Damage, low health
Fighting Style: Shoot n Repeat

Kinda boring. Just shoots arrows faster than the archer but they deal less damage.


Cost: 220
Advantages: Good firing rate, temporarily disables weak enemy units, drains health
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Shoot n Repeat

Cooler than the Poacher. The Blowdarter has a surprisingly decent firing rate and shoots poisoned darts at the enemy, which upon impact, poison the enemy and drain their health up to a certain point, as well as making them collapse. Cool concept, but nothing that different other than prolonging death. The dart itself does terrible damage but that doesn’t really matter.


I don’t even know what to say
Cost: 300
Advantages: Massive damage on first hit, massive range
Disadvantages: Pretty useless after first hit, throws weapons away after first hit, low health
Fighting Style: Hit, Drop n become Peasant

The Pike has a massive pike which does insane damage on the first hit. It can take a king to below half health in one hit. Basically useless after that first hit cause the Pike just throws the weapon away and then becomes a peasant.

Barrel Roller

Suicide bomber but fast
Cost: 350
Advantages: AOE effect, high damage, fast
Disadvantages: Dies after attacking, low health
Fighting Style: Speedy n Die

Speeds into battle and explodes and dies. Head ticks from shoulder to shoulder like a time bomb.


Conor McGreggy
Cost: 450
Advantages: Good health, good damage, good attack speed, cool poses sometimes, fun cartoony punch effect
Disadvantages: Kind of expensive, no defence against ranged units
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

Just an all-around good unit. No real ranged defence units.

Flag Bearer

Cost: 500
Advantages: Good damage, makes itself and other units around it faster
Disadvantages: Low health
Fighting Style: Charge n Hit if you come near

The other unit of the Tactician Duo, all friendly units around it speed up. Use this to charge and get slower units into battle faster.

Legacy Faction (Part 2)


Cost: 750
Advantages: Can makes normal units bow down and unable to attack
Disadvantages: Low damage, low health, doesn’t move that much, expensive
Fighting Style: Hit n Repeat

The Pharaoh raises his arms and then creates a golden circle. Any enemy units caught within it bow down and are unable to attack while slowly draining their health. This doesn’t really work that well against bigger enemies. Use with other units to protect it.


]You shan’t pass
Cost: 1200
Advantages: High damage, AOE attack, good all-around, pretty good spell-casting rate
Disadvantages: Kind of expensive but not really
Fighting Style: Spell, Hit n Repeat

This is where the legacy units start getting very powerful. The wizard staff fires this green bolt of a spell which causes the target unit to spin uncontrollably and explode a bunch of electric bolts, damaging nearby enemies. It’s really effective against groups and has a good recharge rate. Unlike some other ranged units, the Wizard can defend itself from melee units which are too close with a sword that’s pretty good. Solid fighter.


The classic
Cost: 1800
Advantages: Fast, good damage, unit deployment
Disadvantages: Unit deployed not amazing, expensive, low health
Fighting Style: Charge, Hit n Repeat

The ol’ boy is back. The main focus of this unit should be the horse, which basically does all the work. It deals damage to anything it runs over and is insanely fast. The guy at the back is pretty useless but he’s pretty cool I guess. There are also blades on the wheels which do a little damage.