While FTL doesn’t have a workshop option for mods. They are still available.
For those of you that want the easiest possible instructions in order to gain access to mods. This is your guide.
This guide is for Windows 10 users.
1. Go to Slipstream[sourceforge.net] and download the mod manager.
2. After you have finished downloading. Click on “show in Folder”.
3. Drag folder to main desktop for easy access.
4. Go to the mods[subsetgames.com] forum. Select and download the mods you want from this list. The most comprehensive list of mods is the Master Mods List.[subsetgames.com]
5. When you finish downloading a mod, click on “show in folder” and move the mod to the main desktop.
6. Open Slipstream Mod Manager.
7. Open the Slipstream Mod Manager Folder.
8. Open the Mod folder.
9. Drag the mods you downloaded into the mod folder.
10. Back out of the Mod folder.
11. Click on Modman.jar.
12. Click on the mods you wish to use for this play session.
13. Hit “Patch”.
14. Click Yes when asked if you want to run the game now.
15. The game should now be playing with the mods you selected.
As an additional note. There are mods that come pre-installed with Mod Manager. Playing with Beginning Scrap Advantage, and Engi Scrap advantage allows you to gain a large scrap reward at the start of every civilian and engi system, including the first. The extra scrap alone can be very helpful in helping you to win the game.