South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Guide

Colour and Dye Guide for South Park™: The Stick of Truth™

Colour and Dye Guide


A colourblind-friendly guide to the colours and dyes in The Stick of Truth.

Character Creation

When you first create your character, you can change the colour of his hair and clothes. To the right is a complete list of the colours available on the character creation screen. Each ‘basic’ colour is divided into three shades in the same way the dyes work in-game. This means that – for example – ‘black’ and ‘white’ both contain shades of grey.

Stock Dyes

From the very start of the game, even before you find a single dye, it’s already possible to change the appearance of your gear. Not including the first shade of ‘black’, any dye you currently don’t have will appear blacked-out on the list.

The stock colours you can use are different shades of black, brown, red, yellow, green and blue.

The Complete List

Here is the complete list of colours you can find in the game. The green-blue text denotes colours available from the start, while the yellow text covers the dyes you can find during the course of the game.

The names of the dyes you can find in-game are named exactly the same as the items you pick up. If you’re colourblind (like me), certain colour names will mean nothing to you without explanation. For reference:


Teal is a mix of green and blue.


Indigo is somewhere between blue and violet. Despite the colour of the object you pick up in-game, it appears in the menu as more of a dark blue-green.


Violet is a colour between blue and purple.

Available on Day 1

On your very first day in South Park, it’s actually possible to get almost all the dyes straight away, and only a couple of them require a key. You can click on a screenshot to get a closer look.


Liane Cartman’s room, left dresser drawer
Cartman’s garage (requires key from Cartman’s living room drawer to the right of the couch)
Middle cupboard in Butters’ bathroom
Lime Green
Go left from the bus stop and across the road, then up behind a tree next to the bench is a path leading to a hobo camp. The dye is in the blue/green tent.
Outside, under a tree to the left of the Community Centre
In the post office, in a cupboard next to the door
On top of the U-Stor-It roof (access via Professor Chaos’ Lair (requires key from the chest of drawers in the middle of Butters’ room)
Yellow Orange
Up the ladder inside the U-Stor-It van
On the right, behind the counter inside City Wok

Available on Day 2

Only one dye becomes available on your second day.


Sky Blue
Continue the main story until you reach Kyle’s back garden. The dye is in the tent, halfway up in Kyle’s tree house

Available on Day 3

The last two dyes become available on the third day.


In Chef’s P.O. Box in the post office (requires key from the cupboard all the way on the right of the school cafeteria during your second visit there*)
Behind the fence next to Jimmy’s house (requires Gnome Shrink Powder)

*Even though you can get Chef’s P.O. Box key on day two, you can’t leave the school until after the story there has concluded, and by then the post office is closed. You’ll have to wait ’til morning!

The Makeover

Getting maximum points in the makeover section is very easy. It’s being included in this guide because at first I thought that being able to see the correct colour-combinations were important; however, it’s totally possible to reach 100,000 points without paying attention to the colours at all. Here’s how:

Start off by either choosing the hair or dress you want your character to wear. From there, it’s a simple matter of scrolling through and selecting each of the other options until a heart appears next to the icon. The girls will praise you for each correct choice. When you’re done, you should have hearts next to all icons and 100,000 points (see screenshot below). For your effort, Wendy will give you a Sparkly Unicorn Sticker – a level 11 weapon strap-on which allows you to gain 4 PP on a Perfect Attack.