Portal 2 Guide

The correct way to solve Propulsion Intro for Portal 2

The correct way to solve Propulsion Intro


In this guide I show you how to solve the first chamber in Chapter 7 called “Propulsion Intro” the “correct” way


In this map there is a way to shoot a portal all the way to the end of the map.


At the start of the map you can see this section next to the elevator.

You need to press against the rail here.

Now, look at the numbers on the green wall.

Lineup the rail with the number 9 in the “1972”

Look exactly where I’m looking at in the image above!
you should be able to shoot a portal all the way to the end if the map

After all of this you can simply bhop or reportal to the ending

The world record of the map is 11.95 seconds! try to beat it in Challenge Mode 😉
