Portal 2 Guide

How to remove an item from your Workshop Showcase for Portal 2

How to remove an item from your Workshop Showcase


Because Valve still hasn’t fixed this and it’s been about four years.

The problem

The Workshop Showcase is a great way for people to showcase their favorite Workshop creations on Steam. People can select up to five items to showcase on their profile.

Problem is, after you fill all five slots, you can only change the items and not remove them. There’s literally just no button to go back to having a blank slot. And, if you do put five items in your showcase, one of them wraps onto the next line.

Here’s an example:

Which is like, perfectly mildly annoying.

Why has the “remove item” button been missing for… going on four years now? I guess the technology just isn’t there yetâ„¢

The solution

Turns out, the Workshop Showcase will skip over invalid items. So we’re going to use a little piece of Javascript to make one of the items in this showcase invalid.

First, go to your profile and press Edit Profile, and scroll down to the problematic Workshop Showcase.

Next, click on the item you want to remove. The “Select Your Favorite Workshop Item” dialog will open.

Next, we’re going to open our browser’s Developer Tools menu. Right click anywhere in this dialog and choose Inspect Element.

Then choose Console.

This is where we put the little bit of Javascript. Write this in the console:


The dialog box will close, and you’ll be left with only 4 Workshop items. Depending on which item you chose to remove, the layout might be a little buggy, that’s fine.

Then just press Save and your Workshop Showcase is back to normal. Tada. Refresh your profile after a couple seconds and all should be back to normal.


Double bonus points to

for helping me out with this. Decided to assemble it into a Steam guide so it doesn’t get lost in the infinite whirlpool of weekly support thread reddit comments.

This also works on other showcases, presumably, but I haven’t tested it on anything other than the Workshop Showcase because I don’t care about them. ;]

And it would also seem at first glance that you could put another Workshop item ID in for a workshop item that’s not yours, and showcase someone else’s item on your profile. Steam seems to sanity check that you’re actually showcasing your own items, though, which is probably for the best. Hah.

Thanks for reading, now go fix your profile.
