How to host your own non-steamworks server and let more than 4 players play RoR2 Multiplayer [Friends not included]
To start, steam; as far as I know does not allow more than four players in a STEAM server, so you will have to host it yourself (non-steamworks), and port forward or use hamachi to have a virtual LAN connection.
With the introduction of dedicated servers now using steamworks (why) this method does not work anymore.
Starting up
To host the server you will need to know how to port forward, i’m not gonna go into much detail in the guide on how to port forward as its different for every single modem so i’ll just give you a link to a site that I think will help. CLICK ME!!![portforward.com]
The port you will need to forward is port 7777 to 7777 as for the protocols I used TCP or UDP. Next you will need to obtain your public IP address this is rather easy, all you need to do is simply google “Whats my IP” or just click this if you’re lazy[www.whatsmyip.org] and set it aside, you’re “friends” will need it to connect later on.
Setting the Max Playercount and Hosting the Server
Now open RoR2 if it wasn’t previously open and go to the main menu.
Once there press Ctrl Alt ~ ( ~ is the button above your Tab key btw) this will open the Console you will need to set the max player count which is the command sv_maxplayers X X being the number of players you wish to set, default is 4.
Now type host 1 this will bring you to the character select screen, you are now hosting your own non steamworks game, gj.
Now going back to when you first found your public IP; give that number to your trusted “friends” they will need to go to their RoR2 main menu and open the console Ctrl Alt ~ remember? They will need to type connect YOURPUBLICIPHERE so for example; “connect 12.345.678”.
To conclude
Congrats, you can now play with an infinite amount of people, granted you actually have amount of people and internet power to sustain that amount of people.
A few things, the game seems to keep scaling how much loot drops, how much the chests costs and amount of enemies, boss health, etc, keep going up with the amount of people, have fun with that. ALSO A BIG THING: there are no player names like at all, only the host has a name, everyone else is just blank, this can make things a liiiiittle confusing, so my group decided to just play different classes to differentiate each other.
Have fun playing with a giant group of people.