Hotline Miami Guide

Combo King! for Hotline Miami

Combo King!


This guide is an easy way to get the achievement Combo King.

How to get it!

You’re going to need to start on Chapter 5, Full House. Your mask should be Tony, with Fists of fury. Zach is also an alternative.
As soon as the mission starts, you want to rush in and punch the first person in the room, not picking up any weapons. then run over to the room on the left and hit him as well. After that, leap down the hallway to the door on your left, and beat the two people in there. Rush to the right door, and if you were quick enough, you should be able to take out the dog and the other guy without getting killed. By the time you’ve killed all of those people, another guy with a dog should be coming down the hallway. Kill those people and run into the blue room at the top, slamming the door into one of the people with guns. Punch the other one that has a gun, and then finish off the melee ones. Be sure to finish the one you hit the door into, otherwise he’ll get back up. If you managed to finish all this without dying or losing the combo, then you will have the achievement! Horray!

Also, if you dont have the These are my guns! achievement, then you could finish that one up because after this there’s one guy left below you, and another easy floor.

By the way,

Thanks for reading my guide! It’s the first one I made, and I hope you liked it, or it helped you in some way!