Don’t Starve Guide

Don't Starve: Surviving Forever for Don't Starve

Don’t Starve: Surviving Forever


This is a guide for surviving for long periods of time, or forever. If you think I should add stuff, or think I’m wrong make sure you tell me! 🙂

Don’t Starve: Day 1

Day 1: On the first day of Don’t Starve there’s a number of things you need to do. The first thing you should do is: Either get an abundance of grass and berries or carrots. Or you can get grass, wood, and pinecones. Either way your going to need to get grass and food. If you want make a torch at night you can go out and gather all the things you weren’t able to get, such as rocks, or flint.

Don’t Starve: Day 2-5

Days 2-5 On the second day through the fifth day you’re going to want to go out, search for pig villages, beefalo herds, and tallbird nests. The pig villages are good because you can feed the pigs, and they will follow you and attack anything you don’t want to and their pig houses can be broken down using a hammer for cut stone, wooden boards, pig skins. Once you break down a house make sure you get the pig skins first, the pigs around you will run for them and try to eat them. Once you find a beefalo herd make sure you check their butts. If their butt is pink, they WILL attack you if you get too close to them. If their butt isn’t pink, they aren’t hostile. Make sure you pick up all the manure you can find, as it is useful for makeing farm plots and fertilizing your plants. Finding tall bird nests isn’t required but if you can defeat the bird after you take it’s egg, you will recieve an egg and a couple pieces of meat.

Days 6-10

Day 6-10 These days are some of the most important. You should set up a camp, get the Alchemy Engine, and have multiple farm plots. You need to start stocking up on meat from morsels, and capturing bees so you can make bee boxes. If you did all these steps correctly you should be able to make it past atleast day 50.

I think this is a good way to start Day 1? 🙂


This is Wilson. He is the first character you unlock, and one of the best. His secret ability is he can grow a beard, which can be used to keep you warm during the frightful winter, or make an meat ethigy.

Willow is the 2nd character you unlock. She starts with a lighter which can be used to get charcoal early in the game. Charcoal is a good fuel source for fires, and is also used for crockpots.

Wendy is the 3rd character. Her dead sister Abigail will come back at some nights and defend you from any monsters, hounds, spiders anything really.

Wolfgang is the 4th character. He has a large amount of HP and Hunger, but he is scared of the dark making his sanity drop faster than any other characters. Also, the less food you give him the lower his stomach meter will get, eventually making him weaker and weaker.

WX-78 is a robot and the 5th character. He is resistant to food spoilage (Meaning it doesn’t matter how spoiled the food is, it does the same amount of healing and hunger for him). He also recieves boosts from lightning, but rain will slowly damage him and gears are also used to upgrade him, not just for fridges.

Wickerbottom is the oldest character this game knows. She will start with tier 1 crafting ablilities and self make books, however she will refues to sleep on the ground and will only sleep in tents. ( I believe )

Wes, possibly the hardest character to survive with. He doesn’t talk, so you will not be alerted when hounds are coming, he has 75 health, and 115 hunger! The people on Klei forum reffered to playing as him as “Hardcore Mode”. He also practicies baloonomacy, which means he makes animals that will explode.

(Feb. 11th Update) Insanity, and cool hats. 😀

In the most recent Don’t Starve update the game Devs added Insanity. Insanity controls whether or not your character hallucinates and sees bad things, or if your character is normal and happy.
Bad things that make you go insane: Mobs, wormholes, nighttime, nighttime alone, and not having fire.
Things that make you not go insane: Picking flowers, makeing Taffy (4 honey in the crockpot, this food item is specifically used to increase sanity), being outside during the day, and eating food.
I’m sure there’s a ton of other things that can increase and/or decrease your sanity. I do not know them all at the moment.

From what I know sofar, you can make a bush hat which will disguise you as a bush.. lol
I saw a picture of a guy who had Wilson wearing a hat made of flowers? I’m guessing that raises sanity. They’ve also added cobblestone, and shadow armor/weapons.

If I left anything out let me know in the comments and I’ll make sure to add it right away!

Thumbs up the guide! It took me a while..

Thumbs up the guide so more and more people can see this and learn what I have learned. If this becomes more popular I will make an extremely in-depth guide to Don’t Starve and everything in it.
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