this guide will teach you how to be the BEST WEBBER IN THE ENTIRE WORLD
who even IS webber?????
one day aaron webber was transported to purgatory by bootleg waluigi and he sucked so much he lost a fight to a spider who then ate him but for some reason he didn’t die because eeeehh?????
instead he somehow extended his arms and legs through the spider’s flesh and bone so that he could walk and he became a weird human spider combination like spiderman but less cool
how do i GET webber???????
go to your nearest walgreens and purchase webber’s skull and by purchase i mean steal
then go to the pig king and trade the skull to him and he will give you 10,000 gold nuggets at once so make sure your computer is running windows vista or else your computer will spontaneously combust
with all 10,000 gold nuggets you will have enough money to make someone at klei unlock him for you
how do you PLAY webber??????
ok pay attention because this is the important section
step 1
explore the entire island until you find a big patch of spider dens in one big spot like this
step 2
wait until sunset and go bribe a spider with a piece of meat to go attack a random spider
step 3
walk right into the war and hold spacebar to get every item you would ever need forever
step 4
that’s it