Don’t Starve Guide

Don't Starve - A Guide to Wilson by Onionboy for Don't Starve

Don’t Starve – A Guide to Wilson by Onionboy


Let’s face it – Don’t Starve is hard, even with any character. This is my guide to the first character you will play as in Don’t Starve – Wilson, The Gentleman Scientist.

First Night

There are two different ways you can survive the night – Exploring or camping.

Camping (Not recommended) –

To make a campfire, you will need a few logs and some grass, and more logs to fuel it during the night. While your sanity (more on that later) is stabilized by a campfire, it is not portable and you are stuck in one spot for a while, wasting valuable exploration time. As with both methods, you will also need food.

Exploring (Recommended) –

Exploring is probably the best method of covering ground efficiently at night, making sure you don’t lose any time at a fire. The best way of exploring at night is making two torches, which use a few twigs and sticks, and continuing to walk around at night. However, you will be blind, so using the map is a good idea. Another danger you may run into is spiders. Because spiders are nocturnal, they will be on the prowl at night, and if you are caught unexpectedly, and with minimal gear, you will probably die. A great tool to use is the roads, which increase your movement speed. Another advantage with this method is your ability to use less materials, as you will not need to build an axe.

An Ideal Base

By day 5, you will have wanted to set up a starter base and continue on a path to gradually making it bigger and better.

Resources to Gather:

Gold: 1/2-1 stack
Gold is used for making longer lasting tools and various science items.

Rocks: 2-3 stacks
Used for fire pits and advaced farm.

Logs: 2-3 stacks
Fuel and crafting material.

Grass: 1-2 stacks
Crafting material.

Twigs: 1-2 stacks
More crafting material.

Gears: 2-4
Used in an ice box, which slows food spoilage.
*Note: These can be obtained by killing clockwork knights, bishops, and rooks.
Silk: 10-20
Used for clothing items.

Bees: 4-12
Used in bee boxs.

Honeycomb: 1-3
Used in bee boxs.

Locations and Biomes to Locate

– Savannah (With lots of beefalo, rabbits and grass)
– Forest (Trees, twigs, grass, berry bushes)
– Grassland (Bees)
– Rockland (Spiders and rocks, duh)
– A pig village (Optional, not extremely neccesary)
– Clockwork area (Gears)

Where to Put Your Base

Ideally, you will want to set up your base somewhere close to all these biomes and resources where can easily acess them.

What to Have in Your Base:

– 1-4 crockpots
For making better food.
– 3-6 drying racks
For making jerky from meat, which lasts much longer.

– 6-8 advanced farms
Used to grow things.

– 1-2 birdcages
Used for getting dragonfruit seeds to get dragonfruit, which will allow you to make the best food in the game, dragonfruit pie.

– 2-3 bee boxs
For making honey, which is used to make the second best food in the game, honey ham.

– fire pit
For fire, of course.

– ice box
To slow down food spoilage.

Anything else is optional, I recommend having chests with rabbits in them for a stockpile of food. More on that later.

Preparing for Winter

What to Stock up On:

Since food and plants grow more slowly during winter, you will also want to stock up on those materials. Logs will be handy to stock up on, because of the decreased effectiveness of fuel in winter.

Items to Have and Stockpile:

– 2-4 stacks of logs
– 2-4 stacks of grass
– 1-2 stacks of twigs
– lots of jerky
– dragonfruit pie or honey hams
– Sewing kit (To repair clothing)
– Heat stone (To stay warm)
– Winter hat (To stay warm)
– 1-3 chests of rabbits (Extra food)

Ideally, having a few chests full of rabbits can really help you in case something happens to all your food, or you run out. Rabbits are also active during the winter, so you can easily replenish your stock.

Another helpful tool you have at your disposal as Wilson is your beard. Your beard grows and takes about 18 days to get to it’s full length, which is right before winter starts. The beard provides with some insulation.

Managing Insanity

Disadvantages of Insanity:

When you go insane as any character, you see shadow creatures which can kill you and are a nuisance. Also, rabbits become beardlings which give you beard hair, monster meat, and nightmare fuel, and no morsels.

Advantages of Insanity:

Insanity can help you a little bit. You can easily gather nightmare fuel and beard hair from rabbits.

How to Deal With Insanity:

Picking flowers raises your sanity a little bit, and with 12 flowers, you can make a garland which stabilizes your sanity at dusk and night and raises it the day.

You can also shave your beard, giving your some beard hair, which can be used in a meat effigy, which can ressurect you in case of death.


I hope you all enjoyed and found this helpful.

As this is my first guide, feel free to leave criticism and/or tell me it was great or if it sucked.

Don’t starve!